Thursday, 2019-12-26

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futarisIRCcloudOoh. Annular solar eclipse today.01:36
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* xobs uploaded an image: IMG_20191226_124838.jpg (24KB) < >04:57
* xobs uploaded an image: IMG_20191226_132250.jpg (18KB) < >05:38
xobsOkay, now that's done, I'll be on the next flight to Berlin.05:39
tumbleweednice :)05:45
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futarisIRCcloudxobs: Safe travels and spend a lot of time with the openfpga assembly.08:03
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mithroxobs: I'm converting the workshop to be sphinx11:27
mithroxobs: So we can better integrate verilog, etc11:28
xobsmithro: alright. Makes sense. Thanks for working on that!11:29
tpbTitle: FPGA Tomu Workshop FPGA Tomu (Fomu) Workshop 0.1-42-g091ed8e documentation (at
mithroxobs: We can include links directly to lxsocdoc and similar things11:39
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