Friday, 2021-01-22

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_florent_cr1901_modern: we should probably fix this in the gateware, I'm currently trying to remove such workarounds from LiteX :) I could also look at that if you create an issue with your findings08:13
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zypsounds to me like the root problem is that the queues don't support resetting only half of it09:30
zypI imagine that will be an issue anywhere you deliberately want to reset only one of the clock domans it is crossing09:32
zypso I figure the right solution would be to somehow reset both sides of the queue even if only one of the clock domains are reset09:34
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_florent_zyp: thanks, that's also what I was thinking. Doing a reset of both side should still allow the link to stay up.09:49
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cr1901_modern_florent_: I will open an issue in a few hours, when I'm a bit more awake. I have an idea how to fix it.11:40
cr1901_modernHopefully nextpnr-ecp5 won't allocate more than two extra SLICEs with my changes, but I'll measure and see11:42
cr1901_modern_florent_: Basically, my idea is to add a third clock domain to the CdcUsb core- it uses usb12's clock, but it has a separate reset that comes from the system clock domain (internally synchronized by the CdcUsb module)11:45
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_florent_cr1901_modern: ok thanks13:40
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cr1901_modern_florent_: I opened an issue, but for now I'm taking a break from litex issues. I'm satisfied that I figured out the problem.13:44
cr1901_modernI wanted to test orangecrab out, litex was a good way to do this, and the USB serial issue was the "big" issue I wanted to fix w/ litex13:45
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_florent_cr1901_modern: sure, thanks a lot already for looking at this. What's the occurrence of the issue (just to give me indications when I'll try to reproduce)?13:48
cr1901_modern"python3 litex_boards/targets/ --l2-size=0 --integrated-rom-size=24576 --integrated-sram-size=4096 --integrated-main-ram-size=16384 --cpu-variant=minimal --uart-name=usb_acm --doc --build --load", type a char at the UART, then press button to reset13:50
cr1901_modernChances are, the UART will stop echoing back. Type a few more characters, and the CPU completely stops responding13:51
cr1901_modern>Chances are, the UART will stop echoing back13:51
cr1901_modernSorry. Let me rephrase.13:51
somlo_florent_: 697ff744 broke add_uartbone() for me13:52
cr1901_modernThe UART will echo fine. But if you type in more characters into the terminal after resetting via push button, chances are the chars will not be echoed back13:52
geertucr1901_modern: Is this related to the issue where you copy and paste a command into lxterm, causing lxterm to crash, _and_ the orangecrab needing a cold reboot?13:52
cr1901_modernAnd eventually, the CPU will infinitely wait for the USB to drain it's TX queue13:52
cr1901_moderngeertu: I don't know13:53
cr1901_modernThis crash only happens after I've reset using a pushbutton13:53
somlothat should be `self.platform.request(name)` and s/bandrate/baudrate/ :)13:54
somloeven then, I now get something about "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'NoneType'" from the UARTPHY initialization call13:55
_florent_somlo: sorry, this should be fixed14:00
_florent_cr1901_modern: ok thanks, so we should make sure both side of the CDC have a proper reset on push button reset or avoid propagating the system reset to the CDC. I'll have a closer look next week14:04
somlo_florent_: thanks, building ok again :)  Is the idea to go back to using the "normal" uart for console and do litescope over JTAG?14:04
_florent_somlo: I'm working on a system where I only have a JTAG connector and want to be able to use the bridge for debug on this system,  so I'm trying to get LiteX server running over JTAG14:10
_florent_somlo: if working, you could swap things on your side yes if that's more convenient14:11
somlooh, so what I said would be a side-effect of that :) But it would indeed be more intuitive to keep the "normal" uart for "normal" console and do debugging over jtag :)14:12
somloI'm ok either way, now all I need is some peace and quiet from $DAYJOB to focus on what signals I want to trace and how to trigger the capture at just the right time...14:13
geertucr1901_modern: The board indeed crashes when holding ENTER in lxterm, and pressing the board button14:19
geertuA large copy-and-paste into lxterm is a different issue. If I don't press the button, it recovers. If I do press the button, it probably triggers the above issue.14:19
_florent_geertu: thanks, I also saw something similar. Note that's it's only happening with the CDC ACM UART that is a bit "hacky"15:20
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cr1901_moderngeertu: What are the settings you use to build linux-on-litex-vexriscv for orangecrab? The RAM bringup doesn't seem to work on mine (but I have a prototype v0.2)19:08
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_florent_cr1901_modern: your issue is probably, it's still not fixed.20:19
cr1901_modern_florent_: Yes, that's it. Thanks20:20
cr1901_modern_florent_: I'm willing to take a stab at the CDC issue tonight. But after that, no more litex issues for me for now lol. I'm procrastinating and I need to stop20:22
cr1901_modernfor me after that*20:25
_florent_cr1901_modern: I'm going to have a quick look at it now in fact, I'm just building the target to try to reproduce it20:26
cr1901_modernAwesome, the command line I provided is a minimal SoC, designed for quick turnaround w/ nextpnr20:26
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_florent_cr1901_modern: I just pushed changes and update the PR, can you do a test and provide feedback? Thanks.22:01
cr1901_modern_florent_: Will check in 2 seconds, please stand by22:11
cr1901_modernI want to finish what I'm doing right now (downloading a bunch of docs) and then I'll move on to testing :)22:11
cr1901_modern_florent_: Before I test this...
cr1901_modern1. Shouldn't this be added to _CRG as well?22:48
cr1901_modernoh... it was already22:49
cr1901_modernI misread22:49
cr1901_modern_florent_: Seems to work fine23:02
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