Saturday, 2020-09-19

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lkclfutarisIRCcloud: hoo boy, 900k LUTs and 8GB of RAM, dang!10:28
daveshahThese are pretty cool too10:30
tpbTitle: SQRL BCU-1525 / VCU-1525 FPGA | eBay (at
daveshah2.5M logic cells, 4 DDR4 DIMMs, 2xQSFP2810:30
daveshahnot HBM like the fk33 tho10:30
lkclthere's a bug in SDRIO10:45
lkcl-        return InferedSDRIO(dr.i, dr.o, dr.clk, dr.clk_domain)10:45
lkcl+        return InferedSDRIO(dr.i, dr.o, dr.clk) # dr.clk_domain)10:45
lkclanyone know the "correct" fix here?10:46
tpbTitle: build/io: fix InferedSDRIO (thanks @mtdudek). · enjoy-digital/litex@9950e75 · GitHub (at
dkozelfutarisIRCcloud: Thanks! With GRCon done now I'm definitely getting back to gr-litex11:59
dkozelSeveral folks have bought CEL215 boards now so it'll be good to have a group working on it11:59
futarisIRCcloudI have two CLE-215+ here. And a HackRF.13:04
dkozelfutarisIRCcloud: nice! I'm at the point where i need to figure out how to setup DMA from the litePCIe interface to a core on the bus and then back to PCIe13:06
dkozelI have the GNU Radio side working where I can stream to/from the PCIe in loopback13:07
dkozelIt's been sitting undocumented for a while. Need to get it posted13:10
dkozelprobably there's some catching up with LiteX and litePCIe to do13:10
lkcl    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND13:44
lkcl 365243 lkcl      20   0 11.073g 0.010t  14216 R 100.0 17.0  26:21.76 yosys13:44
lkclthat's compiling a litex-generated pinout for an ASIC13:45
daveshahThe memories will be being bitblasted13:45
lkcldaveshah: ahh14:16
lkclit may be interfering with yosys-abc (which is segfaulting)14:17
daveshahThe solution will either to have LiteX use memory compiler primitives instead; or remove all calls to memory_map in your Yosys script so you are left with $mem cells (less ideal but maybe you can use memory_bram to map them to your ASIC primitives)14:18
lkcldaveshah: makes some sense, i know that staf (chips4makers) and jean-paul (coriolis2) will understand that14:20
lkcldaveshah: you mean stuff like this:14:40
lkcl    Consolidated identical input bits for $mux cell $memory\mem$rdmux[0][9][93]$90622:14:40
lkcletc. etc. ?14:40
lkclif that happens, equals Bad(tm)?14:40
daveshahIf the memory is large enough, yes14:41
daveshahThat's some attempt to optimise the memory after it has been bitblasted by the looks of things14:42
lkclit's a... 64k ROM14:42
lkcl1 of them is a 64k ROM (litex BIOS)14:42
lkclthe other's the SRAM which i reduced to 8k14:43
lkcli don't actually want a ROM in the ASIC, not for a test chip, that is.14:43
lkclwill be using JTAG to write to SRAM14:43
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lkcllibresoc 180nm "peripherals" created by litex, plus the core, compiled / routed under coriolis2.  yay!23:46

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