Sunday, 2020-02-16

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mithroFYI - whitequark reminded me that nmigen chatter has moved to the #nmigen channel03:11
sajattack[m]would linux on litex run with only 8MB sdram?06:35
leviBeen a long time since that small of a system was a common target.  I wouldn't bet on it, but it may be possible.  You certainly used to be able to, though.07:25
_florent_sajattack[m]: 8MB it will work with LiteX, but if you want to run Linux on it, the minimum supported is currently 32MB09:52
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rvensei have technically run linux recently on 8mb ram (stm32f7) but not done much with it12:28
Claudehi, i struggle a bit to instance a verilog module into my target. i added "self.platform.add_source("/home/claude/gateware/i2c_top.v") . but it seems to me that litex/nmigen cant find the module15:24
Claudethats the output i get
tpbTitle: Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 363, in - (at
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XiretzaClaude: paste the whole source17:04
tpbTitle: [Python] #!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Florent Kermarr - (at
daveshahClaude: try platform.add_source not self.platform.add_source17:11
Claudeok thanks will try17:11
Claudei'm obviously a python idiot ;)17:12
Claudedaveshah: thanks that looks good now17:15
XiretzaClaude: yeah, that. `platform` is only passed as a function argument to __init__, it's not a member variable17:15
Claudenice thanks for the help :) that works now. somehow i thought its a good idea to put a pll chip on my board which needs an i2c init first before it outputs clocks. but somehow i forgot to connect an always enabled clock to the fpga. so the i2c stuff iÄm doing is a small verilog init of the pll chip, prior the fpga PLLs get their reset and lock to the now incoming clock18:03
Claudeyay , boots now very reliable. prior i was using the OSCG as input to the FPGA PLLs. was quite unstable on the uart upload. now i can add my hdmi phy (TDA19888) and try running linux with framebuffer18:32
ClaudeTDA19988 even..18:34
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