Wednesday, 2010-08-04

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epyon-kitsunellnz: what non-tpframe network connections happen to a tpserver?00:03
epyon-kitsune(disregarding http wrapping)00:03
llnzincoming to the server: none (a separate web server will host some content though)00:04
llnzoutgoing from the server: http to the metaserver, dbus to dbus for avahi (if needed)00:05
llnzepyon-kitsune: any particular reason for copying files and not just updating the existing ones?00:09
epyon-kitsuneI think the reason will become apparent soon enough.00:10
epyon-kitsuneI'm just writing the frame class from scratch00:10
epyon-kitsuneIf I did that in the repo, it'd just become a big mess00:10
llnzit wouldn't hurt if the new frame class implemented outputframe and inputframe00:10
llnzat least for now00:10
llnzor they became wrappers around the new frame class00:11
epyon-kitsuneactually I wonder if a FrameFactory wouldn't be better... but I'll leave that for later -- I need to get this stuff testable ASAP00:11
llnzif you can get the byte buffers to and from the network, you should be ok00:12
epyon-kitsuneyeah, and that's where I'm heading right now.00:12
epyon-kitsunellnz: I'll take the liberty of doing some hacks to speed it up. We'll be able to clean them up later.00:18
epyon-kitsune(speed up getting the server working that is)00:19
llnzi suggest you don't break too many things, processing the frames is one of those00:19
llnzie, everything inside playeragent and probably some in playerconnection00:23
epyon-kitsunellnz: yeah, I'll try to keep those untouched.00:23
llnzok, cool00:23
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alanp*: ping03:37
llnzhi alanp03:43
alanpwas looking for cab fare estimate ejc -> mtv03:46
alanplooks like about $30-40 :(03:46
alanpbut cab: 20 mins transit: 2+ hrs03:46
alanpmight be worth it03:46
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llnzalanp: it appears to be about an hour by public transport03:51
alanpgoogle maps shows me 2+03:51
alanpoh fail to look03:52
tpb<> (at
alanpwhy do the list the 2 hour trip time first03:52
alanpi guess :(03:53
llnzalso, if you pay a little more, catch the 522 express bus - it's faster (you might have to walk a bit further because it only stops at some places)03:55
alanpgo to sf much?03:56
llnzi have visited three times, once in 1999 with family (mostly around SF), twice visited Google ('07 and '08)03:58
alanpah cool03:58
llnzthe south bay area has a very good bus system, and the train to SF is quite usable03:59
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llnzlater all09:54
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ezodglew: ping14:53
glewezod: pong14:54
ezodanything new?14:54
ezodi guess from your commits you're testing saving atm?14:55
glewyeah I tested some saving14:56
glewI also played a little MTsec so i could see the sqlite database it made14:56
glewI was going to try modifiying information in it14:57
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glewand I also noticed my addslashes() function probably isnt working correctly because the fields that use it are chopped to just the first word14:57
ezodcan you load yet?15:03
ezod(i haven't tried)15:03
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glewezod: I think loading works, although I'15:06
glewm not sure if the ai loading is fine15:06
glewit should be cause it just starts the client right now15:06
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null_000hi all15:18
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null_000hey all19:10
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llnzmorning all20:11
null_000morning llnz20:26
llnzhi null_00020:27
null_000I saw in the logs there were some questions about the AI20:27
null_000do you know anything about that?20:27
* llnz opens the irc logs20:28
tpb<> (at
null_000yes this one20:31
null_000if you don't know anything about that I'll have to find glew20:32
llnzi don't know about it20:35
verhoevenvnull_000: I don't know the exact details, but glew wants to be able to save and load AI state from a database for single player save game support.20:37
verhoevenvWhich I believe not to be very hard in the original daneel-ai, but I have no idea how easy or hard it would be in your AI.20:37
null_000oh right... we talked about that a bit20:38
null_000verhoevenv: if I remember correctly your AI is stateless (no need to save any data)20:38
verhoevenvI think there is support for turn-transcending state in the form of the don't-remove-these constraints.20:39
verhoevenvMarked with *, I think.20:39
verhoevenvApart from that, the rest is rebuild each turn from the downloaded information.20:39
ezodthe easy thing to do is to add some function that outputs a pickled string of a dict containing all stateful objects in the AI20:40
null_000this can be easily done for MTSec20:41
ezodif other AIs in other languages can similarly "pickle" and "unpickle" their state, then it's a viable general process20:41
null_000but I'm not sure where the constraints are stored20:41
* null_000 has to go20:45
null_000bye all..20:45
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