Sunday, 2021-02-07

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geertuAha, arty builds with microwatt10:01
geertuThe trick is --cpu-variant=standard+irq10:01
geertuBut then the OC build fails due to "ERROR: No such command: read_vhdl", as Yosys doesn't do VHDL yet?10:02
geertuHmm, use_ghdl_yosys_plugin?10:55
geertuERROR: This version of yosys is built without plugin support.10:59
geertuWish I had read _until the bottom_ before10:59
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Melkhior@geertu is microwatt complete enough to run an operating system yet, or is it just for some baremetal codes ATM ?14:00
MelkhiorI wish I could use a SPARC CPU like LEON with LIteX, might be able to build a fast buildhost for pkgsr in NetBSD/sparc :-)14:01
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geertuMelkhior: It should be14:37
geertuLeave out the "fast" part ;-)14:37
Melkhior@geertu for microwatt certainly not fast (my G5 Quad would be tough to beat in an affordable FPGA;-)  ), but for 32-bits SPARC you only really need to outrun a couple of 60 MHz SuperSPARC (SM61) or some 100-150 MHz HyperSPARC ; might be achievable in reasonable FPGA for integer workload such as compiling... currently I/O is a big issue (Qemu15:04
Melkhiorsmokes the real hardware), followed by memory (at most 512 GiB in a SS20) and then CPU (which Qemu beats, but currently it can only emulate a single core).15:04
MelkhiorI suspect that if you could fit a couple of LEON with a minimalist FPU in an Artix-7 (100k?) with litesata & liteeth and at least 512 MiB, it would compile faster than a dual-SM61 system - assuming you can port NetBSD to it, that is :-)15:04
Melkhiorlooking forward to linux-on-litex-microwatt:-)  :-)15:04
leonsI knew this CPU would haunt me because of the name at some point! It all starts with IRC notifications :)15:05
Melkhior@leons sorry :-)15:05
leonsBut actually, I'd be very happy about LEON CPUs in LiteX as well! Even if it's just for experimenting15:05
leonsMelkhior: no worries, just joking around :)15:05
MelkhiorWould love to try LEON, but I've found nothing as easy-to-use as LiteX for it ... the grlib/Cobham Gaisler stuff is way too complicated for me, and the other open-source SoC supports higher-end (read: more expensive) FPGA boards15:08
tpbTitle: ESP - open SoC platformESP | ESP - open SoC platform (at
MelkhiorCheapest board I see a constraint file for is the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU102 Evaluation Kit, and that's $2.5k already... the VCU128 is $9k15:18
MelkhiorIt's a bit expensive just to try LEON...15:18
Melkhiorso, sticking with VexRiscv & looking into packed simd ('P') at the moment15:19
leonsMelkhior: holy smokes. Yeah, I'm really happy that I can do VexRiscv with PMP + quite a few LiteX cores + LiteEth + some custom cores and it fits in my ~100€ budget15:21
leons(with the Arty A7 35T)15:21
Melkhior@leons Yes it's an impressive piece of SW15:23
MelkhiorBut i've added too many instructions in VexRiscv (somewhat naively so I'm probably wasting space), dual-core is starting to feel restricted ib my 35k Artix-7...15:23
MelkhiorIt's just too easy to play with, now I want more :-)15:23
leonsthat's the benefit of a single-threaded OS, there's only so much complexity your CPU will reasonably need :)15:24
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FindeMelkhior: there's a gsoc idea for FOSSi of connecting openpiton to litex, which could enable the opensparc t1 :p20:42
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