Friday, 2020-10-02

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Bkhi everybody14:27
Bkcan I ask help?14:27
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acathlaBk, don't ask to ask, just ask.14:34
Bkok, sorry14:35
BkI'm new in this field and i need a tutorial or some info for start to use litex.14:35
BkI read documents on github but I don't understud well14:36
Bkcan everyone help me?14:37
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acathlaBk, what's your goal and your FPGA board if you have one?14:53
acathlaDid you read some Prensentations or tutorial listed here : ?14:55
tpbTitle: GitHub - enjoy-digital/litex: Build your hardware, easily! (at
Bki want to create a simple risc-v for Lattice Versa ECP514:56
acathlaThen you can follow the quick start guide14:57
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lambdaBk: in general, don't ask to ask, just ask your question :)16:21
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