Wednesday, 2011-03-16

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* nash waves00:33
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* nash waves00:42
nashto tansell-laptop00:42
tansell-laptopnash, hey00:42
nashso... the mailing lists are borked... any idea why?00:44
nashwell they work for llnz, but not me00:48
llnznash's email was received and passed to mailman, but couldn't find it in mailman00:49
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tansell-laptopllnz, you checked the logs?01:21
nashI was about to comment on a laggy response01:22
tansell-laptopI think I've had this problem with nash's emails before01:22
nashtansell-laptop: I've sent from two places01:23
* nash also notes the rest of the planet can receive my emails01:23
nasheven when i'm in china or korea01:23
llnztansell: yes, i checked the logs01:24
llnzi see postfix hand it to mailman01:24
llnzi don't see mailman receive it01:24
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nashso no idea where the mail went?05:40
tansellnash, haven't had a chance to look at it yet05:41
tansellshenki, ping?05:41
shenkitansell: pong05:47
shenkiim at work, i can't look at it atm05:47
shenkialso, i have nfi how mailman works, so i doubt i'm any help :)05:48
nashwell does someone want to give me commit access again anyway so i cna at least push my patches directly05:49
tansellnash, what happens when you ssh to the server?05:50
nashlet me reclone and i'll get you the error05:51
nashbtw: git web also shows the wrong location for galaxie, since it's now in obsolete05:52
* nash hopes to rectify this soon05:52
nashtansell: Actually i can;t at the moment: behind samsungs dumb arse firewall05:53
nashyou in sydney at the moment?05:53
tansellI got back yesterday05:53
nashtansell: actually, can you do a real quick restart of  the ssh server and make it listen on port 995 as well?05:54
nashunless you actually use POPS :-)05:54
tansellHrm, I think we might be05:54
tansellwe could probably do 443?05:54
nashunfortunately the only port i can get out on is 99505:55
nashi have nfi why05:55
nashit's probably a bug05:55
nashirc is proxied through 995 on another server for instance05:55
tansellyou can't get to https?05:57
nashtansell: I assume you've just expired my key05:57
nashonly through a proxy05:57
tansellshenki, just did this :)05:57
shenkinash: yeah, my work has retarded proxy action too05:58
shenkiif you can browse to a site using https, then you can ssh thru it05:58
nashshenki: they snoop https05:58
nashwhen you browse, you get bad cert warnings all the time05:58
shenkibecause that's going to make your business really secure.05:59
nashshenki: I"m here for a fortnight05:59
shenkitansell: do we use 995?05:59
shenkinash: fair enough05:59
shenkinash: which box do you need access to?06:00
tansellshenki, I think we use it for getting the pop mail from the system06:00
shenkitansell: on roger?06:00
nashtansell: dod you use pops or tls on pop?06:01
tansellnash, not sure06:01
tansellwe might actually be using imaps06:01
tanselllooks like we do use 995 for pops06:01
tansell(that's how it's configured on my gmail)06:01
tansellshenki, what do you use?06:02
nashwhy do you use pop06:02
* nash will give 443 a go then06:02
nashcan someone see if I'm connection?06:03
nashaware:~/work % git clone git+ssh://
nashCloning into galaxie...06:03
nashssh: connect to host port 443: Connection timed out06:03
nashfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly06:03
shenkiyeah, we're usign 99506:04
shenkioops, /me reads scrollback06:04
tansellnash, because when forwarding the email it ended up giving roger a really bad reputation (because it was forwarding like 99% spam)06:04
tpb<> (at
tansell443 might work06:05
shenkinash: that's what i use. not sure what their dpi will do to your session, but give it a go06:05
nashtht's more effort then i could be bothered with: btw: the solution they talk about can be done with netcat ;-)06:06
nashbut in my case since i need to get to a remote machine anyway06:06
nash; i may as well connect to the remote machine i control which allows me to ssh to 99506:06
nashwait a moment then06:07
tansellnash: they can go through socks proxies and similar06:07
nashi have an ssh proxy then06:07
nashwait a few minutes06:07
nashssh -L -p 995 anc06:08
nash; ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host06:08
nashthats the error i get06:09
nashtansell: that's the bug06:23
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* nash waves14:05
nashanyone around?14:05
* nash pokes tansell aka mithro 14:05
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