Wednesday, 2020-10-28

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KSmith_florent_ thanks for the reply yesterday, i was able to use commit 88a268354daaaa6422ed875ad8c580dbaf1d81a1 and it no longer gives an error and generates an image. i have a follow up question, buildroot generates 3 files in output/images rootfs.tar, rootfs.cpio and Image, however reading boot.json and looking at the prebuilt i require 4 files06:28
KSmithroot.cpio, Image, rv32.dtb and emulator.bin, were the emulator.bin and rv32.dtb suppose to be generated or is there another step required to get these two files?06:28
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Krickithi everyone10:49
Krickitthere is anyone?10:50
sorearif you have a specific question, you'll get an answer faster if you ask it now with as many details as possible10:51
sorearthis applies to most IRC channels10:51
Krickityes I generated i liteX for my versa ecp5 with picorv3210:52
Krickitwhen i try to do place and route i have this error:  Unable to reach CIB within 1 routing segment for clock 'clk100_1' with driver 'clk100' at site 'P3/PL68C'10:53
Krickiti did't change nothing and I verified all PIN10:54
daveshahYou are doing anything else unusual? Or just using the target as is10:54
Krickitjust using the target10:54
KrickitI want understand how it works now10:55
Krickitis it a possible falsepath?10:55
daveshahNo not a false path, rather it is unable to use the correct clock routing for some reason11:04
Krickitany suggestions?11:06
KrickitI resolved11:45
KrickitEHXPLLL (//.CLKI(main_crg_clkin),11:46
Krickitchanged CLKI(main_crg_clkin) with CLKI(clk100)11:46
Krickitin the up lines there is a assign between those clock11:47
Krickitand this, for diamond, is a problem in the route's fase11:47
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MelkhiorKSmith I think the rv32.dtb is generated by the bistream generation process in linux-on-litex-vexriscv, in the directory buildroot/ (as a device tree, it is board/configuration-specific)12:28
MelkhiorThe emulator is also in linux-on-litex-vexriscv, in emulator/emulator.bin12:29
MelkhiorI also have a question on booting linux-on-litex-vexriscv.I've managed to create a new platform/target in litex-boards for my board, generate a bitstream, get the litex prompt, watch the LEDs do their thing, and load a kernel. So far so good :-)However, if I use a prebuilt image from GitHub, the process hangs after:"Starting network: OKStarting12:31
Melkhiordropbear sshd: [    0.000000] random: dropbear: uninitialized urandom read (32 bytes read)OK"It seems to just sit there, not responding to the serial console (I only have a serial connection, plus some LEDs, no ethernet/sd/...).If I rebuild my own image in buildroot (from an existing tag such as 2020.08.x, as HEAD seems broken as mentioned in12:31
MelkhioraGitHub issue), both the simulation and the real FPGA fail to boot with:"[    0.000000] Kernel panic - not syncing: Scratch register read error! Expected: 0x12345678 but got: 0x78000000"12:31
KSmithMelkhior thanks, i eventually figured it out after experimenting for a while. does the order in which you use make(get rv32.dtb and emulator) and generate the linux image(Image and roottfs.cpio have any influence/matter?12:32
KSmithim also having end Kernel panic - not syncing: Scratch register read error! Expected: 0x12345678 but got: 0x78000000 error when attempting to test my own image12:33
KSmiththis is for the nexys4ddr board12:33
tpbTitle: Kernal Panic - (at
MelkhiorKSmith yes I see a similar backtrace...12:41
Melkhiorperhaps try the prebuilt one, to see if it goes further (for me it does, just seemingly hangs after starting sshd)12:41
KSmiththe prebuilt linux is working for me, i believe i have had it stop after dropbear and before login, however i was messing around with alot of different things so im unsure of what caused it12:50
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Krickitwith the board Versa_Ecp5 what I have to do in order to view the text from UART?15:54
daveshahConnect to the USB serial port (the second if there are two) at 115200 baud15:57
Krickityes, but is there any default text that should display?16:06
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st-gourichon-fidHi! On a design with a SERV doing aligned 32bit read at flash then at next address (thus unaligned by one byte) appears to crash the CPU.17:07
st-gourichon-fidSame crash with VexRiscV instead of SERV.17:11
st-gourichon-fidCould it be a (known) bug in the flash-handling code?17:12
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st-gourichon-fidNow we do 8bit reads only, instead of 32bit reads, no crash.17:35
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zypst-gourichon-fid, are unaligned reads supposed to be supported at all though?19:58
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