Friday, 2009-03-20

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mithroezod: poke poke00:49
shenkimithro: are you using google code for bugtracking, or the sf one still?01:57
mithroGoogle Code02:02
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CIA-65mithro web * rbc24fad66d62 /bits/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Markdownify for the RSS feed.02:18
CIA-65mithro web * r514f60fac6f1 /rss.php: Fix the RSS feed be more compliant with RSS 2.0 version.02:18
CIA-65mithro web * rb9a4d4e11844 /index.php: Added GSoC header.02:18
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Gaurav__heloo folks02:28
Gaurav__can anyone tell me where i can find lee ?02:31
Gaurav__i wan to discuss some things regarding GSOC project02:31
Gaurav__please tell me where I can found llnz ?02:33
mithroGaurav__: I recommend that you learn to be a little bit more patient02:46
Gaurav__mithro: sorry mithro , i will keep this thing in mind02:49
mithrollnz is often around at this time - but he is not here at the moment02:50
Gaurav__ohk mithro when he will be there i will try to contact02:50
Gaurav__i just want to discuss about tpserver-cpp project02:51
mithroGaurav__: llnz is not the only person who knows about the tpserver-cpp02:52
cherezHey mithro, how's the single player testing going?02:55
mithrocherez: okay - did you end up testing?02:56
cherezHaven't had much of a chance.02:56
cherezI was at home when you told me about it so I didn't really have access to a computer that i could easily get stuff on.02:57
cherezAnd the weeks has been busy.02:57
cherezI might check it out now, though.02:57
CIA-65mithro web * r30e38fded4d3 /rss.php: Fix the date formatting.02:57
mithrocherez: cool02:59
cherezWhat project(s) should I pull from git?02:59
mithroyou need three things02:59
mithrogit clone git://
mithrogit clone git://
mithrogit clone git://
mithrothen build tpserver-cpp03:00
mithroyou should be set from then03:00
cherezAlright, grabbing them.03:01
cherezGood to see you're a mentoring organisation again.03:01
cherezI might have to apply for that.03:03
Gaurav__mithro: can you help me in checking out the tpserver-cpp code03:04
mithrocherez: single player for the 3d client?03:05
mithroGaurav__: independent research is an important part of being a GSoC student03:05
cherezmithro: Uhh... what?03:05
mithroGaurav__: there is a lot in the wiki on how to do that03:05
mithro[18:03] <cherez> I might have to apply for that.03:05
cherezOh, a suggestion.03:06
Gaurav__mithro: i tried but getting some problem thats why i asked you, ohki will try again. Thanks mithro03:07
mithrothat == which task?03:07
mithroGaurav__: if you have a problem - tell us the problem03:07
cherezI just meant GSoC in general.03:07
mithrobut make sure you have researched the problem first03:07
mithrocherez: ahh okay :)03:07
Gaurav__mithro: yeah sure03:08
cherezI was just checking around, I didn't come here with any plans for it.03:08
cherezBut this sounds fun.03:09
cherezI'll check out the task list.03:09
cherezMTSec still hasn't been implemented?03:11
cherezmithro: Any hints about what the devs want to get developed?03:21
cherezNeed to recompile wxGTK; I guess this will be done tomorrow.03:35
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mithrocherez: improves is the big thing04:05
cherezWell, I imagine that every project is looking to improve.04:06
cherezI just don't know the development well enough to know what would be most useful.04:06
tansells/improves/improvement on existing stuff/04:07
tanselllast year we had a bunch of rulesets and ai and such04:07
tansellthis year I think we will concentrate on proposals which are more part of a larger project04:08
tansella lot of the 3d projects are pretty cool04:08
tansellImprovements to tpclient-pywx would be good04:09
tanselltesting and porting to tp04 again good04:10
shenkiwhat is tp04?04:11
tansellthe next thousand parsec protocol04:12
tansellanyway im off04:12
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Gaurav__and what about tpserver-cpp project04:39
totewould a webclient be good? :)04:40
chereztote: A webclient got accepted in 2007 for a project.04:41
cherezI don't know what happened with it.04:41
totecherez: oh, any ideas on who might know what happened with it?04:43
cherezAny of the devs who hang out in the channel here.04:45
Gaurav__cherez: i am getting error while i am trying to checkout code from git repository04:46
Gaurav__can you help me please what may be possible reason04:46
cherezWhat is the error?04:47[0:]: errno=Connection refused04:47
Gaurav__fatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection refused)04:47
cherezThat is a really weird error....04:48
cherezOnly thought that comes to mind would be a firewall issue.04:48
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shenkitansell: :(05:19
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
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CIA-65mithro web * r5ce66454fea2 /rss.php: Strangly dc:date needs to be W3CDTF format.06:31
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shenkimithro: :(06:46
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mithroshenki: I'm sure I committed a fit for that :/06:50
CIA-65mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r6197e10faebb / Fix two small bugs in the requirments code.06:53
shenkimithro: just a note: it recommends python-psycho, but psycho is i386 only06:55
mithroshenki: if you figure out how to detect 64 bit, add a patch to requirements.py06:56
mithroshenki: btw - did you send the rest of the patches to the list?06:56
shenkimithro: yes, all spammed up06:56
shenkion startup:06:56
shenkilibtpclient-py/tp/client/ DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6 self.message = ""06:57
shenkilibtpclient-py/tp/client/pyscheme/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated from sets import Set06:57
mithroI don't care about them06:58
shenkisingle player wont work06:58
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tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mithrothere is something wrong with daneel-ai07:01
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CIA-65mithro daneel-ai * rffc1fad72060 / Fix a bug in requirements.py07:02
CIA-65mithro daneel-ai * ra2e83f7d1d6b / (daneel-ai-inplace.xml daneel-ai.xml): Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
shenkiwas that supposed to fix it?07:04
mithrothe will auto checkout the git submodules07:05
shenkiok. it still failed07:06
shenki shenki@moya ~/src/tp/daneel-ai :master07:06
shenki$ python requirements.py07:06
shenkifatal: Needed a single revision07:06
shenkiUnable to find current revision in submodule path 'libtpclient-py'07:06
shenkiNo module named tp.netlib07:06
shenkiNo module named tp.client07:06
shenkiThe following requirements where not met: libtpproto-py libtpclient-py07:06
mithroif you go into the daneel directory07:07
mithroand do a07:07
mithropython requirements.py07:07
shenkiyeah, that's what i just pasted to you07:07
mithroshenki: hrm07:07
mithrothat doesn't make any sense07:08
mithroremove daneel-ai07:08
mithroand recheck it out07:08
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shenkithat helped, i think07:08
mithroyou think?07:09
shenkiit checked out repos07:09
shenkihrm, still no game tho07:09
shenkilet me collect a log07:09
mithroit should look like this07:09
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
shenkiyeah, it did that stuff07:10
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mithroImportError: No module named logilab.constraint07:11
shenkiyeah. shouldn't check for logilab?07:12
mithroprobably :)07:12
shenki$ python -c "import platform; print platform.machine()"07:13
shenkican you run that ^07:13
mithropython-constraint is what you want07:13
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shenkistill no love:
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
shenkiwhat should i be choosing?07:17
mithrotry risk07:18
CIA-65mithro daneel-ai * rf4348584d372 / Add logilab.constraint as requirements.07:20
shenkitest is an awesome string to use for testing, as you can type it with one hand07:21
shenkiwoah, full screen07:22
shenkiit works \o/07:22
mithrofull screen?07:23
shenkitpclientpywx fullscreens itself by defualt07:24
shenkiwhich makes it massive on a 24" monitor07:24
mithrohow many ai did you include?07:24
mithrodid you change any of the settings?07:25
mithromaybe one of your patches broke stuff?07:28
shenkii'll try rebuilding with aster07:28
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
shenkithats the log07:29
mithroshenki: something strange is going on there07:30
JLPgood morning everyone07:31
mithroshenki: can you remove everything and do a fresh checkout?07:36
shenkimithro: i got a very simliar result07:39
mithrovery similar? still no objects?07:41
shenkivery similar in the sense that the gui had the same error07:42
mithrothis is weird07:43
mithroyou select risk right?07:43
mithroand this is with a fresh checkout of everything?07:43
mithrotpserver-cpp, tpclient-pywx and daneel-ai?07:43
shenkiand yes07:44
mithromaybe this is an amd64 bug?07:44
shenkicould be07:44
mithrocan you close that window and send me a screenshot?07:45
shenkiwhile i set it up, take a look at07:46
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mithroshenki: dunno if that will work on windows/mac07:47
shenkidoes anyone in the room have access to windows/mac to test?07:48
mithroshenki: what is the second message?07:49
mithroit looks like a turn has been completed07:51
mithroand you got wiped out07:51
mithroactually I think it might be because your computer is too powerful :P07:53
shenkithere wasn't a second message after the first screenshot07:53
shenkithere was a MotD, then the warning, then thats it07:53
mithroshenki: in the message window in the corner07:53
mithroit says "1 of 2"07:53
shenkioh, scroll up. gotcha07:53
shenkinah, no good07:54
shenkiSubject: Welcome to Risk! Here's a brief reminder of some rules07:54
shenkithe rules are: you lose07:54
mithrowhat if you only ad one player?07:55
shenkisame thing07:56
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
shenkiyou were right; windows returns an empty string coz it's too dumb to know what platform it's running on07:57
mithroshenki: that could almost work08:06
mithroI'm heading off08:10
mithrosee ya08:10
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JLPgab32: ahoy08:33
gab32hello :)08:38
JLPgab32: looking for gsoc fun?08:39
gab32JLP: hehe, yes.08:40
JLPthen you are in the right place :)08:40
JLPgab32: did any of the ideas from the list catch your interest?08:41
gab32JLP: I've been looking for the last couple of hours on the organization list and got it narrowed to ~508:41
gab32JLP: ruleset ideas look nice and the parsek client one08:42
gab32JLP: though to be honest I haven't looked deeply into it, just finished installing ubuntu and I'm trying to setup a development environment (I'm more of a windows guy)08:45
JLPgab32: take your time08:48
JLPdo you have anything in particular in mind regarding ruleset, improving an existing one would be the best option08:48
JLPgab32: and i would sure be happy to see parsek client get a spot :)08:49
JLPi started working on it quite some time ago, but unfortunately had no time for it recently as other stuf was more important08:51
gab32JLP: Umm, I don't really know much about this project, but I want to read more about it. I'll hang around here and ask questions meanwhile :)08:53
JLPgab32: that's cool, take a look at the developers documentation on the webpage and at the wiki pages and ask if something is not clear and we'll try to answer08:54
JLPgab32: btw, your' from netherlands, right?08:55
gab32JLP: I'm from Bucharest, Romania :)08:55
gab32gab is short from Gabriel08:55
JLPok, will try to remmeber this :)08:56
gab32You're from Netherlands?08:56
JLPnope, Slovenia08:56
gab32Cool, never been there, though I don't travel much08:57
JLPi've never been to romania either, mostly travel to western europe08:59
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JLPgab32: welcome back09:38
gab32I've seen the Risk space version. Nice, I like that game :)09:43
JLPyeah, jphr did a nice job09:52
gab32JLP: do you think Risk TP version improvement might be a gsoc possible project?10:05
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JLPgab32: sorry, had connection problems10:35
JLPgab32: if you find enough work for 3 months and write a good proposal/application it can be10:36
JLPgab32: also before continuing you should probably contact jphr and ask him if he has any plans and such10:36
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JLPPatrick`: welcome back11:35
JLPbtw, do you know Mike Arthur?11:36
Patrick`yeah, we went to school together, I've lived with him, and I consider him to be akin a brother11:36
Patrick`how do you know him?11:37
JLPcool, i know him from KDE, and met him in 2007 on Akademy at lunch, i think he was working on kblog or something like that11:37
Patrick`he's a pretty awesome all-round dude11:37
Patrick`convinced me to do SoC 2 years ago with a day left on the deadline11:38
JLPnice :)11:38
ezodPatrick`: what org did you work with?11:40
Patrick`BBC research11:41
Patrick`yeah, it was pretty neat11:41
ezodwhat was the project?11:42
Patrick`kamaelia, it's a concurrency framework11:42
Patrick`kiiiind of like stackless but not11:42
Patrick`now, one thing made me balk a bit and that's the mention of mockups/example code on the soc proposal page. Much as I'd love to get into it, my driving force and life orientating compass point from now until early may will be my exams. I have to do well, quite well, to fulfil the requirements of my perfect dream PhD.11:44
Patrick`in terms of time used before the 9th of may, it wins unconditionally :/11:45
Patrick`I won't be able to spend more than 3 or 4 hours on a proposal11:45
ezodinteresting - my EE master's thesis was a distributed algorithm, implementation done in python, and lately i've been looking at some of those frameworks to play with the problem some more11:45
Patrick`ezod: kamaelia would be worth a peek then11:45
Patrick`lemme see if I can find a nice graphic that illustrates it11:45
ezodhi bddebian11:46
bddebianHeya ezod11:46
ezodbddebian: gwern pointed out yesterday that key.asc is 404 on debian/ubuntu repository11:50
Patrick`ezod: fail, can't find it, but there's a nice graphic of all the little boxes linked together11:50
ezodPatrick`: taking a look at it11:51
ezodand wow, this looks like *exactly* what i want11:52
bddebianI don't think I even have access to it anymore after they regenerated the keys11:52
Patrick`it was pretty neat, yeah11:52
bddebianShould be in the official repos soon I hope.  I think tpclient-pywx is the last hold out and it is in NEW11:53
tpbTitle: :: pydsscc (at
ezodPatrick`: that's ^ my implementation - did message queues and threading myself, probably not very well :)11:53
Patrick`I did the same thing before joining kamaelia11:55
gab32where can I get a copy of tpclient-pywx for ubuntu?11:57
tpb<> (at
gab32I've tried that with an intrepid(ubuntu 8.10) distribution, but it doesn't seem to work12:03
ezodgab32: you could try inplace12:06
tpb<> (at
ezodor you could checkout the git repository12:07
tpb<> (at
ezodi'm not sure about the ubuntu packages, i'm on gentoo12:07
gab32ezod: thanks! I'm running a server on ubuntu with vmware and I can connect to it with a windows client, but I can't seem to figure out the account creation part12:09
gab32I can "check" the server fine, but I get  "Account creation Error - bad username or password"12:10
ezodgab32: is autoadd_players set to yes in config?12:11
gab32ezod: Yes, I think so. I've checked tpserver-cpp/etc/quickstart-risk-random.conf12:13
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Patrick`JLP: what made you think I might know him?12:19
ezodgab32: hrm, you could set log_level to 0 and paste debug log messages somewhere12:19
ezodPatrick`: your hostmask likely ;)12:20
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Patrick`oh dur12:20
Patrick`I forgot I switched shells12:20
JLPPatrick`: when you joined the channel i've seen ([email protected])12:21
Patrick`heh :)12:21
ezodgab32: looks like if max_players is 0 for some reason, that would happen12:22
ezodfor risk12:22
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gab32ezod: well, I haven't made any changes to conf files (max_players is 6) . I just followed some info posted on wiki about installation12:24
gab32I'm going to try other types of games12:25
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Patrick`so I understand that if the servers both support the ruleset, a cross-language version should be possible12:46
gab32minisec works just fine. I can't create an account while running risk12:48
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ezodPatrick`: yep12:51
Patrick`this is impressive12:57
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Patrick`hmm, it seems like rather than implementing the beginnings of a stars-clone in tpserver-py, it would make more sense to reimplement things from tpserver-cpp first13:11
Patrick`er, I mean, implementing the hooks that a stars-clone client would need13:11
Patrick`nice, ice-913:17
ezodgot a semi-reply about penguicon talk - good chance i'll get to do it :)13:34
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gwernblack ice is cooler than ice-913:44
Patrick`kills less people14:06
Patrick`oops, I meant /names14:10
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JLPSnova: ahoy19:06
SnovaHello JLP. :)19:06
JLPSnova: here for the gsoc?19:07
SnovaNo. I don't have a particular reason to be here at all, really.19:07
SnovaI discovered it a while back, but only tried to get it running yesterday... thought I'd stop by.19:07
JLPoh, how did you find out about our little community?19:08
SnovaProbably while looking for something to play, I don't remember precisely how I stumbled upon Thousand Parsec. Found a pointer to the channel somewhere on the site.19:09
JLPok cool, great to have you here19:10
JLPgood nigh everyone, see you tomorrow20:56
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CIA-65mavrinac libtpclient-py-stable * r0741c9bad1f9 /tp/client/ Proper epydoc documentation for SinglePlayer module.22:19
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SnovaI'm off to bed. Thanks for the welcome, it's nice to know there are people here. :)23:23
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