Sunday, 2015-08-30

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LaggedGuestHello. Any people not idling? I wanted to run something through you regarding last stable version - don't know if it's just me or something's wrong13:40
LaggedGuestEh, I'll drop it anyway. So, not sure if there's any information regarding long-haul gameplays or if community mostly runs current early versions for small games/cheated up for testing13:50
LaggedGuestBut currently AI in logner games goes a bit too hard with mulling things. Currently in the stable-ish 0.4.5 one can get from the wiki it goes bad enough that around 400th turn, whole game becomes somewhat unstable13:52
LaggedGuestAs in, each turn takes 3 - 7 minutes (yes, big variance) with constant strain on multicore rig of 99%13:53
LaggedGuestAnd it's nto some huge epic game, default game settings, galaxy sized smaller (about 70 systems). One cannot even pass the time waiting between turns because AI processes make it impossible to even load video players without stuttering13:54
LaggedGuestSaving is also out of the window without waiting additional 5 minutes before ending the turn13:54
LaggedGuestNot complaining in general, the game's still being worked on, but I thought I'll report it in case there are not many reports from long-term games.13:55
LaggedGuestAlso, the game at that point desperately needs some sort of lasting maintenance of units. With them only costing PP to be build, they start to pile up. Most empires now have single systems with blockades composed of nearly 200 ships, about 6k attack and 9k structure each13:57
LaggedGuestI mean, each blockade, not each ship.13:57
LaggedGuestOh, also, randomly, attack value of the ships/fleets in the system is listed as 0.0 even though checking design proves they're stocked with guns and on the next turn the correct value is shown.14:00
LaggedGuestGuess I'll drop the same info on the forum.14:02
tomreynthat's likely the bette rplace, yes14:46
LaggedGuestAaand kinda done.15:11
LaggedGuestWall fo text with (verified) things from here and other stuff posted.15:11
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* Sector notes lag has been discussed some recently on the forum. Haven't seen it that bad though, didn't really say much about system specs...16:46
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*** Ci-Dev_ is now known as Ci-Dev23:01
Ci-DevHm. I usually stop playing at around turn 200-250 as it gets too slow.23:09
Ci-DevBut this is not the AI.23:09
Ci-DevThe universe update tages many many many seconds then.23:10
Ci-DevAnd managing the production queue is very slow as well.23:10
Ci-DevBut I am on a lower-end system. :)23:10
SectorI've gone over 400 turns without it getting as bad as was mentioned.23:44
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Ci-DevIt depends on the galaxy size as well.23:58
Ci-DevI usually play with 100 planets, low density.23:58
Ci-Dev100 systems, low planet density23:58

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