Monday, 2008-08-11

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llnz_workezod: looks like you are doing very well00:09
ezodllnz_work: unfortunately not :(00:11
ezodi think i'm close to getting this wizard working though00:11
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mithropackages sent!01:45
* llnz_work wanders off01:45
llnz_worklater all01:45
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* mithro laughs evilly01:50
mithroezod: I'm assuming you have headed to bed01:50
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mithroJLP: ping?02:22
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shenkimithro: you asked me to ask you about debug enabled ogre packages03:25
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mithrothey are rebuilding at this moment03:25
shenkiah. more bug fixes?03:25
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mithroshenki: can you sign up for an account on the suse build system?03:39
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shenkimithro: i have an account. shenki00.04:51
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mithroI have interwebs at home!06:40
shenkimithro: congratulations on the tubes07:04
shenkiwhat did you have in mind for my opensuse build account?07:04
mithroI can give you permission to see the debs then07:07
mithrothe webs are slowish :(07:08
mithrowhat speed do you get with your ADSL?07:09
shenkisync speed? we used to get ~4Mbit down/1Mbit up07:19
shenkiit degrated over time - when we first got adsl, it was 16Mbit down07:19
mithrowhat do you get now?07:20
shenkii'm not sure - i don't have access to the router/modem :(07:20
shenkiahh, i had to click the build service button before it activated my account for it07:21
mithroi'm getting around 100kilobytes a second :(07:41
shenkisync speed? or download speed?07:42
mithrodownload speed07:42
shenki100 isn't bad for a torrent. try downloading something from the 'node mirror07:42
mithrofrom the node mirror :(07:42
shenkiwhat does it report your sync speed as?07:43
mithrowhich is 6mbit which should be 600kilobytes/second07:43
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mithrojust making sure I get the same under wired07:45
shenkiah. and?07:46
mithrosame :(07:47
mithrojust going to try a different point in the house07:47
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mithrono luck :(07:54
shenkithat's unfortunate07:54
shenkitimes like this a second modem would come in handy :P07:55
shenkiperhaps see if there's an updated firmware for the modem?07:55
mithrothere is but it's only a very minor version number07:55
mithroI'm on hold with internode at the moment07:55
tpb<> (at
mithroin theory that should have debug symbols07:56
mithrobut the size kind of looks otherwise07:56
shenkiis this just debug symbols, or is it the library+debug symbols?07:57
shenkigah, slow download speed. ~40KB/s. the tubes must be clogged tonight07:59
mithroshenki: nah, their service is slow :(08:00
mithroit would be like 200mb if it had debug symbols08:00
shenkifar out. is 71MB08:02
shenkisurely that not an efficant way to do things...and what makes up all that size?08:02
mithroit's a tradeoff between manual work and working08:04
mithroif you want to go and find all the stuff which isn't used, feel free08:04
mithrorebuilding yet again - hopefully this time they will have debug symbols08:05
shenkido you know the difference between the -t and -T options for objdump? if so, wanna explain it to me?08:07
shenki  -t, --syms               Display the contents of the symbol table(s)08:07
shenki  -T, --dynamic-syms       Display the contents of the dynamic symbol table08:07
mithronot exactly sure08:08
shenkiso -t gives no symbols08:08
shenkibut -T:08:08
shenki$ objdump -T |wc -l08:08
mithrohow many are in
shenki$ objdump -T /usr/lib/ |wc -l08:10
mithro7730 << 16851408:11
mithrowhat about -t?08:11
shenkino symbols08:12
shenki$ objdump -T |wc -l08:12
shenki295808:12 is 18MB08:12
* mithro reads lolcasts while waiting08:17
mithroshenki: feel free to ask about it on the list08:17
mithroit's just computer generated output of what gcc-xml produces08:18
shenkimithro: the python-ogre list?08:18
mithronow been on hold for 51 minutes08:18
mithroquick service fail08:18
mithroatleast i have the intertubes to entertain me08:19
mithroeven if they are slowz08:19
shenkimithro: have you read ?08:20
tpbTitle: Abstruse Goose (at
shenkiit's quite entertaining08:20
shenkialso, popsickle strip is good:
tpb<> (at
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mithrostill building :(09:43
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ezodmithro: hey, yes, i had gone to bed ^^09:50
ezodmithro: the segfault problem i'm having seems to involve sizers and widget creation09:53
shenkimithro: how long did it take last time?09:53
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CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r496b4882b6d1 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/research/ (6 files): Tried to rebalance and made changes with the new Greek Mythology motif15:33
CIA-32juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * raef7d5d358bf /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Renamed all ships and their researches to follow a new Greek Mythology motif.15:33
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llnz_workmorning all17:27
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CIA-32aaron tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * rdc7ce6ca4083 /windows/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Single player wizard is partially implemented.22:59
CIA-32aaron tpclient-pywx-singleplayer * r29fd37c3b015 /windows/ Automatically connect to single player game.23:24
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