Wednesday, 2018-01-24

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lcaav_greathallr1mix is being weird00:00
xfxfassume you are stefano00:00
xfxfin which case ack00:00
lcaav_greenIs there any way to reduce the brightness on these laptop displays? The usual hotkeys don't work, and the display settings doesn't seem to have brightness as a thing.00:09
xfxfyou mean for the capture?00:10
xfxfor what's displayed in the projector?00:10
lcaav_greenNeigher, just for the display on the laptop screen00:10
xfxfthe projectors are setup a bit whack in many rooms. Can ask them to adjust00:10
xfxfOh you mean the recording laptop00:10
lcaav_greathallturn the lights on in the room?00:10
xfxfI'm not sure, xfce may not have that panel installed00:10
lcaav_greathallI don't think we installed a brightness control tool00:11
lcaav_greenThe lights are already on in the room00:11
lcaav_greenNot a biggie, just curious00:12
tumbleweedjea[m]: cache-control:max-age=30000:18
tumbleweedjea[m]: still seems to have the wrong stream IDs00:18
jea[m]damn. I thought it was fixed earlier00:19
jea[m]Let me try again00:20
lcaav_greathalltumbleweed, just fyi, moved back to the left computer because the laptop did the weird thing.  Restarted vocto on both and they both seem fine atm00:21
tumbleweedI have something else I want to try, but not during a talk00:22
tumbleweedjea: also, sometimes gives me HTML00:23
* tumbleweed is rather confused by that00:23
vys[m]I thought I had the routing rules correct, but maybe not. We might be receiving cache excitement00:30
videoteamlcaav_green, please turn down all your volumes00:35
videoteamlcaav_greathall, be careful though00:36
lcaav_greenunderstood - have done so00:37
lcaav_collabThe UTS pc in 405 appears to be restarting itself. We've tried turning it off, and see if it works.00:37
lcaav_mediumIf anyone is coming around, could you bring a pen?00:39
lcaav_collablcaav_medium: Have you checked the box?00:40
lcaav_mediumyeah, just had another look, and didn't see one00:41
xfxflcaav_medium: means somebody has taken it from there :(00:43
xfxfcan you borrow one?00:43
xfxfcan all rooms confirm if ok?00:44
lcaav_collabAll OK here.00:44
xfxflcaav_green: lcaav_greathall lcaav_medium lcaav_collab lcaav_largepod  lcaav_guthrie00:44
lcaav_mediumOk, here00:44
lcaav_guthrieok here00:44
lcaav_greenok here00:44
lcaav_largepodwe are good. not recording atm. will film another talk at the end of the workshop00:44
tumbleweedoh, btw, I played with brightness controls a bit on r7mix00:45
tumbleweednone of the built in stuff works on these laptops00:45
tumbleweedso poking in /sys may be the only option00:45
xfxf(to be clear please don't do that :P)00:46
videoteamlcaav_green, volume is good :ok_hand:00:49
lcaav_green:) greT - THNKS00:49
jeatumbleweed: I think I have the settings right now, so the streams should stay as the correct video00:50
tumbleweedjea: thanks00:52
jeais the lighting in the medium room quite dark?01:07
xfxfjea: the lighting is shit in a lot of rooms depending on where the speaker is standing01:07
vys[m]Is medium 401 or 405?01:08
xfxfthe spotlights are usually focused on a single area01:08
jeaso much fun01:08
xfxfi've told UTS AV repeatedly about it.  nothing happens01:08
jeano worries01:08
lcaav_mediumI'm at 10401:08
tumbleweedthe lighting in guthrie is even worse01:08
lcaav_mediumAh, sorry... medimum is 10101:09
xfxfALL: please make sure you pay attention, watch the screen.  noticing some rooms aren't swapping back to slides when the speaker is referring to them01:09
xfxfthis isn't something we can fix in post-prod - what you record is what is saved01:09
Derailedcannot fix01:13
lcaav_collabYep, the desk pc in here just restarted itself and made Windows sounds. Is there a way to stop that?01:20
xfxfturn it off01:21
xfxfshut down icon on screen01:22
lcaav_collabWe did, it started again.01:22
xfxfi'll tell AV01:22
lcaav_collabCan't find a mute button on the screen.01:22
lcaav_collab(Room 405)01:22
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tumbleweedhrm, we should add a note to the 7" speaker test station that says "this is what your slides look like from the back of the room"02:11
lcaav_guthrielcaav_collab: If you can't get the computer to stay off and the speaker doesn't need sound turn 'Program' on the panel to mute so there won't be any sound.02:24
lcaav_guthrieThat's what we did Mon/Tues in 405 when it was happening.02:24
lcaav_collabIt still appears to make sounds when program is muted.02:24
lcaav_collabLast talk had it muted, and it made the sound.02:24
lcaav_collabThe computer appears to have its own set of speakers.02:26
tumbleweedjea: I like: "Break by ..."02:32
micolous[m]Hey carl, can we extract a clip of this?
tpbTitle: #lca2018 How to run Kubernetes on your spare hardware at home, and save the world Angus Lees - Album on Imgur (at
micolous[m]It was from the Kubernates talk this AM02:35
xfxfmicolous[m]: no distractions pls :P02:37
micolous[m]He did it with the audience for a good minute02:37
xfxfthe video should be online later today anyway02:37
xfxfor go to the YT stream, rewind, capture it out of there02:37
lcaav_mediumour room monitor hasn't shown up yet...02:38
micolous[m]I went to YT02:38
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micolous[m]But I don't know how to capture it out of there02:38
micolous[m]But that'll be cut as it's prior to the talk :(02:38
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lcaav_medium... and also the other AV member isn't here :/02:39
lcaav_largepoddo we have a room monitor for here?02:40
xfxflcaav_medium: ugh thanks for letting me know02:40
xfxfThere is meant to be02:40
lcaav_mediumAndrew's here now02:40
xfxfcan all rooms confirm both volunteers are there?02:41
lcaav_mediumstill no monitor02:41
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xfxflcaav_medium: I pinged the organiser doing vollies but no response02:48
lcaav_collabRoom audio level in 405 seems a bit low compared to stream level.02:48
lcaav_mediumok, I'll keep an eye on time, etc02:48
lcaav_collabSeems a bit better now, people might have been loud at the start.02:49
xfxflcaav_collab: make sure you have the speaker actually say stuff at normal speaking volume when you test the volume levels. you're listening for both for in room and recording volume02:51
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lcaav_collabI'm getting strobing lines on the video, spotlight and camera refresh rates not matching perhaps?02:59
tumbleweedlcaav_collab: yeah, known issue03:02
tumbleweedthose lights are at some strange frequency03:02
lcaav_collabAlright, thanks.03:02
xfxfkeeper: I have another collie (FPGA hacker coming to help you. he hasn't done official training so you'll need to show him the basics during next break if OK03:06
lcaav_collabThanks, that'll be good.03:06
tumbleweedjea: I spoke to ducky about that monday schedule abnomality. She said the replacement talk was:03:29
tumbleweedRhett Loban. Noni couldn't make it and Rhett was always in our schedule but in a later slot, but never made it onto the main schedule for some reason.03:29
tumbleweedcan we fix that in the schedule?03:29
nbags[m]Heads up to anyone using picture-in-picture (for workshops) - make sure you are on the slides, not the camera when you invoke PiP. Also when going back to full screen don't try to use the 1 and 2 keys - use alt-1 and alt-203:31
jea[m]tumbleweed: yes we can. i'll do it later on03:32
xfxf(for non-tutorial rooms, please don't use PiP)03:33
lcaav_guthrieProjector isnt working here, having problems getting a video output for the speaker03:35
tumbleweedlcaav_collab: I'll put a test pattern up03:36
tumbleweedyou see that?03:37
lcaav_collabWe're in a talk03:37
lcaav_collabPlease put it back.03:37
tumbleweedgaah, wrong room, sorry03:37
lcaav_guthrieit's good now03:37
tumbleweedyou're next to each other here :(03:37
vys[m]videoteam: how's the audio level in collab?03:39
keeperLooks good.03:40
videoteamaudio good.03:40
videoteamit's borderline loud, but he's not clipping03:40
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xfxfif you say videoteam three times fast CarlFK appears in his underpants03:48
vys[m]Don't make me QA that03:48
tumbleweedCarlFK: maybe CarlFK[m] should join here03:48
lcaav_greenvideoteam, videoteam, videoteam03:49
xfxf(there's no underwear unicode)03:50
videoteammake a pull request03:50
lcaav_mediumlooks like our slide capture has frozen04:15
lcaav_mediumi.e, we've got input, but we're stuck on a past slide04:16
xfxfon the projector too?04:16
lcaav_mediumnope, just the capture04:16
xfxfvys: ping04:16
lcaav_mediumthey're mostly title slides though04:16
lcaav_mediumat least all since the freeze04:16
xfxfI'm restarting something remotely04:17
lcaav_mediumtalk is done, we're on to questions04:17
xfxfWorking now?04:18
lcaav_mediumfixed,t y04:18
lcaav_mediumwe didn't miss anything important :)04:18
vys[m]Missed messages, was walking back to main building04:22
vys[m]Sounds like it's all good though04:22
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lcaav_mediumwe've got a presenter who only has vga; tried both our and their adaptors, no luck04:37
videoteamyou should have an adaptor in your box04:37
lcaav_mediumlooks like they've got it04:37
videoteamoh okay, good04:37
lcaav_mediumnope, it's gone again04:39
videoteamfaulty laptop?04:39
lcaav_mediumdon't think so, looks like he's messing with settings04:40
lcaav_mediumcan you send somone?04:40
videoteamcarl is on way04:42
lcaav_collabThis room has two speakers, but only two lapel mics. What should I do for the session chair, lecturn?04:43
videoteamone of you should be at the front, muting and unmuting the lectern mic when needed04:43
micolous[m]Opsis in Medium appears to be flipping out04:46
micolous[m]hsync problem04:46
micolous[m]All good, Carl is here.04:48
tumbleweedyou need an HDMI cable then?04:49
tumbleweedand/or an opsis04:49
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micolous[m]Carl fixed it05:04
wcmckeecharcol: do you know where the recording sheet is for great hall from this morning/early afternoon?05:12
lcaav_greathallwcmckee, I don't have the morning one up here, and didn't have it during the last session05:12
wcmckeelcaav_greathall, that's weird I didn't grab it.05:13
lcaav_greathallI don't think any of us took it down05:13
lcaav_greathallhas to be somewhere though05:14
lcaav_greathallalso, we just got some static-ish sound coming through the headphones.  Not in the room though.  Gone now. videoteam05:14
videoteamseems to not have come through05:15
xfxfWiggle the headphone jack05:17
xfxfMay be dodgy headphone connector05:17
xfxf(on your recording laptop)05:17
xfxfWiggle lightly :)05:17
lcaav_greathallwe tried that, can't reproduce05:17
micolous[m]Medium is flickering still05:18
lcaav_mediumthat is the vga/converter05:18
micolous[m]Pretty minor tho05:18
CarlFKveyepar #id name: #13520 Keynote: Open Source Pharma05:25
CarlFKveyepar released: True     conf released: False05:25
tchaypothanks CarlFK05:26
tchaypoCarlFK: actually wait, I'm not sure I understand what that means.05:28
tchaypoI assume veyepar will not publish until both those released forms are true05:28
CarlFKit means I just now got around to importing the False05:28
tchaypo<3 thanks05:29
tchaypoSo just to double-check what I'm telling matt05:29
CarlFKit won't get out till the conf site says True05:30
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lcaav_largepodvideoteam, lapel mic ran out of batt half way through this workshop. it was charged over night05:50
videoteamnoted, will let uts know05:50
lcaav_largepodnow on lectern05:50
videoteamxfxf ^05:50
videoteamryan here: almost certainly the reason for that is it wasn't put back into the charging cradle properly over lunch05:57
videoteamAV bringing another battery now but pls triple check this every night / lunch05:57
lcaav_largepodvideoteam, noted. its probably fine for now hes not really moving anyway05:57
lcaav_largepodprobably not worth interrupting?05:57
xfxfagreed, AV can change batteries without interrupting the talk06:02
xfxfjust use the freshly batteried mic for the next talk06:02
xfxfalso the problem with lecturn mics is if he wanders away you're gonna have to stop and tell him to wander back06:02
nbags[m]Ack. This is the last one for today06:02
nbags[m]He's good so far06:03
lcaav_largepodcan you remind AV people to NOT walk in front of the camera when they enter the room?06:05
xfxfoh dear06:05
xfxfi'd ask him yourself too politely06:06
nbags[m]Yeah that wasn't necessary. Please check with the ppl in the room!06:06
CarlFKtumbleweed:                             CarlFK            merged commit 933e58d     into06:13
lcaav_guthrieGuthrie has finished for the day, taking the record sheet to the AV room now06:25
nbags[m]videoteam: the AV system (it's) just reboot itself. No video for 30 seconds maybe. No problems with opsis/stream06:27
nbags[m](Uts system)06:27
videoteamlcaav_greathall, zoom in on rustys hat06:28
lcaav_largepodDespite a number of problems, Largepod has finished for the day06:33
lcaav_mediumMedium has just finished06:34
wcmckeecan you bring recording sheets back to av room?06:34
CarlFKwcmckee: yes please06:35
lcaav_collabShould I click "end session" at the front so the projectors turn off?06:35
CarlFKyes that too06:36
wcmckeewill you bring recording sheets back to av room? I know you all can.06:36
lcaav_mediumyeah, will d. Also bringing back he vga adapter06:36
CarlFKah, that.  yes06:36
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lcaav_collabxfxf, close the doors, kill the lights too?06:40
xfxflcaav_collab: Ben coming around to do that06:42
xfxfbring back sheets tho pls!06:42
vys[m]Yeah sorry that was md06:43
vys[m]Do you want me to kill the lights and close the door as well then?06:43
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videoteamvys[m], yes please06:46
videoteamsorry i didn't say that :/06:46
videoteambut ya, turn project off, lights to low or off, close the doors06:46
videoteamand make sure opsis is power unplugged + mics are seated in charging docks (push down on them so they're def in)06:47
videoteamlcaav_largepod, we don't have your sheets06:47
vys[m]They turn back on06:47
videoteamvys[m], hooray. leave as-is then06:47
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videoteamwe are leaving AV HQ06:48
vys[m]There is an "end session" button06:49
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xfxfvys[m]: that's fine if it works06:50
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mohuduHi Ryan, running a little late with transport. I am in Green room again today with Paul, so should be business as usual. Should be there a little after 8.30am. Michael21:16
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lcaav_largepodvideoteam, voctogui won't launch on this machine. can you do some magic?21:38
videoteammagic incoming, duck.21:38
xfxflcaav_greathall: charelle can you private MSG me your number, or call me? 0418 186 60421:38
lcaav_largepodvideoteam, let me know when to try it again21:38
videoteamtry now21:39
lcaav_greathallxfxf, called21:39
lcaav_largepodvideoteam, thanks, we're up21:40
lcaav_guthrievideoteam, same thing is happening here, voctougi isnt launching here either21:40
lcaav_largepodlcaav_collab, lcaav_medium: if someone there has a laptop could you come test our room once you're done?21:41
lcaav_mediumok, we can swing by21:42
lcaav_largepodlcaav_medium, cheers21:42
* tumbleweed is bouncing all the voctomixes - they're all low on file handles21:42
lcaav_collabvoctogui stopped running here.21:42
lcaav_collabIt was working when I walked in.21:42
videoteamtumbleweed, i have bounced largepod and guthrie from here21:42
lcaav_guthrieWe're all good and working here now.21:43
videoteamcan y'all put up your nostream loop screens again? :D21:43
lcaav_collabIt relaunched fine.21:43
lcaav_mediumall good here21:44
tumbleweedvideoteam: the trick was to stop videoteam-ingest on the grab machines where the opsis was off21:44
jea[m]are all the streams fine, or do you need new ones?21:44
xfxfDaniel can you call me?21:44
tumbleweedvideoteam: it'll get started again by systemd when they get turned on21:44
tumbleweedthat was what ate the FDs last night21:45
videoteamstreams are 100% ok21:45
videoteamtumbleweed, noted.21:45
xfxfstefanor: to be clear on responsibilities, if we have an issue, I'm not going to ssh into anything or try poking at the opsis. I'll let you do that.  Recommend first course of action is we call each other and co-ordinate21:47
xfxfnobody else should try poking at great hall either - stefanor only during keynotes21:48
lcaav_largepodeverything is working here21:51
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lcaav_mediumwe're missing run sheets21:54
xfxfCarlFK: see above21:55
videoteamthey are being distributed atm21:55
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xfxfwcmckee: we're short a few peeps this morning so i'll need to put you into great hall for a bit today as we only have 222:07
xfxfi'm covering the keynote, but will need you after morning tea in there if OK22:07
blahdeblahxfxf: I'd love to swap with someone in Great Hall for the session after morning tea. (I'm rostered on in green room.)22:08
xfxfblahdeblah: given we're short on vollies i'm not sure i can accomodate part day swaps, apologies :( . if we had extras then it'd be much easier22:09
keeperAll green in lcaav_collab.22:17
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xfxflcaav_greathall: can you let AV know the mic is very slightly ringing in the room22:32
blahdeblahSome slight ringing feedback in Great Hall.22:33
lcaav_greathallwe can hear it as well, AV knows22:33
lcaav_greathallthey're working on it22:33
keeperFYI I can't find the youtube channel when I search for "linux conf au 2018" on youtube.22:40
xfxfit's all one word22:46
xfxfbranding thing i'm assuming22:46
tumbleweedyou could add those as keywords to the channel22:47
xfxftumbleweed: did you say yesterday you didn't have access to the channel btw?22:51
tumbleweedI've been saying that since last week :P22:51
xfxfi'll add you, which email?22:51
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tumbleweed[email protected]22:52
xfxfbah, I'm not an owner, I can't22:52
xfxfjea[m]: see above22:52
jea[m]will do it now22:53
blahdeblahNo more ringing now - sounds good22:57
xfxflcaav_greathall: there's a panel in here after morning tea.  AV know, but they'll use lapel mic on the panelists + a handheld for the mooderator23:01
lcaav_greathallcoolio :)23:01
lcaav_greathallxfxf, it's not on the recording sheet23:02
lcaav_greathallis it being recorded?23:02
lcaav_collabnext presenter in here wants their talk recorded but not live streamed23:02
lcaav_collableave it on stream loop but still switch between streams as if it was being streamed?23:02
lcaav_greathallvideoteam, do we by any chance have an 3.5mm audio splitter?23:04
xfxflcaav_greathall: we are streaming the panel23:08
xfxfjust confirmed23:08
videoteamI do not know, what for?23:08
xfxfvideotean: sorted23:12
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lcaav_largepodDiscussions with speaker in Largepod, he will only want the first 5 or 10 minutes recorded.   Rest of session will be him walking around helping participants to get their kits working23:23
videoteamtake notes on the sheet23:26
xfxfadd cut points if you want and note what they are on the sheet23:28
xfxfIdeally so we know what parts to include and what parts to chop out23:28
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blahdeblahxfxf: so it turns out we don't have any talk in green room first up.23:39
blahdeblahMichael and I are in Great Hall and would prefer to stay here for first session, but if you need us elsewhere...23:39
xfxfthats fine as long as you're back at the room 20 mins before next session so you will miss the end. If the room is empty the next speaker is going to get there early and start fiddling...23:41
blahdeblahNo worries23:42
xfxfalso by no talk in green, do you mean the recording sheet is blank, or you've verified there is definitely nothing in there?23:43
xfxfrecording sheet may not be accurate - last minute changes happen23:43
xfxflcaav_greathall: youve probably noticed but jack has moved the chairs a bit23:44
blahdeblahxfxf: as in, the official schedule has no talk listed there23:45
lcaav_greathallxfxf, yep, camera's have been adjusted accordingly23:45
blahdeblahxfxf: Michael (room monitor) has just asked me if I can run mics23:46
xfxfblahdeblah: sweet, all good23:46
xfxfoh sorry elaborate?23:46
lcaav_medium"projector cooling"23:47
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lcaav_mediumis UTS av around?23:47
tumbleweedshould I call them?23:48
xfxfvys[m]: can you pls go to medium urgently23:50
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xfxftumbleweed: I'll ping the guy here. Have you called anyone yet?23:50
lcaav_mediumwe're good now23:50
lcaav_mediumboth are up23:50
xfxfoh good23:50
tumbleweedxfxf: no, because apparently they're on23:50
vys[m]They'll just cool for a bit, and then they turn back on23:53
lcaav_greathallthere appears to be problems with Kees mic.  AV are going to change it over23:54

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