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pyconau-c34-c35 | was just in 3.6 where the presenter is setting up. switched lecturn hdmi mode to talk to the present via opsis, but have an interesting intermittent issue | 00:27 |
AVHQ | uuuh | 00:30 |
AVHQ | whats the issue? | 00:30 |
xfxf-laptop | i believe sorted, was a PEBPAC | 00:40 |
xfxf-laptop | can all rooms pls confirm once they've started & everything all good? | 00:45 |
pycau-cb | all g | 00:46 |
keeper | all good in c33 | 00:48 |
xfxf-laptop | Cockle Bay: reviewing some videos where the camera is pointed at an empty lecturn or follows things erratically around on the stage during intro. remember to use the wide camera shot for anything like that please - that's why it is there! | 00:49 |
xfxf-laptop | Also recommend using slack on your phones for Ops > Camera comms - apologies isn't ideal, but it will work | 00:50 |
AVHQ | pyconau-c34-c35 you are terrible. | 00:52 |
AVHQ | make me do a sad! | 00:52 |
pyconau-c36 | all good in room 3.6 | 00:55 |
pyconau-c36 | except that the room is super-crowded | 00:55 |
AVHQ | oh no | 00:57 |
xfxf-laptop | try to push 'cut' on the room | 00:57 |
pyconau-c33 | Feed from grabber is shifted down, i.e. black bar at the top | 00:57 |
pyconau-c33 | And bottom cut off | 00:57 |
xfxf-laptop | the cable isn't plugged in properly then... | 00:58 |
xfxf-laptop | unplug, replug | 00:58 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | AVHQ: C3.4/C3.5 is terrible because our first talk was cancelled, so not much action here :-) | 00:58 |
keeper | Which cable? | 00:58 |
keeper | If you mean speaker hdmi, something similar halpened yesterday. | 00:59 |
xfxf-laptop | i'll come over | 00:59 |
keeper | *happened | 00:59 |
pyconau-c33 | it happened in 34-35 yesterday too | 01:00 |
xfxf-laptop | just looked at it, it's definitely an issue a unplug/replug would have fixed. the opsis hasn't 'locked onto' the signal properly, it's showing an invalid resolution | 01:03 |
xfxf-laptop | part of the pre-talk testing is also to validate the picture looks correct in vocto too | 01:04 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | We had a particular machine yesterday (Microsoft Surface Laptop + Mac USB-C-to-HDMI+Power+USB-A dongle) that was always showing black bars. Replugging didn't help; nor did fiddling with resolutions. Other laptops worked fine first go. | 01:06 |
xfxf-laptop | right, that one might be a specific different story - i wouldn't mind tracking down that presenter so I can better debug that | 01:08 |
xfxf-laptop | did they test their laptop on the test station? i'm guessing no :P | 01:09 |
pyconau-c33 | iirc it was the chair for the education track | 01:09 |
xfxf-laptop | ah, right, i remember seeing the notes for that one on the rec sheets | 01:09 |
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jayvee | Laptop in C3.4/C3.5 just crashed (desktop environment went totally unresponsive). | 01:12 |
jayvee | I'm rebooting it now, will commence retesting that it works. | 01:12 |
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AVHQ | xfxf is on way | 01:12 |
pyconau-c33 | happened again, we replugged a number of times but to no avail | 01:15 |
pyconau-c33 | usbc to hdmi adapter issue? | 01:16 |
xfxf-phone | I need a hdmi2usb to c33 urgent | 01:19 |
xfxf-phone | aVHQ | 01:19 |
AVHQ | on way | 01:21 |
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pyconau-c33 | We just had it happen again. Ryan debuged and it appears to be something with newer macbooks pros. If anyone else experiences it try setting it to 60 hz. | 02:01 |
pyconau-c33 | (Screen cutoff that is) | 02:01 |
CarlFK | micolous: im 1/2 around if you want anything | 02:11 |
AVHQ | pyconau-c34-c35 are you getting a crackle on your PA/speaker mic? | 02:18 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | AVHQ: yes, we are | 02:19 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | Doesn't appear to be clipping, sounds more like bad radio | 02:19 |
AVHQ | agreed | 02:19 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | Possibly low battery, but again doesn't seem likely | 02:20 |
AVHQ | please note it on the sheets | 02:20 |
xfxf-laptop | ok, if you're having issues, PLEASE report them here / in slack - we can't do much if we don't know about it | 02:20 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | Was going to, just concentrating cause it's mid-talk | 02:21 |
xfxf-laptop | np | 02:22 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | I'm reasonably sure I clipped the dongle to the outside of the pocket, don't think it's caused by that | 02:22 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | Will double-check when I unclip her though | 02:23 |
xfxf-laptop | np, thanks. lapel mics can be fun | 02:23 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | If still problematic for next talk, need to either fall back to handheld mic, or plug in lectern mic, but lectern mic sucks | 02:23 |
xfxf-laptop | please don't plug in the lecturn mic | 02:23 |
xfxf-laptop | if it's still problematic grab one of us | 02:24 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | Might want to ask the ICC on-call AV? It's their equipment, right? | 02:24 |
xfxf-laptop | yes - he's in c36 now i believe | 02:25 |
AVHQ | we are having the same issue in 4/5 ani 6 | 02:25 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | Feels to me like external radio interference then? | 02:27 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | xfxf-laptop: i just pulled one of the recordings from c35 and let the tech listen to it | 02:37 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | < peer btw | 02:37 |
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xfxf-phone | AVHQ: the crackling I am convinced is a CPU at full capacity issue. Something is running on these boxes which isn't meant to be | 03:05 |
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xfxf-phone | I'm rebooting all rooms, and will keep an eye on it | 03:05 |
AVHQ | copy | 03:05 |
xfxf-phone | The only things that should be running on the machines are the systemd things and the rsync script | 03:05 |
AVHQ | wait, our gear isnt outputting to PA is it? | 03:05 |
xfxf-phone | Is your preview doing any transcoding on the machine? | 03:05 |
xfxf-phone | No | 03:05 |
AVHQ | because the crackle is in the room too | 03:05 |
AVHQ | neg, it's RAW mpeg2 | 03:06 |
AVHQ | kleinig says he can see the sound input into vocto spiking with the crackles | 03:07 |
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AVHQ | the transcode is being done on my laptop as a demux for display | 03:08 |
xfxf-phone | AVHQ: can you please setup a laptop so I can monitor too? | 03:09 |
AVHQ | rgr | 03:09 |
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xfxf-phone | I need to hear what is going on as well - I could spot this issue immediately as soon as I heard it | 03:09 |
xfxf-phone | Thanks | 03:09 |
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lcaav-a1 | xfxf: We're having opsis issues in c33, we can't get output from the laptop. | 03:27 |
lcaav-a1 | It doesn't think an external display is connected either. | 03:27 |
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pycau-cb | i'll be there soon, debugging another issue | 03:28 |
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lcaav-a2 | room 3.6 ready to roll. Mics working ok so far ... | 03:33 |
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xfxf-laptop | so all: I think the issues we are seeing were a combination of CPU's peaking (please ensure the only things running on the machine are voctomix + friends!) and possible actual mic issues. i'm personally going to keep an eye on things for the next few sessions | 03:37 |
keeper | in c33 it was laptop, we borrowed a volunteers | 03:37 |
xfxf-laptop | all machines have been rebooted so you might need to change your nick | 03:37 |
xfxf-laptop | (they'll default to lcaav-g2 etc) | 03:38 |
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xfxf-laptop | is C33 ok now? | 03:38 |
xfxf-laptop | lpycon-c33: ping | 03:39 |
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lpycon-c33 | Yes, c33 is fine. | 03:39 |
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micolous | pycau-cb: your tallylights should be functional now | 03:52 |
pycau-cb | micolous: tested on camera2 and that is working, thanks! | 03:53 |
oheydrew | oooh | 03:53 |
oheydrew | faaaancy | 03:53 |
pyconau-c33 | xfxf: Almost forgot, we had another macbook that our adapater wouldn't work with (USB-C). | 03:53 |
oheydrew | :( | 03:54 |
pyconau-c33 | I had to borrow an adapater from a second person. | 03:54 |
xfxf-laptop_ | tried 50hz and 60hz? | 03:54 |
oheydrew | Yikes. Got any spares @xfxf-laptop_ | 03:54 |
pyconau-c33 | Didn't check sorry, the screen was totally blank. | 03:54 |
pyconau-c33 | Would appreciate a test of our USB-C adapter just in case. | 03:54 |
xfxf-laptop | yes have spares but want to validate that myself first | 03:55 |
micolous | All Dell USB-C adapters suck | 03:55 |
xfxf-laptop | yes have spares but want to validate that myself but fighting other fires atm | 03:55 |
pyconau-c33 | No worries, very low priority for now. | 03:55 |
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xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: are you around? we've bumped into a major blocker with the youtube API | 04:07 |
CarlFK | xfxf-laptop: kinda - whats up? | 04:07 |
xfxf-laptop | (hit a quota limit, michael can fix it but you need to add me as an owner of the veyepar app) | 04:07 |
CarlFK | micolous: any idea how I do that? | 04:08 |
xfxf-laptop | figuring it out now | 04:08 |
xfxf-laptop | ResumableUploadError e.content:b'{\n "error": {\n "errors": [\n {\n "domain": "youtube.quota",\n "reason": "quotaExceeded",\n "message": "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your \\u003ca href=\\"/youtube/v3/getting-started#quota\\"\\u003equota\\u003c/a\\u003e."\n }\n ],\n "code": 403,\n "message": "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your \\u003ca | 04:10 |
xfxf-laptop | href=\\"/youtube/v3/getting-started#quota\\"\\u003equota\\u003c/a\\u003e."\n }\n}\n' | 04:10 |
xfxf-laptop | (is the error we're getting) | 04:10 |
CarlFK | neat | 04:10 |
xfxf-laptop | If you know what project on console.cloud.google.com has 605850877391-gpf2psjci0n62f7r9lochir9g24u7c33.apps.googleusercontent.com | 04:11 |
xfxf-laptop | should see it on https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials | 04:11 |
tpb | Title: Google Cloud Platform (at console.cloud.google.com) | 04:11 |
xfxf-laptop | under client ID | 04:12 |
xfxf-laptop | (micolous here) | 04:12 |
CarlFK | hey M | 04:12 |
CarlFK | "Carls tests" | 04:12 |
xfxf-laptop | You can add ryan as an owner of the project at https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam | 04:12 |
tpb | Title: Google Cloud Platform (at console.cloud.google.com) | 04:12 |
CarlFK | Permissions for project "Carls tests" | 04:13 |
CarlFK | shouldn't ryan get his own client Id? | 04:14 |
xfxf-laptop | (ryan here) I did, except Youtube have to approve the app and scope and that may take weeks | 04:14 |
xfxf-laptop | and we need to upload videos nw :/ | 04:14 |
xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: your project is called "NDV's Veyepar" | 04:15 |
xfxf-laptop | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/KhUtczDX/ | 04:15 |
tpb | Title: Snippet | IRCCloud (at www.irccloud.com) | 04:15 |
xfxf-laptop | Developer info | 04:15 |
xfxf-laptop | Email: ut4ndv@gmail.com | 04:15 |
xfxf-laptop | do you have access to that user? | 04:15 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | (Non-critical, worked around) mini-DP to HDMI dongle didn't work with presenter laptop, but David happened to have a dongle in his bag that worked | 04:18 |
CarlFK | ut4ndv@gmail.com I think so.. somewhere... | 04:18 |
CarlFK | you broke my uploads | 04:20 |
CarlFK | good job. | 04:20 |
xfxf-laptop | it's out of quota. that's what we are trying to fix... | 04:20 |
CarlFK | you have been using my id when I told you to get your own | 04:21 |
xfxf-laptop | i think you may misunderstand - this is the *application*. veyepar is an application. we then authorise against it with our own accounts (i'm using my own) | 04:22 |
CarlFK | pretty sure I would not be having problems right now if you were using your own key | 04:23 |
xfxf-laptop | Does https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=605850877391 work for you? | 04:23 |
tpb | Title: Google Cloud Platform (at console.cloud.google.com) | 04:23 |
CarlFK | " You don't have permission to view API keys, OAuth clients, and service account keys " | 04:24 |
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CarlFK | xfxf-laptop - logged in as ut4ndv , now that url redirected me to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=leafy-ether-537 | 04:27 |
tpb | Title: Google Cloud Platform (at console.cloud.google.com) | 04:27 |
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CarlFK | LOL "You already have credentials that are suitable for this purpose" | 04:34 |
CarlFK | "Don't want to use this existing client ID? Create a new client ID" here goes... | 04:34 |
micolous | CarlFK: hey wait up a sec | 04:35 |
xfxf-laptop | i don't think that'll fix it, but have poked micolous | 04:35 |
micolous | Can you plesae go into IAM and add Ryan as a project owner for leafy-ether-537 | 04:35 |
micolous | And yes, that URL I sent you should redirect, because that is turning a cloud project number into a cloud project ID | 04:36 |
CarlFK | micolous: what is IAM? | 04:36 |
micolous | One sec | 04:36 |
CarlFK | and I just hit 'submit' on getting a new key. | 04:36 |
micolous | https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam?project=605850877391 | 04:36 |
tpb | Title: Google Cloud Platform (at console.cloud.google.com) | 04:36 |
micolous | Hit that | 04:36 |
micolous | press "roles" | 04:37 |
micolous | expand owner | 04:37 |
micolous | actually | 04:37 |
micolous | Hit that link, then hit Add (at the top) | 04:37 |
micolous | Add ryan's account as a project > project owner | 04:37 |
xfxf-laptop | ryan.verner@gmail.com is me | 04:37 |
micolous | ryan.verner@gmail.com | 04:37 |
xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: there are multiple G employees here so I think someone will sort it for us | 04:38 |
xfxf-laptop | (i hope) | 04:38 |
xfxf-laptop | i think we've hit it as we're both using it at the same time, so we've pushed the quota API beyond what we'd normally do in a 24 hour period | 04:38 |
xfxf-laptop | (it resets every 24 hours) | 04:38 |
micolous | ^^ this | 04:39 |
xfxf-laptop | micolous here | 04:42 |
xfxf-laptop | on ryan's lappy | 04:42 |
xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: Im filling out a quota increase for NDV on this current account | 04:43 |
CarlFK | neat | 04:44 |
xfxf-laptop | https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/4keGI5fT/Screen%20Shot%202019-08-03%20at%202.35.13%20pm.png | 04:44 |
xfxf-laptop | This is our issue, because we are both pushing stuff at the same time | 04:45 |
xfxf-laptop | Anyway, filling out the form | 04:45 |
CarlFK | What;s a query? | 04:48 |
CarlFK | also, resets in 2.5 hours, so that's worst case | 04:48 |
micolous | yes, we're aware | 05:08 |
micolous | So | 05:08 |
micolous | We have 80K units of quota per day, and a video upload costs 1.6K units | 05:09 |
micolous | That gives us 50 video uploads per day | 05:09 |
micolous | We've put in quota increase requests with folks, but right now **none** of the other projects we have, that have **previously** worked have access to the YT Data API | 05:10 |
micolous | We specifically requested quota to allow us to upload 500 videos per day | 05:10 |
CarlFK | neat - thanks | 05:10 |
micolous | We have escalations moving with folks, and I have a very tersely worded QI with Youtube (something something I got woken up at 03:45 for a fire alarm and couldn't go back inside for half an hour) | 05:10 |
micolous | BUT | 05:10 |
micolous | this is now the weekend in US | 05:10 |
micolous | We have things moving, but no idea when or if they will land | 05:11 |
CarlFK | 50 a day is fine for now | 05:11 |
micolous | It's clearly not | 05:11 |
micolous | I would like to prioritise pyconau uploads for now | 05:12 |
CarlFK | sure - I can hold off | 05:13 |
micolous | Thanks | 05:14 |
CarlFK | got a moment for a python problem? | 05:16 |
CarlFK | why does this error as is, but works if I use # fd = open('x','w+b') https://dpaste.de/FGU7 | 05:16 |
tpb | Title: dpaste/FGU7 (Python) (at dpaste.de) | 05:16 |
xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: micolous is sorting this out with another G employee atm | 05:21 |
xfxf-laptop | all rooms: all good? sorry you're being flooded ;) | 05:21 |
pyconau-c33 | All good in c33. | 05:21 |
pyconau-c36 | all good in c36 | 05:21 |
pycau-cb | cb is all good | 05:21 |
AVHQ | pyconau-c34-c35 ? | 05:23 |
xfxf-laptop | excellent! | 05:24 |
xfxf-laptop | you're all doing awesome by the way | 05:24 |
xfxf-laptop | the fact we can have a mini meltdown about youtube videos and you guys are all going great on your own is incredible | 05:25 |
xfxf-laptop | s/guys// :) | 05:25 |
xfxf-laptop | c35 + c36 - is the audio better in your rooms now, is that issue gone? | 05:26 |
pyconau-c36 | yes, sounds is good in c36. no crackling during the afternoon session. | 05:26 |
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pycon-cbcam | hay | 05:34 |
pyconau-c36 | AVHQ: testing in C3.6 right now, audio not showing on the mixer laptop | 05:59 |
pyconau-c36 | but coming through to the room audio | 05:59 |
pyconau-c36 | VU meter on the camera is not showing any audio either | 05:59 |
pyconau-c36 | AVHQ: okay, just fixed it. | 05:59 |
pyconau-c36 | (above the "roof" meter is a mute button -- just unmuted it) | 05:59 |
oheydrew | nice one | 06:13 |
oheydrew | did we lose any talks to that? | 06:13 |
CarlFK | im off to bed - good luck! | 06:20 |
oheydrew | 👋 | 06:22 |
xfxf-laptop | thanks - night! | 06:37 |
AVHQ | pycau-cb dont rush too much when mikeing a speaker, they slip easy | 06:58 |
xfxf-laptop | videos are uploading again \o/ | 07:22 |
pycau-cb | hooray! | 07:23 |
micolous | yay | 07:55 |
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pyconau-c36 | checked sound and video in c36. all good. will keep an eye (and ear!) on the av sync. | 22:31 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | C3.4/C3.5 verified working. Audio mixer was switched off, but pressed power button to turn it back on and all good. | 22:33 |
pyconau-c34-c35 | Laptop is down to 320 GB of disk space. IIRC it uses ~100 GB per hour (based on unscientific observations on Friday) so only got 3 hours of recording left? | 22:34 |
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keeper | The av guy said he was letting them cool down. | 22:43 |
keeper | He said it was fine to turn them back on. | 22:44 |
CarlFK | 100 GB per hour?! | 22:49 |
CarlFK | oh right, you are doing 1080? | 22:49 |
CarlFK | micolous: or someon that knows if I am using the right terms - can you prof https://github.com/CarlFK/veyepar/wiki/Service-Authorization | 22:50 |
tpb | Title: Service Authorization · CarlFK/veyepar Wiki · GitHub (at github.com) | 22:50 |
xfxf-phone | it's not using 100gb per hour, nm :) | 23:09 |
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xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: do you have capacity to try another import? we never got to that yesterday, too many other fires | 23:22 |
xfxf-laptop | if not, I'll start pointing micolous towards it | 23:23 |
CarlFK | python addeps.py --client pyconau --show pyconau2019 | 23:24 |
CarlFK | AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split' | 23:24 |
CarlFK | point away | 23:24 |
CarlFK | im guessing it is server side, and he seems somewhat in the loop with that | 23:25 |
CarlFK | have a distraction - friends company https://www.hdretrovision.com | 23:26 |
tpb | Title: HD Retrovision (at www.hdretrovision.com) | 23:26 |
CarlFK | who got his hdmi stuff certified so I'm going to bug him about our stuff and see if he knows how to test it | 23:26 |
CarlFK | just to know where we stand, not that I expect a sticker | 23:26 |
CarlFK | his site is kinda funny | 23:27 |
pycau-cb | pycon-cbcam: would it be possible to tilt down a little? | 23:27 |
xfxf-laptop | make sure you maximise the use of the frame - there shouldn't be lots of space above a speakers head | 23:28 |
xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: what requirements.txt do you use for addeps.py? | 23:31 |
CarlFK | xfxf-laptop: beats me. my laptop. | 23:32 |
xfxf-laptop | it seems different to the one used to install an encoder node, as addeps.py is complaining about missing modules on a system we're using for everything else | 23:32 |
xfxf-laptop | ha | 23:32 |
CarlFK | "encode" is only that | 23:32 |
xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: what is addeps.py meant to do? I just get this: | 23:37 |
xfxf-laptop | '\n\n{\n "schedule": [{\n "' | 23:37 |
xfxf-laptop | ooh wait | 23:37 |
CarlFK | thats the start of the json - tells me if it is json or html | 23:37 |
xfxf-laptop | because I renamed the show name | 23:37 |
xfxf-laptop | your 'if' is checking for the underscore | 23:37 |
CarlFK | did you git pull? | 23:38 |
xfxf-laptop | is --test working for it? | 23:38 |
xfxf-laptop | ah, not yet, we're working off a branch as we had to workaround licence issues | 23:38 |
xfxf-laptop | i'll do that | 23:38 |
xfxf-laptop | CarlFK: your code is expecting a client_secret.json and a credentials.json. How do they differ from the YT client_secrets.json? | 23:42 |
CarlFK | what code? | 23:42 |
xfxf-laptop | addeps.py | 23:42 |
xfxf-laptop | also, AttributeError: module 'oauth2client' has no attribute 'tools' | 23:42 |
xfxf-laptop | i have NFI what versions of things your code is expecting | 23:42 |
CarlFK | client_secret.json - what line? | 23:43 |
CarlFK | ah, maybe for the goog spreadsheet | 23:43 |
xfxf-laptop | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/NfvUXcu9/ | 23:44 |
tpb | Title: Snippet | IRCCloud (at www.irccloud.com) | 23:44 |
CarlFK | File "addeps.py", line 232, in goog_sheet | 23:45 |
CarlFK | yep. | 23:45 |
CarlFK | 1785 presenters = goog_sheet(... | 23:47 |
CarlFK | replace that with presenters = [] | 23:47 |
CarlFK | you won't get email or twitter .. hmm. | 23:48 |
CarlFK | it may blank out all the twitter IDs | 23:48 |
CarlFK | email doesn't blank out to handle this kind of case | 23:48 |
CarlFK | but only email | 23:48 |
CarlFK | see if you can get twitters added to the json | 23:49 |
xfxf-laptop | that's not going to happen unfortunately, the json comes from a public website with a public repo (static generated site) | 23:57 |
CarlFK | twitter? | 23:57 |
xfxf-laptop | that's hard for reasons I don't understand (i already asked) | 23:57 |
CarlFK | whack. | 23:57 |
CarlFK | welp, get the errors fixed, then I can add twitter | 23:58 |
xfxf-laptop | happy to get the errors fixed but I can't even get to where you are - see my paste above | 23:59 |
CarlFK | see my fix below your above | 23:59 |
xfxf-laptop | i can figure out the credentials by looking at the code, but I think I have a different version of oauth2client installed and your requirements.txt doesn't specify a version | 23:59 |
CarlFK | see my fix below your above | 23:59 |
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