Wednesday, 2007-10-03

*** tpb has joined #tp00:00
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greywhindmithro: ping?00:52
greywhindmithro: - it would be great if you could fill this out and send it back.00:53
tpb<> (at
mithroFile type unavailable00:56
mithrogreywhind: doesn't like that file00:56
greywhindmithro: alright. i'll upload it as a jpg00:56
greywhindtry that - same thing, except .jpg00:57
mithrookay got it01:00
greywhindmithro: sorry I didn't get to commit the changes yet - I had to write a summary of my work for the quarter today.01:01
mithrogreywhind: for Thousand parsec?01:01
greywhindmithro: yes01:02
mithrogreywhind: could you CC it to me?01:02
greywhindmithro: sure.01:02
mithrogreywhind: any chance you could commit your stuff tonight?01:04
mithroI would like to have a look it while I'm on the plane01:04
* mithro heads off to San Fran tommorrow morning01:04
greywhindmithro: i can do that, but it won't have the text bug fixed01:04
greywhindcheck your e-mail01:31
greywhindmithro: by the way, should i cg-branch-chg origin back to development, then git-rebase origin, then chg origin back to incoming, then commit?01:33
mithrosure! :P01:33
greywhindis that the correct procedure?01:34
mithrosounds like you know what you are doing :)01:34
mithronash: ping?01:34
greywhindmithro: so the 3 patches since my last commit were: Fix the server list in the dropdown, Remove the overriding of font sizes, and Fix the shift mixin?01:41
adhocmithro: will we catch you before you head off?01:41
adhocmithro: lucychili was talking to me about tshirts...01:41
mithroadhoc: I was hoping that you would be at the breakfast thing this morning01:42
mithrogreywhind: that sounds about right, I haven't been up to much01:42
adhocmithro: i am on earlies this week01:42
greywhindmithro: alright.01:42
mithroadhoc: early shift I'm assuming? :P01:42
CIA-3noegnud tpclient-pywx-incoming * r18115c6d49b2 /windows/ (main/ xrc/ xrc/winDesign.xrc):01:42
CIA-3Modified winDesign to use XRC, replicating the functionality of the01:42
CIA-3original. Note: There is a known bug that causes text in one of the01:42
CIA-3sections of the window to be stacked into one line. This should be fixed in01:42
CIA-3the next commit.01:43
greywhindmithro: seems to have worked01:43
mithroadhoc: I leave tommorrow early in the morning01:43
mithroso unless you want to drop by my house tonight :)01:43
mithroadhoc: I would be happy for you to drop by - I still have that computer stuff for you too01:46
mithrodid you find anyone who wanted the X11 terminals?01:46
greywhindmithro: would you mind checking that i committed correctly?01:46
mithrogreywhind: will do!01:48
nashmithro: you rang?01:52
mithronash: so what is your status01:52
nashtoo busy to think + wedding anneversary ;-)01:53
nashI have plans however ;-)01:53
mithrogreywhind: only one patch?01:54
greywhindmithro: yes.01:54
mithrogreywhind: okay - seems to have pushed fine01:54
greywhindmithro: could you try applying it to a local copy there to make sure it runs? or do you not have time at the moment?01:55
mithrogreywhind: you have committed some file with mac-roman encoding01:57
greywhindmithro: hmm01:58
mithrocan you make sure you are using utf-8 or ascii01:58
greywhindmithro: which one?01:58
mithrogreywhind: not quite sure01:58
greywhindi bet it's the .xrc file02:00
mithrogreywhind: that is what I would bet on02:00
greywhindthat's the only one i edited in a different text editor02:00
mithrogreywhind: yeah it is02:00
mithro<?xml version="1.0" encoding="mac-roman"?>02:00
mithroat the top of that file02:01
greywhindwhat should i do? just submit a patch to change the encoding of that file?02:01
mithronash: leave for San Fran tommorrow02:02
mithroo just trying to get up-to-date on the status02:02
nashyep... haven't touched code in my personal time for a month I think02:03
greywhindmithro: ok, i think i fixed the encoding02:05
CIA-3noegnud tpclient-pywx-incoming * r9b32ac1e732b /windows/xrc/winDesign.xrc:02:08
CIA-3Hopefully fixed the encoding on winDesign.xrc (from mac-os-roman to02:08
CIA-3UTF-8). No other changes.02:08
greywhindtry that?02:09
adhocmithro: i will talk to the girl and see what time we finish up02:11
adhocmithro: i don't have your mobile number ... or address =/02:12
mithroadhoc: what is your email again?02:12
greywhindmithro: did it work?02:19
mithrogreywhind: looks like it did02:19
greywhindmithro: great. if there's any problems, let me know.02:20
mithrooh waite02:20
greywhindhmm... problem?02:20
mithro  File "./windows/main/", line 359, in BuildPropertiesPanel02:21
mithro    value = wx.StaticText(, -1, pstring)02:21
mithro  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx/", line 1135, in __init__02:21
mithro    _controls_.StaticText_swiginit(self,_controls_.new_StaticText(*args, **kwargs))02:21
mithro  File "encodings/", line 16, in decode02:21
mithroUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 8: unexpected code byte02:21
mithroI don't think that is your problem however02:21
greywhindwell, if it's related to the encoding, wouldn't it be my problem?02:21
mithrogreywhind: I think that is complaining about a null in the text output that tpserver-cpp is sending02:22
mithro0xff is a null I believe02:22
greywhindyeah, doesn't look like it's the XRC file... it's not getting the data from the XRC file at that point.02:24
adhoclaters mithro02:24
mithroadhoc: did you figure it all out?02:24
adhocyes, i think so02:26
mithroadhoc: care to fill me in? :P02:26
adhoci have a number and an address02:26
adhocalthough thudnerbird doesn't display the vcard thingy, so i viewed the source ;)02:27
mithroadhoc: weird02:28
adhocits all good =)02:28
mithroso should I be expecting you tonight?02:28
mithroor are we going to leave it till I get back02:28
adhoci'll talk to the girl. see what happens, she wanted shirts so maybe02:28
adhoci will call you either way. ok?02:29
*** adhoc is now known as adhoc-away02:29
mithroadhoc-away: okay cool02:29
mithroadhoc-away: if you don't get through the first time, please try again a few times02:30
mithromy phone can be funny sometimes02:30
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mithrojotham: ping?06:06
mithroo so quiet :P06:28
llnzyes... a little too quiet06:39
mithromangle the topic again :/06:49
*** llnz changes topic to "Thousand Parsec | Summer of Code went very well |"07:01
* llnz wanders off07:02
llnzlater all07:02
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