Saturday, 2009-07-11

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alanpllnz/mithro: ping03:32
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llnzhi all05:23
* llnz wanders off06:35
llnzlater all06:35
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alanpmithro: ping14:30
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epyon!seen nash16:06
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CIA-22alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r245e1c6510a9 /modules/games/mtsec/ (7 files): Added a class to send point's to another planet. Having problems with getObjectsByPos not returning a proper list based on the Vector I give it, so this is still a work in progress.18:56
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tpbTitle: Issue 5003: Re-added 'object type' column to, now works with tp04. - Code Review (at
Greywhindtansell: and 5002, if you haven't seen that yet.20:16
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* epyon is working on a mid-term report21:35
epyonmithro: do you know if nash submitted the mentor report?21:35
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epyontansell: ping?21:42
epyonI know sunday drinking and partying and all, but is there really no soul alive here? O.o21:42
epyonerr saturday21:43
epyongot mislead by my clock :>21:43
epyonit's four in the morning here21:43
alanp946p here21:44
epyonhmm so "Church on Sunday"? :>21:46
epyonor is it Saturday?21:46
mhilmiim here ;)22:15
mhilmisigh grinding away as well22:16
mhilmiit sure it quiet around here on the weekends tho22:16
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mhilmi2anyone have an up to date server setup that i can connect to?23:40
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