Wednesday, 2007-08-08

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oLd-sckOoLwhere am I?00:08
greywhindthe channel for Thousand Parsec (
oLd-sckOoLhmm that sounds interesting00:10
oLd-sckOoLwell bye00:10
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xdotxllnz: FOW?04:08
xdotxah, nvm, fog?04:09
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llnzFog Of War04:38
jothamdun dun duun04:38
* xdotx nods04:38
xdotxllnz: i was just going to make it so that when you give a move order the fleet disappears and then reappears when the time's up at the star sys04:39
xdotxbut RFTS does have FOW of sorts04:40
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llnzdoes it disappears from everyone, or does the owner see all the way?05:13
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xdotxthe fleet? disappears from everyone.05:14
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xdotxbecause you can't see/interact with it while it's in flight (due to some warp-speed or something iirc)05:15
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CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r9103b0a4eebc /modules/games/rfts/ (buildfleet.cpp move.cpp move.h): minor changes to move and build fleet05:19
xdotxi'm gonna get some sleep before the sun comes up on me again05:22
xdotxllnz: i plan to crank out a couple more orders and then start on production tomorrow/later today, so i'll probably have some more questions05:22
llnzhi pschulz0105:32
pschulz01I'm trying to pull changes to tpclient-pywx into the development branch, but I'm getting 'needs update' messages.05:33
pschulz01llnz: Howdy.05:33
pschulz01llnz: fatal: you need to resolve your current index first05:34
pschulz01llnz: I'm in the development branch..05:34
llnzthe development branch is the one "supposed" to be more up to date05:35
pschulz01llnz: It's probably just me..05:36
pschulz01llnz: (make that definitely.)05:36
pschulz01llnz: Hmm.. works without errors when I do it longhand,,05:37
pschulz01llnz: git-pull git:// development05:38
pschulz01llnz: Have to go.. pizza here.. chat later.05:38
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llnzhi mithro06:33
mithrollnz: fixed up demo1?06:33
llnzdemo1 running again06:35
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mithrollnz: so, did you update demo1 so it won't crash again?06:41
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mithrollnz: why not?07:13
llnzbecause I don't think... oh wait...07:24
llnzupdated and restarted07:28
* llnz wanders off07:38
llnzlater all07:38
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pschulz01mithro: Where do run those commands from?07:55
mithroin the base directory07:55
mithrocd libtproto-py07:56
mithrocd libtpproto-py07:56
mithro python -c "import tp.netlib.version as v; print '%i.%i.%i' % v[:3]"07:57
mithrothat will give you the dotted version07:57
pschulz01In tpclient-pywx07:57
mithroa checkout of libtpproto-py07:58
pschulz01What about tpclient-pywx?07:58
pschulz01(The one I'm trying to package)07:58
mithrotpclient-pywx requires something a little different07:58
pschulz01That would be right,07:58
mithropython -c "import version as vi; print '%i.%i.%i' % vi.version"07:59
mithroin the tpclient-pywx-dev directory07:59
pschulz01'-dev' you mean development branch08:00
pschulz010.2.2 in 'master', 0.3.0 in 'development'08:00
mithroI check out the development branch using08:00
pschulz01So.. 0.3.0 is the 'target' release?08:01
mithrocg-clone git:// tpclient-pywx-dev08:01
mithropschulz01: yeah08:01
mithro0.2.2 doesn't have an "install" method08:02
pschulz01mithro: Ok.. just thinking about the 'version' numbers...08:04
mithro dpkg --compare-versions "0.2.99+" gt "0.2.99+0.3.0rc1" ; echo $?08:06
pschulz01Yeah.. but how do I get 0.2.99 out of the sources?08:06
mithroyou can't really08:06
mithropython -c "import version as vi; print '%i.%i.%i' % (vi.version[0], vi.version[1]-1, 99)"08:07
mithrothat won't work for 0.3.1 however :/08:09
pschulz01version_dev = (0.2.99) in version.py08:09
mithroI guess I could do that08:10
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r823517642bdd / Dev-Version..08:14
mithropschulz01: try that08:14
mithropython -c "import version as vi; print '%i.%i.%i' % vi.version"08:14
mithropython -c "import version as vi; print '%i.%i.%i' % vi.version_dev"08:15
mithropython -c "import version as vi; print '%i.%i.%i+%i.%i.%i' % (vi.version_dev[:]+vi.version)"08:16
mithromaybe that should be around the other way?08:18
pschulz01mithro: Excellent.. I'm looking at the debain tools for updating the 'changelog', which controls the package build..08:18
pschulz01mithro: No..08:18
pschulz01mithro: problem with 'ordering'08:18
mithropython -c "import version as vi; print '%i.%i.%i+%i.%i.%i' % (vi.version_dev+vi.version)"08:19
pschulz01mithro: Want 0.3.0 to be greater..08:19
mithroI mean vi.version == the "current" version08:19
mithrovi.version_dev, where we want to end up?08:19
pschulz01s/current/target/ ?08:19
pschulz01I see is as the other way around.08:20
pschulz01version_dev <- current version08:21
pschulz01version <- target08:21
pschulz01Help:About would show what?08:22
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rb003ed32c4d2 / Version file can now be run to get the current version.08:26
mithropschulz01: okay try this patch08:26
mithroif you do a "python" it will echo the version08:26
mithropschulz01: I'll always get to echo the correct version for tpclient-pywx, how does that sound?08:30
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* pschulz01 gets patch by downloading entire tree again.08:31
pschulz01mithro: Ahh.. that's why it's '-dev'08:33
mithrowhy not "cg-update" ?08:34
pschulz01mithro: I usually used 'git pull' but was having trouble..08:35
mithroahh okay08:35
pschulz01mithro: cg-update.. ahh :-)08:36
pschulz01Looks good :-)08:36
pschulz01There is the python-debian package which looks like it will work for me :-)08:36
mithropschulz01: coolies08:37
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pschulz01mithro: Do you have a preferred 'scratchpad'?08:48
pschulz01.. pastebin08:53
mithroI would like one which intergrated with tpb08:56
mithropschulz01: whats the problem?08:57
mithroif it's less then 5 lines, just paste here08:57
pschulz01I've created a python script called .. update-debian-changelog08:58
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pschulz01import version as vi;08:59
pschulz01                    version='%i.%i.%i' % vi.version,09:00
pschulz01                    distributions='unstable',09:00
pschulz01                    urgency='low',09:00
pschulz01                    author='Paul Schulz <>',09:00
pschulz01                    date='Thu,  3 Aug 2006 19:16:22 +0100',09:00
pschulz01                    )09:00
pschulz01Selected lines..09:00
mithrowhere does changelog come from?09:00
pschulz01I need to get set the version= and date= lines.09:00
pschulz01from debian_bundle.changelog import Changelog, Version09:00
pschulz01I need the version line to be the 'package version' eg. 0.2.99+0.3.0_2007070809:01
mithroahh okay09:02
mithrodo you want me to make it for you?09:02
pschulz01I don't have that much experience with python :-)09:02
pschulz01Shall I add the script..09:03
pschulz01.. it produces some output at the moment.09:03
pschulz01Updating my git repo09:04
mithropschulz01: just doing a little bit of work09:12
pschulz01mithro: np09:12
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ python version.py09:12
mithro0.3.0+ (git b003ed32c4d2724025db11ad592dd12f94d08403)09:12
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ python -c "import version; print version.version"09:12
mithro(0, 3, 0)09:12
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ python -c "import version; print version.version_target"09:12
mithro(0, 3, 1, '20070808')09:12
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ python -c "import version; print version.version_str"09:12
tpb<> (at
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ python -c "import version; print version.version_target_str"09:12
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ python -c "import version; print version.version_git"09:12
pschulz01or better..
tpb<> (at
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r27f1953a06af / Added the _str versions plus a _git version.09:14
mithronow what you want to do is the following09:15
tpb<> (at
mithro"%s+%s" % (version.version_str, version.version_target_str)09:16
mithrothat will give you 'package version'09:16
mithropschulz01: is there a way to put the git version into the package information?09:16
pschulz01mithro: Where do I find the 'git' version?09:17
pschulz01mithro: use that instead of the date? or add it in the comments.09:18
mithrocan't use it instead of the date09:18
mithroas it's not "sequential"09:18
pschulz01mithro: It can go in the changelog comment then.09:18
mithrothats good09:18
pschulz01mithro: Might be able include the commit summaries into the change log as well.. but.. that might be for the second itteration.09:19
mithropschulz01: yeah, they aren't very important09:20
mithroyou probably want to move that script into the "debian" directory09:20
mithroyou'll then need a "import sys; sys.path.insert(0, '..')"09:21
tpb<> (at
mithrothat will give you how to create the date bit09:23
pschulz01import version as vi;09:25
pschulz01ImportError: No module named version09:25
mithrodid you add the09:25
mithroimport sys; sys.path.insert(0, '..')09:25
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pschulz01But I ran it from .09:26
mithromove it into the debian directory?09:26
pschulz01OK.. works if I run it from 'debian'09:26
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pschulz01mithro: Updated repo...09:28
pschulz01mithro: Thanks. Off to bed.09:28
mithropschulz01: okay09:28
mithrocan we build a deb yet?09:28
pschulz01mithro: :-) no09:28
pschulz01mithro: maybe tomorrow,09:28
mithrookay then09:29
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mithrohey guitsaru09:31
mithroguitsaru: havn't had any chance to look into your problem any further09:34
CIA-3paul tpclient-pywx-development * rdab99e20509b /update-debian-changelog: Added script to create details for debian changelog09:37
CIA-3paul tpclient-pywx-development * rd0c6d2918a8c / Merge with git://
CIA-3paul tpclient-pywx-development * r720059a8d3ac / (debian/update-debian-changelog update-debian-changelog): Updated debian changelog script09:37
mithroguitsaru: you had a chance to look at the code in tpsai-py at all?09:38
guitsaruyeah, I looked at it yesterday09:38
mithroguitsaru: what do you think?09:38
guitsaruLooks good09:39
guitsaruEasy to read09:39
mithrothe name stands for "Thousand Parsec Simple AI in Python" :)09:39
guitsaruAnd the code goes with the name :D09:39
mithro  770 things.py09:42
mithro  396 tpsai-py09:42
mithro 1172 total09:42
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mithrohey DystopicFro09:43
DystopicFromithro: ahoy09:44
mithroDystopicFro: should I give tpruledev another look now?09:45
mithroDystopicFro: sometime we should sit down and discuss packaging tpruledev09:46
DystopicFromithro: nothing big has changed, going to get expressions of varying length (in terms of arguments (i.e., (+ x ...) or component expressions (cond) working)09:47
DystopicFrobut yes, we should definitely talk about packaging >.<09:47
DystopicFrosince I have no experience whatsoever in that regard09:47
mithrooohhhh, "Remove" :)09:48
mithrohrm.. inserting a string literal doesn't work?09:48
DystopicFrooh, yea, I guess I added that >.<09:48
mithroinserting a boolean does09:49
mithrono highlighting booleans?09:49
mithroTrying to use OnInsert function of block09:49
mithroResult of OnInsert function: False09:49
DystopicFromithro: booleans were highlighted before, dunno what's up with that09:50
DystopicFroI'll check the STC09:50
DystopicFroas for strings working09:50
DystopicFrolemme check that09:50
DystopicFroOh. Yup. Doesn't work.09:51
DystopicFroOne sec.09:51
tpb<> (at
DystopicFroThe docs for TextEntryDialog are FUBAR then about the return value09:52
DystopicFromithro: aye, I haven't done much to keep the user from shooting himself in the foot09:53
mithroDystopicFro: I was talking about the highlighting09:54
mithroit seems to automatically highlight when doing an insert/remove09:55
DystopicFroOh. That. I've just accustomed myself to that until I fix it09:55
DystopicFroSince I'm responding to mouse click events I figure that that's messing with the highlighting that the STC does09:55
DystopicFrowx.OK = 4, wx.CANCEL = 16...return values from the text prompt? 5100 and 5101. Seriously. Wtf?09:57
DystopicFroBollocks. ID_OK and ID_CANCEL10:00
mithroI ran into that problem myself before10:01
mithroDystopicFro: nice to have users? ;)10:02
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r25e8b87f1149 /src/tpcl/data/tpcl_base.xml: Fixed String and Number literal insertion10:02
DystopicFromithro: aye, testing is always good o.O10:02
DystopicFroI have a friend who is an utterly awesome tester10:02
DystopicFroHe helped me a lot with my FGD app, awesome feedback10:03
mithroDystopicFro: llnz is probably grumpy at me, because tpsai-py has been finding all the bugs in tpserver-cpp :P10:03
DystopicFroI'm going to ask him to take a look at the RDE and the Expression Editor when They're fairly complete10:03
DystopicFroJust to get his input10:03
DystopicFromithro: heheh10:03
mithroDystopicFro: where do you keep the XRC for the tpcl editor?10:03
mithrothis one?10:04
DystopicFroAye. Should be renamed to reflect that it's used by TpclEditorDialog10:04
mithroDystopicFro: you going to be around in a few hours?10:04
DystopicFroprobably, got the step-daughter hanging around, will have to help her our with her summer school materials later, but I'll keep an eye on the channel10:05
DystopicFromithro: better usability -> have a menu within the context menu to choose your option when faced with (- *EXPR* *...*) to insert a new arg or close off10:06
DystopicFromithro: or should it pop up a dialog with those options?10:07
DystopicFroI think the former is better, but takes more code and may be a bit less elegant implementation-wise10:07
mithroDystopicFro: I want to do a little mod to the editor to see what you think10:07
DystopicFroah, kk >.<10:09
mithroDystopicFro: feel free to continue with what you are doing10:09
DystopicFromithro: work continues unabated o.O - music blaring10:14
EpyonHey, anyone here got Game Programming Gems 2 book?10:24
mithroEpyon: didn't you ask that last night?10:28
EpyonI did :P10:33
EpyonBut now worries, my friend juat reported that he has it :D10:33
mithroDystopicFro: how do you set the contents of code_stc?10:41
mithroahh SetText10:43
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DystopicFromithro: ack, I'm here just buried in meh code >.<10:52
mithroDystopicFro: thats fine10:53
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mithroDystopicFro: what is the best way to send you this?11:09
mithropush it to a branch on git.thousandparsec?11:10
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r40002c7ad0e5 /src/tpcl/ Added a remove function for TpclTemplate elements11:12
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rf7593fe1794b /src/tpcl/data/tpcl_base.xml: Added brief docs on the format of the file11:12
DystopicFromitrho: yea, I think that would be the best way to go11:13
tpb<> (at
mithroDystopicFro: if you run that, you'll see what I was thinking11:18
DystopicFromithro: finishing something up and then I'll check it out11:18
mithroDystopicFro: ping me when you are looking at it11:20
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r56163d6bc8be /src/ (5 files in 3 dirs):11:25
CIA-3Initial stab at getting expansion points up11:25
CIA-3I'm not liking this method all so much, but we'll see how it goes.11:25
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mithroEpyon: ?11:28
EpyonYyyh, sorry, I was changing batteries in the keyboard :)11:29
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EpyonI put the keyboard upside down on my lap and it started to produce zeros, and an enter on recconect xD11:31
mithroyeah, i was wonder if Yyyh was an acroynim11:34
EpyonNo just a exclamation :)11:34
mithro~seen niphree11:37
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 week, 4 days, 4 hours, 4 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <niphree> mithro: eee... not now :] I've just started working11:37
EpyonAnd to think that I feel bad that I didn't do a commit yesterday -_-11:40
DystopicFromithro: I can't seem to get what you commited to work11:48
DystopicFroWhen I left click I get a popup menu with an insert option11:48
mithroyou click on the insert option?11:48
DystopicFroclicking on that makes my original expression editor appear11:48
mithroyou select the expression11:49
mithroand then select "insert"11:49
mithroand it appears back in the original screen11:49
DystopicFroI get it now11:49
* DystopicFro was very confused for a second or two11:49
DystopicFroI see now11:49
DystopicFroThat's kind of cool, in that you get immediate feedback for what you're going to be getting11:50
mithroand the idea the help goes in the bottom section11:52
* DystopicFro nods11:52
DystopicFroI see what you're getting at a bit11:53
DystopicFroFor me, I really want to have the tree accessible all the time, but that's following along with how I work11:53
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DystopicFroGive me a sec to integrate some immediate feedback into my panel layout, like, below the tree11:54
mithroI think the "Insert" would have "Insert Function" -> goes to tree view, "Insert Boolean", "Insert String"..11:54
DystopicFromithro: what I'm thinking of for the quick insert menu is access to all literals (strings, numbers, booleans) and common functions (simple math, simple list ops, the if statement, etc)11:55
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mithroDystopicFro: thats possible11:56
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DystopicFromithro: my idea is being pushed now - the display text is not so good as newlines and tabs aren't interpreted correctly, but it's the gist of what I think might be better12:10
DystopicFroand the detailed info button could be clicked to get the expression doc/description12:10
mithroDystopicFro: yeah, that is okay - maybe put the help in the items tooltip?12:14
mithroit still feels "backwards" to me12:15
mithroI want to select where I want to insert, before what to insert12:15
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mithroDystopicFro: well I think I'm going to head to bed12:30
mithromaybe ask nash what he thinks?12:36
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Urthmoverhow is the project going?12:37
mithroUrthmover: pretty good12:38
mithroUrthmover: I'm assuming you are new?12:39
DystopicFromithro: gnite then, will certainly ask nash12:42
* mithro heads to bed12:42
mithrognight everyone12:42
Urthmoveryes I'm very new12:42
UrthmoverI just found out about the project when I downloaded MOO2 after 10 years12:42
DystopicFrowell, welcome to the neighborhood, Urthmover12:43
UrthmoverI really forgot how much I love 4x games12:43
Urthmoverglad to be here12:43
Urthmoverso this project is a framework for 4x development   I read12:43
Urthmoverdoes this project seem to be moving along...and getting toward some working product?12:44
DystopicFroUrthmover: that's definitely the hope12:45
DystopicFroI'm kind of new here myself, I just joined up as part of Google's Summer of Code12:45
DystopicFrothere's been a flurry of development in the past few months with three other college students like me working on TP in addition to the original developers12:45
Urthmovercool cool12:46
UrthmoverI unforunatly don't code much...I'm more of hte networking hardware sort12:46
DystopicFrono worries there :) mithro can find a way for practically anyone to help >.<12:47
DystopicFroor you can just play around with what we've got12:47
DystopicFrofeedback is always good as well12:47
Urthmoverright on...12:47
Urthmoverso there is a working client that people are "testing"?12:48
DystopicFroyes, though the stable version is quite a few months old12:48
DystopicFrolemme get you a link12:48
DystopicFrollnz should have the demo server up and running12:48
Urthmoverthat would be great man12:49
Urthmoverrather exciting even12:49
UrthmoverI usually find a project way way before there is anything to look at12:49
DystopicFro is the main downloads page12:50
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Downloads (at
tpb<> (at
DystopicFroand that's a link to the windows installer for the stable build of the client12:50
UrthmoverI am putting this channel in my rp so that it will come up daily now12:50
UrthmoverI'm curious how much chit chat is going into the development12:51
DystopicFrowell, where are you located?12:51
DystopicFrothe main developers are located in Australia, so if you're in the US like me then all the action happens while you're asleep12:52
DystopicFroand, yes, llnz has demo1 running, so once you get the client installed you should be able to just join the default server12:54
UrthmoverI'm in Texas12:55
* Urthmover registering then connecting12:55
DystopicFrocool, cool, then you'll be able to see the most activity later at night, say from about 7 or 8PM on12:56
DystopicFroah, and there's your star system >.<12:59
DystopicFroyea, I think the turn length is 10 minutes on demo112:59
UrthmoverI'm gonna have to figure out what all I'm looking at13:01
Urthmoverbut this could get fun13:01
DystopicFroyea...not all the orders work all the time, I don't think I've ever been able to colonize a planet13:02
DystopicFroBut for a quick intro to what you can do:13:02
Urthmoverk go13:03
DystopicFroselect your fleet in the tree on the right, it'll be a child of the urthmover star system13:03
DystopicFronow in the leftmost panel (which is the order panel) select Move from the drop down box13:03
Urthmovernow I guess I pick somwhere to go13:04
DystopicFroTo select where you want the fleet to move to, click on the [P] button beside the position coordinates and then click on a location on the star map13:04
DystopicFrooh >.< and then just make sure to hit the save button13:05
* Urthmover saved13:06
* Urthmover is flying to Draconis13:06
DystopicFroanyway, the basic gist is that each object (be it a fleet or a planet) has a different set of orders that are associated with it13:07
Urthmoverwhat is the blinking red EOT.....end of turn?13:07
Urthmovermakes sense13:07
Urthmoverand each turn is just a timer....I don't click "end turn" do I?13:08
DystopicFronar, that's under discussion at the moment, instead of set-time turns also allowing everyone to end their turn13:08
DystopicFroI'm checking to see if I have the same version of the client as you do, I may not be seeing what you're seeing13:09
Urthmoverthere is a turn counter in the very lower right field13:09
Urthmoverset to 9 minutes13:09
Urthmoveror maybe it started at 1013:09
DystopicFroah. yea. I'm not up to date :(13:09
Urthmoverok so my fleet is half way there13:10
Urthmoverand I think I'm seeing a grey like showing everyone elses "last turn" move of the fleets13:10
DystopicFroThe grey line, I believe, is the velocity of the fleet13:11
Urthmoverso is there micro management on the planets it self13:11
DystopicFrothe hashmarks indicating where it will be after 1 turn, 2 turns, etc13:11
Urthmoveryep velocity ...fancy word13:11
Urthmovergot it13:11
DystopicFroRight now there's nothing to do with your planets except build more fleets13:11
DystopicFroThere are rulesets (read: games) in the works that have economies, trading, resources and all of that good stuff13:12
DystopicFroBut none of them are working right now. The game that's running on the server right now is called Minisec13:12
Urthmoverbrb daughter13:13
DystopicFroUrthmover: info on Minisec -
tpb<> (at
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* mithro can't sleep14:26
guitsaruthat sucks14:27
mithroI have come up with a way to make the code in libtpproto-py much more readable14:50
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mithrowb DystopicFro15:15
mithrothis new method rocks!15:20
mithroit makes the code sooooo much easier to read15:20
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xdotx_anybody know a way to download the latest version from git without using git?15:59
xdotx_(got it, nvm)16:14
DystopicFromithro: eh? new method? or did I miss some context there?16:51
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mithroDystopicFro: I have come up with a way to make the code in libtpproto-py much more readable20:12
mithronash: ping? :)20:24
jothammithro has put it all in a word document and hired a graphic designer to lay it out!20:24
mithrojotham: I ended up using generators which means pipelining no longer is hard to understand20:25
jothamgenerators are sexytime20:25
mithroand it reduced the Lines of Code by about 60%20:25
mithroand makes it so much more unstable20:26
jothamwe need users before we have to care about stability20:26
* mithro is tired20:27
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mithrowb guitsaru20:45
* mithro kills the AI so people have some hope on demo120:57
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guitsarumithro, you there?22:31
* xdotx just brought in the mail22:32
guitsaruget anything good?22:33
xdotxsomething from mithro :)22:34
xdotxi'd go ahead and guess that it's a tshirt given the size and texture, but the customs sticker on it that says "t-shirt" sort of makes that pointless22:34
xdotxmithro: how did you know my favorite color tshirt?!22:36
xdotxguitarsu: (it's black, of course)22:36
guitsaruOooh, that's mine too22:37
mithroI'll be around in 1-2 hours22:45
guitsaruYou guys choose bad fonts.  Stupid Swiss.22:59
mithroi'm back23:21
guitsaruI got tpclient-pywx working23:23
mithrothe development version?23:29
guitsaruThe problem was the locale stuff being called before the app was initialized23:31
mithroguitsaru: do you have a patch?23:38
guitsaruI also had to change the mac font in from swiss to courier because I don't seem to have nor am I able to find swiss23:38
guitsarunot yet23:38
guitsaruI'll have it in a second, I need to get git working again23:42
xdotxi went through some of that again recently23:44
xdotxgot my laptop set up with everything to run & dev tp23:44
xdotx(a powerbook running ubuntu)23:44

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