Tuesday, 2020-04-07

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jsIs there a dedicated room for fomu?14:15
ssbthis one is also for fomu14:18
jsI was asking because I realize I have no interest in tomu, but only fomu ;)14:19
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FomuserHi, anyone knows why after using dfu-util -D on my Fomu I need to unplug and plug it to use it again?17:49
FomuserI'm trying to update the bootloader as seen in the workshop but I'm not able to do it17:49
tntdepends what you flashed ...17:50
Fomuserhacker 2.0.317:50
FomuserI've followed the workshop so I don't understand what's going on17:58
CarlFKFomuser: what is the .dfu file name?18:10
FomuserCarlFK hacker-updater-v2.0.318:12
tntand when you plug it, it's not 2.0.3 now ?18:13
FomuserNo, still the previous one18:14
tntAnd you're sure you have a hacker board and not a production one right ?   Does dfu-util throw any errors ?18:15
FomuserI'm sure it's the hacker one and it doesn't throw errors18:17
FomuserMy version is v1.7.3-1-g82cb20c18:22
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FomuserI have different boards all with the same result18:37
tntWhat's the sha1 of the file you're flashing ?18:39
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tntThat's ... wrong18:44
tnt48131ea415c5663ed988d02fe2d1fedf02829855  /tmp/hacker-updater-v2.0.3.dfu18:44
FomuserDownloaded again, got the correct SHA118:51
FomuserStill the same behaviour18:52
FomuserAfter dfu-util it goes off, I think this is the legit behaviour. I unplug, plug again and when I check it's still on v1.818:55
tntyeah, disconnecting is "normal" AFIR while it's flashing. But on the next replug it should be 2.0.318:56
FomuserNow that we found the SHA1 thing I might try other Fomu boards to see if they have the same behaviour18:57
FomuserDifferent boards same result18:59
tpbTitle: dpaste/pc0H (Plain Text) (at dpaste.org)19:01
tntHow long do you wait ?  It might take 10-30 sec for the flash if it does a chip erase.19:01
CarlFKthat shows it not showing up right away19:01
tntyeah, that's expected that it doesn't show up.19:02
tntwhile it's flashing it's probably not responding to usb.19:02
tntyou should leave it alone for some time and then unplug / replug.19:02
FomuserI wait about 10-30 sec as you said19:04
FomuserNow I am waiting before unplug/replug19:04
FomuserIf I dfu-util -lI only get info about dfu-util itself (0.8 in my case) not any dfu device found19:05
FomuserI don't get this: Cannot open DFU device as you do19:06
FomuserTwo minutes after I unplug/replug, still on v1.719:06
FomuserAll my usb ports are 3. I don't know if that makes any sense19:07
CarlFK dfu device found - that is from some other device on my system. alarms me every time :p19:23
FomuserI realised after checking the workshop again :')19:25
FomuserI can try probably tomorrow with my Raspi19:25
CarlFKI am using a lenovo with usb3, and also a usb2 hub - both work fine19:26
CarlFKpaste the output to https://dpaste.org19:27
tpbTitle: dpaste (at dpaste.org)19:27
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tpbTitle: dpaste/4p3n (Plain Text) (at dpaste.org)19:47
FomuserThis is the output19:47
CarlFKxobs: ^^^19:54
FomuserThank you all, I'll try again with another device andpost here the result20:20
FomuserIs there a way to keep this conversation even if I log off?20:20
tpbTitle: Tuesday, 2020-04-07 (at logs.timvideos.us)20:24
FomuserGreat thank you20:25
FomuserI'll be back"20:25
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