Sunday, 2007-07-29

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* llnz ponders01:37
mithrollnz: what are you pondering?02:17
mithroxdotx: ping?02:17
mithrollnz: tpsai-py is the only AI which doesn't crash now :P02:21
llnznothing much02:22
mithropondering adding "compound tasks" to it02:23
llnzbbs, making dinner02:23
mithromanaged to get up to turn 120 last night02:25
mithrobut I did have a strange issue02:28
mithrollnz: how long does it take to build a frigate and battleship?03:26
mithrollnz: how does one force a manual turn generation?03:44
* mithro heads out04:15
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* llnz ponders08:14
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r742994e8300f /tpserver/ (order.cpp order.h):08:35
CIA-3Added set and get for OrderQueueId on Orders.08:35
CIA-3Trying to clean up the interface a bit, OrderQueue is about to get a hand,08:35
CIA-3and then a really big comment to clean up the interface.08:35
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r405cdc507559 /tpserver/ (orderqueue.cpp orderqueue.h):08:47
CIA-3Added get and set ObjectId on OrderQueue, and set OrderQueueId on added Orders.08:47
CIA-3The ObjectId of the OrderQueue allows Orders to find which object it is on08:47
CIA-3and therefore it's properties. A few large-ish patches coming to use this08:47
CIA-3and other recently added things.08:47
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r741ab815cf06 /tpserver/ (orderqueueobjectparam.cpp orderqueueobjectparam.h):08:55
CIA-3Fixed OrderQueueObjectParam to check OrderQueue for owner.08:55
CIA-3Removed unused owner field. Stops leaking queue information to other08:55
CIA-3players in TP04; TP03 not affected.08:55
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CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r7d3eed6626bc /modules/games/ (6 files in 2 dirs):09:31
CIA-3Updating Orders to use AddOrderParameter and orderqueue/object ids.09:31
CIA-3Not as a significant sized patch as I thought.09:31
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r65fa1c3c01d7 /tpserver/order.cpp: Delete OrderParameters in Order destructor, now that they are centrally "owned".09:36
* llnz wanders off09:44
llnzlater all09:44
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