Saturday, 2015-05-16

*** tpb has joined #freeorion00:00 [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support:
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Ci-Dev_O01eg: Here?11:04
Ci-Dev_Want to play? :)11:05
Ci-Dev_Let me wash my face. I am still a bit sleepy.11:06
Ci-Dev_Be back in 2 minutes.11:06
*** Ci-Dev_ is now known as Ci-Dev11:08
Ci-Devlibflite1 is 12 MiB large. o_O11:10
Ci-DevUpdating system right now.11:10
Ci-DevO01eg: Okay, I am back.11:10
O01egip is same11:11
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Ci-DevO01eg: FreeOrion crashed.14:26
O01egI see14:26
Ci-DevIf you drag and drop fleets and you do not hit another fleet - crash. :(14:26
Ci-DevWant to continue that game?14:28
O01egI reload server14:28
Ci-DevOkay. Thanks.14:28
Ci-DevI am in the lobby.14:30
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Ci-DevI see your capital does not use the growth focus.15:53
Ci-DevIt does +60 PP. If you change the focus to growth, you end up with likely +10 PP.15:54
Ci-DevBut all your colonies with Gysache can grow by +3 population.15:54
Ci-DevWith all that industry bonus you have, you should compensate and gain in 3 further turns.15:54
Ci-Dev(it's called homeworld supply)15:56
Ci-Devwhen you hover over the population number15:56
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Ci-DevDid you ever build a Gateway to the Void?16:45
Ci-DevThat one might destroy a whole big fleet.16:50
Ci-DevNever built it myself, though.16:50
Ci-DevO01eg: GG :D17:40
Ci-DevThere is no victory message yet.17:40
Ci-DevWas a tough game.17:40
O01egI've never gone so far yet.17:40
Ci-DevYou played quote well.17:41
Ci-DevThough, I started in the center and tanked most of the AI fleets.17:41
Ci-DevWas really challenging.17:41
Ci-DevBut was fun.17:41
O01egAI not so powerful17:42
Ci-DevThough, all of a sudden I had 3 AIs around me.17:43
Ci-DevThen red broke a monster barrier and I faced 800k fleet.17:43
Ci-DevThey did not much but built ships.17:43
Ci-DevSo they conquered parts of my empire.17:44
Ci-DevBut AI always does one major mistake:17:44
Ci-Devsplit the fleet17:44
Ci-DevNever split a fleet to something weaker than the enemy fleet and then stay around at the border.17:44
Ci-DevI now need a break. And food.17:45
Afdala while back Gateway to the Void was really overpowered18:55
Afdalif you were on a map with wide distances to other stars18:55
Afdalyou could essentially just build one at a bottleneck18:55
Afdaland then turtle18:55
Ci-DevDid you try it out?18:58
Ci-DevI mean, the descrption is little strange.18:58
Ci-DevWhat happens to the colony?18:58
Ci-DevIt turns into an outpost, so the colony is destroyed, but the building stays there?18:59
Ci-DevI just never have a reason to build it.18:59
Ci-DevAnd against the Experimentators, it is useless, as those ships have a speed of 100.19:00
Ci-DevErhm, speed of 1000?19:00
Afdalspeed of 100 isn't enough to jump some starlanes19:00
Ci-DevHm. At least they travel all distances on one turn.19:00
Ci-DevIndeed. :)19:01
Ci-DevBut later ships easily achive speed of 200+.19:01
Afdalactually I should say19:01
AfdalGateway to the Void19:02
Afdalwas overpowered against the current AI19:02
AfdalWhich didn't know how to use engines :)19:02
Ci-DevI see.19:02
Ci-DevThe AI still is in need of better algorithmics. :)19:02
AfdalThere's certainly a lot to take into account with the ability to design your own ships19:03
Ci-DevToo bad FreeOrion does not have a proper bug tracker.19:03
Ci-DevI just wonder multiplayer with 3+ humans.19:03
Ci-DevIt seems as if even a defeated human empire still needs to finish each turn.19:03
Ci-DevSame with the drag'n'drop segfault.19:04
Ci-DevI just tba to use that forum.19:04
tpbTitle: FreeOrion / Bugs (at
Ci-DevHm. It that one used?19:05
Ci-DevIf I'd play less FreeOrion, I could possibly put my strategy into an AI.19:09
Ci-DevGoing to play some. :)19:10
Ci-DevAfdal: Like to play me?19:10
Ci-Devfreeorion.2015-05-16.414be35588a042560ebfe4c84342ae7fa4dfc313 is current, jfyi.19:10
Afdalsure I'm game19:19
Afdalif you don't make me compile something19:19
Afdalinteresting that they moved to github19:20
Afdalwhat was wrong with sourceforge19:20
Ci-DevGoogle closed down Google Code in favour of Github.19:20
Ci-DevGithub has awesome tools.19:20
Ci-DevAnd and awesome community.19:21
Ci-DevFork, improve, merge back.19:21
Afdaldunno bout the community part19:21
Ci-DevAutomatic build testing, regression testing.19:21
Afdalgithub takes down repos they don't agree with19:21
Afdalthink you can find better git setups to be honest19:21
Ci-DevMight be true.19:22
Ci-DevBut forking is soo easy with Github.19:22
Ci-DevAnd linking and stuff like that.19:23
Ci-DevPeople are lazy.19:23
Ci-DevWhich version of FreeOrion do you have?19:23
Afdalthese new version names are annoying19:23
AfdalI liked the SVN numbering system19:23
Ci-DevI like them more as well.19:25
Ci-DevSo humans know which version is more recent.19:25
spookwhat, humans19:25
spookthose monsters19:25
Ci-DevBut this requires a central authority - the SVN server.19:25
Ci-Devgit is a distributed version controlling system. So there is no central authority, that's why hashes are used.19:25
Ci-DevAnnoying, but the result of a design decision.19:25
AfdalLet's see now19:26
AfdalI can download last monday's windows build19:26
Afdal(build 2015-05-11.8a08cde)19:26
AfdalApparently there was some AI chat bug that didn't get fixed at the last minute19:26
AfdalPlease note, there was an AI chat fix that I just missed getting in before Vezzra released these; the bug can cause some nonstop AI to AI chat exchanges.; if you experience lag from that you can fix it by19:27
Afdalhope that isn't a problem19:27
AfdalIs sourceforge down or something19:27
Afdalwhat's going on there19:27
Ci-DevSourceForge seems to be up.19:28
Ci-DevI had a look at the bug tracker there a few minutes ago.19:28
Ci-DevLet's see if I have that version compiled.19:28
Ci-DevThink I missed the last week.19:28
O01egDoes you use windows?19:28
Ci-DevYeah, I missed it. :(19:28
Ci-DevI use Kubuntu, but I guess that question is targetted at Afdal.19:29
O01egAfdal said about windows. I just ask if you use windows too.19:31
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Ci-DevI am using Kubuntu.19:34
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Ci-DevO01eg: Oh, and if you have the chance, try to build ships at certain species.21:07
Ci-DevEtty for example have a +25% attack bonus.21:07
Ci-DevExxawEaxam or Muu Ursh have +50% attack bonus.21:08
Ci-DevSomething like that. :)21:09
Ci-DevSo with Death Ray and attack of +30, it turns into +45.21:09
Ci-DevThis makes some difference. :)21:09
Ci-DevAnd your ship naming scheme is quite interesting.21:12
Ci-DevI do not (yet) get it, though.21:13
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