Saturday, 2020-11-28

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_florent_Finde: Ariane (CVA6 now: would indeed be an interesting CPU to support, I've also been thinking about it, there will probably be opportunities to add support for it next year08:18
_florent_daveshah, somlo: not sure I followed exactly the issue you are looking at, but if you think it could be related to LiteX, happy to help (on monday)08:22
daveshahNo, it's definitely a synthesis bug08:23
_florent_ok, thanks08:24
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daveshahgreat, I've reproduced the problem using litex_sim hacking the build script to run a Yosys opt pass09:45
daveshahnow I can compare the vcds and find exactly which signal is going wrong09:45
daveshahthere's no address bus activity at all with broken Yosys09:46
daveshahso something has definitely gone horribly, horribly wrong09:46
daveshahugh, I think the problem isn't actually in Yosys but some UB in Rocket/its glue (a debug register that is never clocked, reset or initialised now being validly optimised to x rather than 0)10:45
daveshahunfortunately, finding out where those clock/resets should be coming from is a bit tricky10:46
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daveshahsomlo/_florent_: the following monkey-patch fixes the above UB by tying async reset to 1 so the FFs are kept at 0 instead of being undefined11:01
tpbTitle: Snippet | IRCCloud (at
daveshahi'll leave it up to you as to whether this needs to be fixed by changing how the debug signals are tied in the LiteX Rocket glue, or whether there is a problem in Rocket itself11:02
daveshah(note that patch is for a minimal, not Linux, config but it was just about testing things as quickly as possible, I don't think it's the right fix anyway)11:03
daveshahnever mind, ignore that patch, I had some other stuff in my tree that was messing things up11:11
daveshahsomlo/_florent_: sorry for all the noise. ignore the previous diff, here is a proper patch that seems to work.
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somlodaveshah, _florent_: I merged 713, as it does indeed fix litex+rocket when using the new yosys13:14
somlodaveshah: thanks a ton for tracking this down!13:14
daveshahgreat, thanks for confirming!13:14
daveshahno problem13:14
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cjearlsHi, I'm doing some Verilog digital design on Linux, and I was hoping that someone would be able to direct me to some good tools for waveform viewing and debugging. For a while, I have been using ModelSim in a Windows VM, but I'd prefer all my tools to run natively on Linux. I tried using Verilator to dump waveforms, then GTKWave to view them, but it didn't seem as easy to use as Modelsim. Do you have any recommendations for a good combination23:13
cjearlsof tools?23:13

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