Wednesday, 2020-04-08

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xobsFWIW, very early versions of foboot had soundness issues, particularly with Lenovo USB3 ports.  The solution is to try and find a port that's USB2, or update it on a different machine.02:35
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FomuserHi, I was around yesterday trying to update the bootloader with dfu-util -D with no luck16:25
FomuserI have tried different boards, different computers16:26
FomuserAlso now one of the boards is not recognised by any computer and the LED won't switch one16:26
FomuserOk, not switching on seems due to the oscillator disappearing from the board. I don't think I will be able to fix it16:29
acathlaFomuser, I had some problems with updating the bootloader on some Fomus. I had success on one but updating to a bit older bootloader than the last one, then updating to the last one worked.16:47
acathlaI bricked one too and had to solder wires to reprogram the SPI flash (with a bus pirate)16:47
FomuserI am on v1.7. I had tried 5 of them with no luck16:48
FomuserDo you think I could fix the oscilator just soldering? I have different boards but I don't like breaking things :')16:48
acathlaYou have to wait a bit after sending the data16:48
acathlaHow do you know it's the oscillator?16:49
FomuserI have two different problems: 1) none of the boards being updated, 2) one of the boards just lost its oscillator (I don't know how)16:49
acathlaOh, physically lost, ok16:51
acathlait doesn't need much physical force to brake at that size...16:51
FomuserTried several bootloader versions17:17
FomuserNo luck17:17
acathlaWhat's the error?17:24
FomuserNo error17:25
FomuserIt just doesn't update17:25
acathlaI had problem flashing the bootloader, to the flash, not running it17:25
FomuserI have several v1.7 boards, I run dfu-util -D hacker-updater-v2.0.3.dfu with no luck for any of them, that's my problem17:28
tntMaybe the flash is locked for some reason ...17:28
tntyou can probably use the wishbone tool to talk to the spi controller and query the flash directly.17:28
FomuserI'll check if I am able, thank you17:41
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MadHackerI had weird update problems too. Finally got around by updating via JTAG. Once I got it updated once, it updated OK afterwards. Kind of makes me wonder if it's a version-to-version update thing, or maybe just a USB problem on the earlier firmware?21:02
MadHackerMine are all OK now though.21:03
MadHackerThis is all on the one machine. I strongly suspect it's a "this USB port and this firmware" thing.21:03

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