Friday, 2018-01-26

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micolous[m]Lots of hum in Great Hall00:06
lcaav_greathallI'll let AV know00:06
micolous[m]Only when the speaker is talking tho, I think there's automatic gain control on the lapel mic channel00:07
videoteamyeah, lcaav_greathall , AV needs to drop the gain on the mic00:07
videoteamit's super loud, not peaky, just loud00:08
micolous[m]I blame xfxf for the fact I notice this now :P00:08
* videoteam coughs00:09
lcaav_greathallthey're adjusting00:09
videoteamwhat is that00:10
videoteamxfxf i think you need to go to greathall00:10
micolous[m]It has improved00:10
micolous[m]Bad again after she tapped it00:12
micolous[m]It sounds like there's some radio interference too00:12
micolous[m]Take care, audio just cut entirely00:13
lcaav_greathalllooks like he's consulting a second person now00:14
micolous[m]I'd suggest checking the battery on the lapel is the break00:15
lcaav_collabThe UTS AV people can remotely check the battery for the greathall, IIRC.00:15
micolous[m]Many venues don't change the batteries in the morning00:16
lcaav_greathallthey seemed to dismiss the "drop the gain", but are actively monitoring atm00:17
micolous[m]Getting worse, there's a higher frequency buzz going in00:18
lcaav_greathalllooks like xf just walked in00:19
videoteamleave it to uts av00:20
videoteamall we can do00:20
xfxf*makes grumpy noises*00:21
micolous[m]Handhelds are doing bad things too00:25
micolous[m]Scratchy as hell00:26
lcaav_greathallseems like they're going to deal with it this break00:31
lcaav_collabvys: This session has ended, could you come and help with the camera audio stuff.00:32
micolous[m]Chrisjrn is liaising00:32
lcaav_collabAnd dave still isn't here, so is there someone else who can help in 405?00:33
lcaav_collabxfxf help in collab please00:38
lcaav_collabswitching from L/R channels, audio knob on camera is strange00:38
xfxfI can't help I am in great hall00:39
xfxfDid somebody change opsis in great hall00:39
xfxfHDMI was in output 000:39
lcaav_greathallwe had feed from this guy not long ago00:39
tumbleweedlcaav_greathall: I can come00:40
tumbleweederr lcaav_collab I mean00:40
xfxfThe opsis had cables swapped. Who did that?00:41
lcaav_greathallnot us00:41
xfxflcaav_greathall: do you have somebody down here00:42
xfxfwe are super short on vollies today00:42
lcaav_greathallafaik, no00:42
lcaav_greathallDo we need someone down there?00:42
xfxfyes you always need somebody at the front helping people plug in or if there are issues mid talk00:42
vys[m]videoteam: level check in collab please00:44
lcaav_collabtumbleweed: Everything is good now, so if you aren't busy it'd be apprecaited.00:44
xfxfAnd ensure they have their laptop plugged into power etc00:44
xfxfI'll head to collab now00:44
lcaav_collabThe level sounds much better then last session.00:45
videoteamcollab good00:45
lcaav_collabAnd the room level is good.00:45
xfxfoh colllab are you OK now?00:45
lcaav_collabYep, vys came and fiddled with the cam.00:45
xfxfvys: all good?00:45
xfxfthe dials are super sensitive00:45
xfxfcan all rooms say how many AV vollies currently in their room?00:46
nbags[m]3 in largepod00:46
lcaav_collab1 here00:47
nbags[m]I'll come down I'm not doing anything00:47
xfxfnbags[m]: I'm coming over there now00:47
xfxfLet me co-ordinate00:47
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lcaav_collabWe just went over 100GB free - 98.84GB free now.00:49
lcaav_mediumMedium starting for the day. All is ok00:49
lcaav_greathallBottom of feed from presenter laptop is twitching slightly.00:50
videoteamlcaav_green, can you trun up your -- nvm he's louder now00:52
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* tumbleweed is back at hq01:01
xfxfkeith (great hall) is using a dell usb-c adapter, the apple one didn't work.  i can see it glitching out occasionally01:03
xfxfdon't think anything we can do without stopping him and mucking about with adapters01:03
tumbleweedI'm going to poke at it and see if I can see what's happening01:05
xfxftumbleweed: can you ready the laptop we're going to use for lighting talks timer?01:05
xfxfi'm aleady logged into it01:05
xfxfwer errors on one channel01:05
xfxfprefer we don't change anything on it remotely01:05
tumbleweedI see some WERs there01:06
xfxftumbleweed: i def think we need to add hdmi2usbd back in as well01:06
xfxf(for next event i mean, not now)01:06
nbags[m]tumbleweed: we r still getting weird stereo panning effects. Did u hear that when you were here? We need to look at it in the break01:06
nbags[m]Wasn't happening when I was here monday01:06
xfxfnbags[m]: are you sure the lecturn mic isn't on?01:06
xfxf'wierd effects' sounds like phasing01:06
tumbleweednbags[m]: collab?01:06
nbags[m]xfxf: no idea I just got here01:06
xfxfit is *super super super* important to ensure lecturn mic is off.  i cannot fix in post...01:06
nbags[m]Yes collab01:06
xfxfvideoteam: i assume you're on top of audio?  this should be super evident01:07
lcaav_collabI think the mic is just too loud, because people up the back said they couldn't here otherwise.01:07
videoteamit seems fine01:07
tumbleweedxfxf: you want to go help with collab audio in the next gap?01:07
tumbleweedxfxf: I've released the opsis serial lock01:07
xfxftumbleweed: can do, do you want to sit in great hall?01:07
xfxfi want someone here in case the opsis craps itself01:07
nbags[m]Levels are good but listen to the stream. Its weird. Pans from left to right01:07
xfxf(in the hall itself, not up the top.  too long to get from top to bottom)01:07
xfxfi'll head to collab01:08
nbags[m]I guess that's the gain thing tumbleweed was talking about01:08
nbags[m]Maybe it is just too loud01:08
tumbleweedoh, it's keithp. he should have working video...01:09
xfxfcan we tell him to debug/fix the output issues with his laptop? :P01:10
nbags[m]videoteam: i suspect this talk's audio could probably be fixed in postprod by killing the Right channel01:11
tumbleweedgood news, we can do that01:11
tumbleweedCarlFK[m]: ^^01:11
videoteami honestly dont hear anything with panning01:11
videoteambut sure01:11
videoteammaybe im deaf in my right ear01:11
lcaav_collabWhen left channel peaks at -4, the right channel peaks at -1.01:12
xfxfill fix01:12
tumbleweednote on the sheet, of course01:12
nbags[m]With earbuds watching the yt stream its really obvious01:12
lcaav_collabvideoteam, ryan here.  the audio is peaking, you can't hear that?01:13
lcaav_collabfixing now01:13
lcaav_collabit's 100% red in voct01:13
videoteamit's only just started peaking here. :|01:14
videoteamgood now01:14
CarlFK[m]if it no longer needs to be fixed by messing with channels, hit cut01:15
xfxfCarlFK[m]: i'd prefer to encode the entire file as either mono or stereo or mono copy tbh01:15
CarlFK[m]assuming normal is better than fixed01:15
xfxfchanging mid file sounds wierd01:15
tumbleweedeverything is mono anyway01:16
xfxfCarlFK[m]: it's all single channel audio - swings and roundabouts01:16
xfxfencoding everything as mono would be fine tbh01:16
xfxfbut stereo fine too01:16
nbags[m]I suspect the panning we heard in that talk was some autogain on the Right channel01:17
xfxfautogain is off01:17
nbags[m]Something was making it pan!01:18
micolous[m]That didn't pan out well01:20
xfxfi see what you did there01:20
xfxfvollies: lunch is down on level 3 at the back of building 1. in the open space going outside01:27
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xfxfcan we do anything about title slide?02:06
lcaav_collabSpace on this laptop is down to 85GB.02:16
xfxfack. think that's ok as you're only recording two more things02:18
lcaav_guthrieNot sure if the message has gotten around to everyone yet, but LT said he'd like to see all the volunteers around ~5:45 in the volunteer room.02:20
xfxfall: pls start making way back towards rooms02:23
xfxflet videoteam know if things are on fire02:23
CarlFK[m]xfxf (IRC): making custom title svg02:23
xfxfCarlFK[m]: thanks02:24
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videoteamwho dat02:31
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wcmckee_fixed :P02:32
lcaav_largepodthe speaker here asked for putting audio from his laptop to the audience/recording, anyone can help?02:34
xfxflcaav_largepod: have you tried?  there's nothing special about doing that, plug it into the 3.5mm jack, test, adjust the level on the lecturn controls02:35
xfxfmake sure you can hear it on the recording02:35
xfxfjea[m]: monday miniconf in large pod (hardware), all talks are set to release 'no'.  can you confirm if they're OK to release and if so set the flag on the schedule + veyepar, and let wcmckee know02:36
xfxflcaav_largepod: all good?02:37
lcaav_largepodboth 3.5mm jack and lecturn were turned on, could not hear anything02:37
lcaav_largepodcan you send someone here02:37
xfxfvys: ping ^02:37
xfxfalso you're not adjusting the lecturn mic.  it's something like 'program'02:37
xfxfalso ensure the sound settings on the laptop are set to 'headphones out' or similar02:38
xfxfit might be trying to output audio over HDMI02:38
wcmckee_xfxf: got details on workshops that need fixed?02:39
xfxfwcmckee_: lcaav_largepod can tell you, i'd prefer to wait until they're ok with recording tho to avoid distractions02:40
xfxfi'll dig up the one i was sent02:40
xfxfwcmckee_: "Getting Started with MicroPython"02:41
xfxf"I thought we were going to cut out the middle bit and just keep the first (00:00 to 11:40) and last (1:22:36 - ) bits?  "02:41
xfxfcheck the recording sheets if you can - i would hope this is on there02:41
CarlFK[m]xfxf (IRC): do you have a veyepar url for that?02:41
CarlFK[m] "Getting Started with MicroPython"02:41
tpbTitle: veyepar: Getting Started with MicroPython (at
vys[m]videoteam: levels check largepod02:44
lcaav_collabvideoteam, we are on 80gb free02:45
videoteamlcaav_collab, within expectation :)02:45
videoteamvys[m], no sound yet?02:45
videoteamsound in now02:46
vys[m]When they start02:46
vys[m]All good02:46
wcmckee_xfxf: I've fixed it and sent it back into encoding.02:49
xfxfawesome, ty02:49
videoteamchrist on a bike02:50
tumbleweedxfxf: there's a question about hearing loop in right now02:50
tumbleweeddo we know anything about it?02:50
videoteamsound fine in large pod02:51
keeperThe soft-close on one of the doors for 405 is broken, so sometimes rhe door randomly. opena.02:51
keeperMissing a screw connscting the hinge to the door.02:51
lcaav_largepodwas a little feedback02:52
lcaav_largepodhave turned down level nd gains02:53
lcaav_largepodI think it is now OK02:53
lcaav_collablcaav_largepod, i dont think turning down here and gains will affect feedback. need to turn down the mic. had that issue this morning02:53
lcaav_collab(neil here)02:54
lcaav_collab(level and gain i mean)02:54
lcaav_largepodThanks @lcaav_collab (neil) - will continue to monitor - seems OK at this pointr02:55
lcaav_largepodOK, have turned down the mic - sounding better02:57
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lcaav_mediumWe had a windows sound in the last talk :(. Tho it was when she was saying about not having destracting sounds in a talk ;)03:36
jea[m]xfxf: I just talked to Jon Oxer about it and he has run sheets that are signed. I will update things once they all come through03:41
xfxfjea[m]: ty03:41
xfxflcaav_guthrie: people in your room complaining about not being able to hear03:42
xfxfwhen you test mics in your room, are you verifying in-room is OK too?03:42
lcaav_guthriefixing now, we have been verifying room levels beforehand03:43
xfxfnote an empty room will sound a little different to a full room03:43
xfxfhuman bodies will baffle sound03:43
videoteamWHY IS CAPS LOCK ON03:46
xfxfreminder to all helping in great hall (except for those operating the equipment up there): can we meet at front of great hall at afternoon tea (next session) to coordinate what will happen with lighting talks etc.  i'll then come up to the booth to let the people know up there too03:50
xfxfcan you pls also remind UTS AV that they were gonna bring a TV down to the front as well (during afternoon tea)03:53
xfxflet them know i'll coordinate these next sessions with them too03:53
charcolsaw them taking a TV down on of the breaks. there's a TV to the right I don't remember being down here before03:55
xfxfoh awesome, good stuff03:56
tumbleweedvys[m], wcmckee_, CarlFK[m]: When you teardown rooms, let's make sure video gets rsynced over first03:57
tumbleweedso, process:03:57
tumbleweed1. stop-all-the-thnigs03:57
tumbleweed2. screen -DR03:58
tumbleweed3. you'll find an rsync in a loop in there. You can kill it and replace it with an videoteam-copy-recordings --pause or just wait for it to copy the last video (may take 20 mins)03:58
CarlFK[m]tumbleweed ack04:00
tumbleweederr, forget the --pause there04:01
tumbleweedyou stopped all the things04:01
CarlFK[m]I did what?04:03
tumbleweedstep 104:03
tpbTitle: veyepar: TBA (at
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wcmckee_lcaav_medium: are you going to be heading over to av room during break? If so can you bring the completed sheet to me. if not i can come get it.04:18
lcaav_mediumI can bring it04:18
lcaav_mediumShould I go via 405?04:18
lcaav_collabI'd think all rooms should bring sheets back after last talk.04:18
wcmckee_na i got it.04:18
wcmckee_i would like to have the sheets when they are completed04:19
lcaav_collabdone here04:20
tumbleweedlcaav_collab: I'll shut down your vocto now04:21
tumbleweedlcaav_green: you guys are done, right?04:21
lcaav_collabYep, all done.04:22
* tumbleweed kills green04:22
wcmckee_yeah sorry just bring all sheets back to av04:22
tumbleweedcollab has rsynced04:23
tumbleweedlcaav_guthrie: done done?04:25
lcaav_mediumOk, medium is done04:25
tumbleweedlcaav_medium: thanks, stopping your vocto04:25
lcaav_guthrietumbleweed, Yep, finished here04:25
tumbleweedlcaav_guthrie: stopping your vocto04:26
tumbleweedlcaav_largepod: all done?04:27
tumbleweedgreen has rsynced04:28
tumbleweedmedium has rsynced04:29
tumbleweedguthrie has rsynced04:29
* tumbleweed shuts down vocto in large pod04:30
lcaav_guthrieso ok to packdown guthrie (william here)04:32
xfxfI need the extra great hall helpers here now urgently pleaae04:32
xfxfThose who agreed this morning04:32
lcaav_largepodyip - on our way back04:33
xfxfplease hurry starts in 1004:33
charcolheading up the lift04:34
* tumbleweed is heading there now04:34
lcaav_greathalland here04:35
lcaav_largepodtumbl - how do I know when I can shut off r6mix?04:37
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CarlFKr6also, I promised Steve I would tell him / them when we were doing this.  can someone tell him we are doing this?04:38
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bentomChecking that my newly installed IRC client works...04:40
* blahdeblah is right side great hall laptop setup04:41
* bentom is left04:41
tumbleweedlargepod has rsynced, CarlFKr604:42
blahdeblahFirst right side laptop is set up ready to go04:42
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bentomSounds test for left04:47
xfxfWe are starting from right04:47
xfxfPls let AV know04:47
blahdeblahDo we need sound checks now? Right is ready to test.04:48
vys[m]Someone please bring dongles to great Hall. Urgent04:48
blahdeblahvys[m]: this has been done04:49
xfxfGrethall: to be clear we need an 'audio ok' and a 'video ok' for each side. We will plug in and mic up the presenter and get them to talk.  If you can see their video, say 'video ok'. If AV can hear them, say 'audio ok'.04:50
tumbleweedI assume the video OK will come over IRC becaus they set up in the middle of the previous talk04:51
lcaav_greathallvideo okay both sides, audio we're at the mercy of AV thumbs up04:51
xfxfmake sure you work with AV to ensure they're clear on this04:52
xfxfbut ya indeed04:52
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wcmckee_i dont have the final talk for collab04:57
wcmckee_it's not rsynced04:57
tumbleweedxfxf: video OK04:58
tumbleweedit's probably still generating thumbnails04:59
blahdeblahRight audio check please04:59
xfxfAV guy gave me a thumbs up but make sure he tells you lcaav_greathall04:59
xfxfWant to remove any ambiguity04:59
videoteamaudio nice from me04:59
lcaav_greathallyeah, we were trying to look out for it04:59
lcaav_greathallI guess he's thumbsing you directly05:00
xfxfTalk to him, make sure he also tells you. It's hard to see him05:00
xfxfthumbs up to you too is fine05:00
bentomSound check lrft05:02
tumbleweedwcmckee_: it should be done now05:02
lcaav_greathallaudio ok05:02
wcmckee_tumbleweed: cheers :)05:02
lcaav_greathallno video yet05:02
bentomNo video on left05:02
bentomNot required05:02
xfxfI think I'm gonna write a webapp for this stuff05:02
lcaav_greathallok, no video intentional05:02
xfxf*adds to never ending Todo*05:03
tumbleweedwcmckee_: oh, no, still more coming05:03
wcmckee_thats ok, im doing few others currently. as long as it's on the way.05:04
lcaav_greathallvideo ok05:05
lcaav_greathallaudio ok05:05
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lcaav_greathallvideo ok05:08
lcaav_greathallaudio ok05:08
xfxfbentom: would place his mic a bit higher05:08
xfxfactually NM now05:09
xfxfIf already tested05:09
xfxfIs prob fine but borderline too far away05:09
bentomOk, been tested but I'll raise it next time05:09
wcmckee_tumbleweed: still waiting on green to rsync also?05:10
videoteamdid uh05:11
videoteamanyone else notice the N on podium right?05:11
tumbleweedwcmckee_: there are still low res preview videos encoding for all of the rooms05:11
tumbleweedI'll tell you as they're done05:11
lcaav_greathallvido ok05:11
tumbleweed(they're the blue on the htop)05:11
lcaav_greathallaudio ok05:11
tumbleweedvideo seems to have issues05:12
vys[m]videoteam: the N?05:12
lcaav_greathallno video05:12
videoteamon podium right05:12
lcaav_greathallvideo back05:13
tumbleweedvideo back05:13
bentomAudio check05:14
lcaav_greathallaudi ok05:15
lcaav_greathallvideo ok05:15
lcaav_greathallno video yet05:18
lcaav_greathallleft video ok05:21
xfxfcan you check with AV05:23
xfxfConfidence monitor blank05:23
lcaav_greathallcheck what?05:23
xfxfMight be their system05:23
tumbleweedxfxf: we get nothing05:23
xfxfOpsis is working05:23
tumbleweedI'm sshed into the opsis05:23
tumbleweedinput1:  0x0 (@0.00 MHz) (capturing)05:23
xfxfCan you change to inout005:23
xfxfActually NM I am resettinf05:23
tumbleweedwe're on input1 again05:24
xfxfAnother cable please someone05:24
xfxfPut to input005:24
xfxfI suspect cable is fked05:25
xfxfCan someone bring another cable05:25
tumbleweedvideoteam: ^^05:25
tumbleweedvys[m] is on his way05:26
tumbleweedremember input1 now05:27
lcaav_greathallno video back here05:28
lcaav_greathallok noe05:29
lcaav_greathallvideo ok on both05:29
tumbleweedthose opsis restarts broke the ingest :)05:29
xfxfthx for fixing05:30
xfxfcable broke05:30
mithroBut that haskall program is having side effects!05:32
lcaav_greathallvideo ok05:33
lcaav_greathallno audio05:34
tumbleweedxfxf: getting audio hiss05:35
tumbleweeduse tho other mic05:35
lcaav_greathallaudio ok05:35
lcaav_greathallvideo ok05:36
tumbleweedis the right podium just cursed?05:36
lcaav_greathallthumbs up from audio05:37
tumbleweedwcmckee_: collab done05:38
tumbleweedxfxf: video ok05:41
videoteamdocker the vocto stack when?05:42
xfxfit already has been05:45
tumbleweedI think vocto mas docker containers, but they don't relaly solve any problems I have05:45
xfxfbentom: i see a desktop on the laptop on left. Does the presenter rknow what is on that monitor is what will be displayed?05:45
xfxfI would expect he should have his slides up...05:45
wcmckee_still don't have data from green05:47
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tumbleweedwcmckee_: guthrie done05:49
tumbleweedwcmckee_: green done05:50
tumbleweedwcmckee_: medium done05:54
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xfxfOnce everything ends jack.wants to play copyrighted content05:57
xfxfI'll say when to cut the stream05:57
xfxfAck when you have done that and I will give him the OK05:57
lcaav_greathalldo we need to do anything up here?05:57
xfxfApart from cut to the stream logo when I say to, no05:58
tumbleweedxfxf: we just have a desktop coming from his latpop05:58
xfxfYa he knows05:58
xfxfI assume he will swap to something05:58
lcaav_greathalltext seems small06:00
videoteammicolous[m], CALLED OUT06:06
* micolous[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot_20180126-170527.png (1476KB) <>06:08
micolous[m]Top card ;)06:08
micolous[m]I have been to Christchurch before... Just didn't do any trips on my metrocard06:09
tumbleweedwcmckee_: largepod done06:16
xfxfCut video06:19
xfxfLemme know when06:19
xfxfTY all!06:19
videoteamcan i kill stream?06:20
xfxfLet AV know we want audio from right podium06:20
xfxfYes you can06:20
videoteamstream cut06:20
videoteamgg all06:20
lcaav_greathalllet them know06:20
tumbleweedfinal rsync in progress06:21
tumbleweedwcmckee_: still going to take a while to get thumbnails from great hall06:21
tumbleweedwe're only generating 15_49_31.ts06:21
tumbleweedrsync done06:22
wcmckee_im still waiting on thumbnails from colab and green06:22
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tumbleweedteardown of great hall in progress06:23
bentomHave signs, etc been taken down in 11?06:26
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