Sunday, 2015-05-17

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Ci-Dev_I just wonder, which species do you play mostly, and why?16:38
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AfdalLove those Laenfa16:51
Afdalfor the enhanced vision16:51
Ci-DevThey are phototrphic? I don't like that. :o16:59
Afdala small price to pay17:00
Ci-DevI enkoy Etty, due to +25% attack.17:00
Ci-DevThey have -15% vision or so.#17:00
Ci-DevA small price to pay. ;)17:00
Ci-DevAnd they are robotic, so they share specials/bonus with Exobot.17:01
Afdalexobots have specials/bonuses?17:01
AfdalWhat are you referring to there17:02
Ci-DevExobot are robotic.17:02
Ci-DevPositronium Ash17:02
Ci-DevMagnetic something17:02
AfdalWhy not just colonize those with Etty?17:02
Ci-Devand a third growth special.17:02
Afdalerr monopoles17:03
Ci-DevAsteroid belt can only be collonised with Exobot.17:03
Afdalnot seeing how that's an advantage for Etty though17:03
Ci-DevLaenfy are telepathic, that's nice as well. :)17:03
Afdaloh yes17:03
Afdallaenfa OP17:03
Afdalnerf pls17:03
AfdalGysache used to be the most overpowered17:04
Afdalbut they gave them some drawbacks now17:04
Ci-DevIf you have a colony, you decide the focus.17:04
Ci-DevGrowth, Industry or Research17:04
Ci-DevSo if you need 3 more Growth, you lack 3 more Industry/Research17:05
Afdalwhat are talking about now17:05
Afdaldon't see how etty sharing specials with exobots is an advantage17:05
Ci-DevHm. Okay. Phototrophic are light self-sustained and have no growth speciald.17:06
Afdalthat's true17:06
Ci-DevIf your base species is orkanic, and you want to max out growth,17:07
Ci-Devyou need 3x growth.17:07
Afdal + planet special17:07
Ci-DevThis means you do not fucus on Industry.17:07
Ci-DevAnd 3x Industry gives about 300 PP.17:07
Afdaloh wait growth specials can stack?17:07
Ci-DevOr 300 RP.17:07
Afdalwhere are you getting this 3x17:07
Ci-DevOnly one per specical.17:08
Ci-Devgrowth special 117:08
Ci-Devgrowth special 217:08
Ci-Devgrowth special 317:08
Afdalnever tried that17:08
Ci-Dev3 colonies need to focus on growth17:09
AfdalI just assumed it was only one that had any effect17:09
Ci-Devnormal species have 3 growth specials17:09
AfdalDo they all have to be different growth specials?17:09
Ci-Devplus home world supply = 417:09
Ci-Devself-sustainred species have none of them and get the 4 bonus automatically17:09
Ci-Devthere are 3x oganic, 3x lithic and 3x robotic17:10
Afdalso you can't just do 3 magnetic monopoles17:10
Ci-Devso if you have many species to max out, you need 9 colonies on growth17:10
Afdalyou have to find monopoles, positronium ash, and computronium whatever?17:10
Ci-DevNo. This does not work.17:11
Afdalah, I see the advantage then now17:11
Afdalwell, sorta...17:11
Ci-DevSo you play young universe mostly?17:11
Afdalexobots can colonize specials that etty can't17:12
Ci-Devor which age?17:12
Afdalso you can get a greater chance as getting robotic growth bonuses17:12
Afdalthe three robotic planet growth specials17:12
Ci-DevAll planets can be colonised by all species, except17:12
Ci-Devgas giants by none17:12
Afdalexobots can colonize anything, so you have access to more specials that Etty can't get easily17:13
Ci-Devand asteroids by Exobots only.17:13
Afdalthat's what you're saying the advantage is right17:13
Ci-DevAh, yes. Ki17:13
Ci-Devnd of17:13
Ci-DevAnd you have 2 species and only need 3 specials.17:13
Ci-DevBut same with any two species of same biology base.17:14
AfdalWhat's the other robotic species again17:14
Afdalstarter species17:14
Ci-DevHowever, only Exobots can colonise Asteroids.17:14
Ci-DevBut they have no +25% attack.17:14
Afdalthink those are probably better than Etty :)17:14
Afdalbad vision is the worst malus17:15
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Afdalthe planning advantage of seeing what's going on is huge17:15
Ci-DevScouts are soo cheap.17:15
AfdalEtty has bad vision17:15
Afdalyou still have to send them out17:15
Ci-DevAnd as soon as you have Scanning Facility, this bonus basically voids.17:15
Ci-Dev+25% attack stays ;)17:16
Afdalwhen laenfa get scanning facility17:16
Afdalthey can see everyyyything17:16
Ci-DevSo the best bonus is +50% attack, +25% and then +PP.17:16
AfdalTo be honest I don't use exobots much anymore17:16
Ci-DevRest is useless. :p17:16
Afdalcolonizing like crazy gets so tedious for me17:16
Afdalbecause the game runs badly at around 200 turns17:17
Ci-DevBut that's what you need to do in order to win. :o17:17
AfdalSo what's your least favorite species o:17:17
AfdalMine is Trith17:17
Afdalthey're like Humans, but bad17:18
Afdalat least the other xenophobic species gets that huge attack bonus17:18
Ci-DevEaxaw I think.17:19
Afdalthat's your least favorite?17:19
Ci-DevHm. I plan to try Trith again. They kind of look cool.17:19
Ci-DevThey are telepathic and self-sustained.17:19
Ci-DevXenophobic is kind of a problem.17:20
Afdaleaxaw can absolutely crush things with that attack bonus if you expand quickly17:20
Ci-DevI do not like phototrophic. :p17:20
Ci-DevYup, indeed.17:20
Ci-DevBut it is about mid/long game planning.17:20
Ci-DevThere are many tactics. :p17:21
Ci-DevIf you just find no habitable planets, you are stuck.17:21
Ci-DevSo +2 support for Etty is quite bonus as well.17:21
Ci-DevBut useless later on.17:21
Ci-DevThen again telepathic mages Psionics so cheap.17:22
Ci-DevSo you can go for Distributed Network (or so).17:22
Ci-DevHm. But I usually only play Etty. :)17:22
Ci-DevThey are the best.17:22
Ci-DevI read in the forum that there might come other Exobots.17:23
Ci-DevExobot makes sense for organic, but got robotic, they are too close.17:23
Ci-DevSo maybe there will be lithic-based other species then they can research.17:23
Ci-DevAt least without this robotic/robotic bonus, I might chose another species.17:24
Ci-DevNext game I try with Trith. :p17:24
Afdalwhen did they give trith +50% detection range17:25
Afdalit's got the same sight as laenfa now17:25
Afdalthey're not so bad anymore17:25
Ci-DevThey have narrow tolerance. :/17:26
Ci-DevMight be even more difficult to expand in the beginning.17:26
Ci-DevBut. Laenfa has 125% base population. Hm. Hm.17:28
Ci-DevI just do not like phototrophic. :p17:28
Ci-DevThis Laenfa +40 stealth is quite annoying as well. :p17:33
Ci-DevTakes some effort to actually conquer colonies.17:33
AfdalI see exobots have changed17:52
Afdalit used to be you were given an exobot colony ship once you researched it17:52
Afdalnow you can just start building a colony at outposts17:52
Ci-DevThis is for all species.17:54
Ci-DevI never build colony ships anymore.17:54
Ci-DevI just build outposts and then create a colony.17:54
Ci-DevTakes a but longer, is a bit more expensive and is not possible if you try to build a colony outside your supply network,17:55
Ci-Devbut it is *much* more flexible.17:55
AfdalThis changes everything17:56
Afdallooks like freeorion's numpad support got messed up17:59
Afdalwith numlock on I'm getting both types of numpad inputs at once18:00
Afdal1 + End, 4 + left arrow etc18:00
Afdalwow building a colony from outpost takes half the turns of a colony ship18:05
Afdalthat doesn't seem balanced18:05
SectorIt's meant to reduce micromanagement, not balance with the old way.18:07
Afdalthey should consider reducing the amount of turns needed for colony pods then18:07
Ci-DevAfdal: You need to count the turns it takes to produce the outpost ship.18:08
AfdalI suppose it depends on the distance18:09
Ci-DevBuilding a colony takes 5 turns + distance.18:09
Afdalto the next habitable planet18:09
Afdalcolony ships are 10 turns still18:09
Afdaloh wait18:09
Afdal8 turns18:09
AfdalI suppose that's fine then18:09
Afdalnevermind :318:10
Afdalany new colonies only start at 0.6 population18:12
Afdaloh wait18:12
AfdalI colonized an inhospitable place18:12
Ci-DevThey start at 1.0.18:20
Ci-DevThough, I have no idea how the growth rate is calucuated.18:20
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