Thursday, 2011-03-17

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nashmithro: *Poke*01:18
tansellnash, pong01:55
nashso basically key schange fails: i assume my key no longer matches01:58
nashand my email still hasn't gone through01:58
tansellI was hoping llnz or shenki where going to be able to fix it for you02:01
tansellguess I'll have to look at02:01
tansellbut I won't have time for another couple of hours02:01
llnznash: email me you public key and i'll get that updated in 3hrs02:02
nashwhich part did you think someone was going to fix?'02:03
nashcommit or mailing list dropping?02:03
nashyou should check to see if others can send to the list(s)02:04
llnzcommit issues02:08
llnzmithro: can you clear the moderation queue for tp-devel? 3411 items (iirc)02:09
nashso... that would include mine?02:12
llnznot that i could see02:12
llnzyour message disappeared02:13
llnznot sure why or where to02:13
nashllnz: i sent 2.. so both got deleted02:14
nashone wsa sent from gmail, one from my mail server02:14
nash (aka linode)02:14
llnzi know, both "disappeared"02:17
llnzbetween postfix and mailman02:18
nashso... how many other messages have disappeared?02:18
llnzno idea02:19
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llnznash: added your key09:12
nashllnz: ican't try it now.  however about to go drinking09:13
llnzthat's ok09:14
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