Wednesday, 2019-12-25

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turqwhen publishing a project on git, what are the files that everyone cares about? I built a thing in KiCad, and I'm not sure what to publish. I'm working my way up to understanding what the hacker version of this project contains and being able to modify it00:05
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turqI noticed there are gerber files in the git repo, but my kicad project has a .pro file and several other files00:06
CarlFKturq: there are source files and artifacts00:08
CarlFKfor sure the source, and whatever artifacts would be handy for someone to take a quick look at00:09
CarlFKif you have something manufactured, then I think it is good to post the versions of the files you sent to the fab shop00:10
turqI see a schematic.pdf and a bunch of gerber files in fomu-hardware/releases/v0.0-19g154fecc00:10
turqI'm so new to this. I think you're saying the gerber files and the schematic are the artifacts00:10
turqI'm not sure what counts as the source00:11
CarlFKthe files you open/edit in kicad are the source01:25
CarlFKbtw - the whole world is still kinda new at open hardware.  we haven't exactly figured it out.01:25
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felix_turq: this gitignore file might be useful for you
tpbTitle: qspimux/.gitignore at master · felixheld/qspimux · GitHub (at
felix_the gerber files are probably only in the repository for convenience reasons; those can be generated from the .kicad_pcb file and a few settings that are either in that file or the .pro file (don't remember exactly which one it was)12:31
xobsturq: Some licenses (I forget which) mandate that the source files are in "The preferred method for modification".  Apparently this was contentious, since not everyone uses KiCad or Eagle.12:32
xobsBut it's better than mandating all open hardware projects must use Eagle.12:32
tntI design my PCB in vim writing gerbers directly, that's totally my "preferred method for modification" :)12:34
tnt(that might be why I'm so slow at it :p)12:34
xobstnt: there's always PCBmodE, which uses Inkscape as the preferred method for modification.13:10
buZzthere's ppl who arent using kicad for OSHW?13:35
xobsLots of people use things like Altium or Pads.13:37
buZzhow bizar13:39
buZz'here's a opensource design you can edit by buying this 100000 usd software! ENJOY'13:39
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CarlFKbuZz: it is tricky to figure out where the line is15:12
CarlFKI use an i7 cpu and github - both are closed15:12
CarlFKand I have no idea what my screen is made of15:13
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mithroxobs: You in Germany yet?16:52
mithroxobs: I'm working on improving the workshop17:00
CarlFKmithro: let me know when it is somewhat stable and I'll give it a run though17:11
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mithroWorkingon them here ->
tpbTitle: Fomu Workshop FPGA Tomu (Fomu) Workshop 0.1-35-g166deb8 documentation (at
CarlFKmithro: heading to PS1 for treasurer touch hand off (to me!)  which may take a few hours, then maybe movie, but maybe fpga fun  instead20:44
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xobsmithro: I land in Berlin on the 27th at 10am.23:53
xobsI've got an eclipse to catch today.23:53

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