Thursday, 2010-07-01

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llnzlater all05:34
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matthewdStupidIncarnate: Hi!05:44
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matthewdStupidIncarnate: So, the new UI looks pretty shiny05:49
StupidIncarnateya.... wanted a glass look, but couldn't geet the effect i wanted05:55
StupidIncarnateanyway, think I'm doing design panel this week, though I don't quite get the point of it05:58
StupidIncarnatedo you know about it?05:58
matthewdNot really, I'm afraid05:59
StupidIncarnatek, i'll ask tansell06:00
tansellStupidIncarnate, what do you mean you don't get the point of it?06:01
StupidIncarnateerr, I don't get how it's supposed to work.06:01
StupidIncarnateit wasn't working in pywx06:01
StupidIncarnatewhen I playejd it06:02
StupidIncarnatetansell: is it just supposed to list the stats of all the ships available or are you actually suppsode to be able to design different ship types?06:02
tansellyou can design new ships06:04
StupidIncarnatefor all rulesets or just certain ones?06:04
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StupidIncarnateso that it matthewd?06:48
matthewdI think so; your blog posts are nicely clear and informative, and you certainly sound like you're on track06:50
matthewdSo I can't think of much else to ask about :)06:51
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tansellStupidIncarnate, just certain rulesets07:06
tansellmtsec being the main one at the moment07:06
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llnzmorning all22:35
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cahirwpzhi all :)22:51
llnzhi cahirwpz22:52
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