Saturday, 2015-05-02

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Hijiriwhere do people usually go to find games?00:44
tomreynhere sometimes01:00
tomreynbut there aren't very many :-/01:00
tomreynwell, nothing that can't be changed - just not today ;)01:01
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AfdalI like playan FreeOrion online D:>01:57
HijiriI feel like it would be hard to find someone who would be available in the same timeframe02:24
Hijiriwith how time-consuming 4X/GSG are02:24
HijiriI guess that's what save games are for though02:25
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Ci-DevHijiri: I am up for a game. And I have a timeslot of 8 hours now. :)13:25
Ci-DevStill here?13:25
Ci-DevI am using freeorion.2015-05-01.1e2e06328792bd45bb74dd79da00e073e2d7768c, I do not have incoming ports configured, so you host, I guess. :)13:26
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adesstneed help please14:38
adessti am stuck at compiling freeorion14:38
adesstit stops with  Could NOT find TIFF (missing:  TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR)14:39
adessthere is my packages list info,
tpbTitle: pastebin - adesanto asman - post number 2987434 (at
adesstnevermind, i have solved it. How do i solved it, Could NOT find TIFF (missing:  TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR), is `$  cmake -DTIFF_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ .` add the define at the cmake options14:54
Ci-DevFor me it works. I am using Kubuntu instead Xubuntu, but the base should be the same.15:05
Ci-DevThis is from my CMakeCache.txt - auto-detected.15:07
Ci-DevI am using "ccmake" by the way.15:07
Hijirisorry, was asleep15:25
Hijiriand I have some stuff I have to get done toda15:25
Ci-DevHijiri: Will you have time today?15:29
Ci-DevIn the evening or so?15:29
Hijirimost likely15:30
Ci-DevWhen will that be, in UTC?15:30
Ci-DevRight now it is 15:29 UTC.15:31
HijiriI think it will be about 23:00 UTC15:31
HijiriI'm just guessing though, I don't know how long the thing will take15:31
Hijirithis is a conservative estimate15:31
Ci-DevOkay. I'll check back later then. :)15:31
Ci-DevNo worries.15:31
adesstCi-Dev: how did you set the ccmake to do the auto-detection?15:36
Ci-DevIt automatically does this.15:37
adessti am struggling with the SDL2, though i had installed it yet GG/cmake could not find it15:37
Ci-DevI basically have a git checkout, then I do a "mkdir build", "cd build" and "ccmake ..".15:37
Ci-DevThen press "c" for configure.15:37
Ci-DevAnd that's it.15:37
Ci-DevYou need to install the 'dev' libraries.15:37
Ci-DevNot so long ago, they changed SDL to SDL2.15:38
adessti had installed libsdl2-dev15:38
adesstand too i have a git checkout15:39
Ci-DevSo which message to you get from cmake?15:39
adesstthis is the message so far,
tpbTitle: pastebin - adesst - post number 2987497 (at
adesstif i use the ccmake, the list shows me alot of macros that value is NOTFOUND15:45
Ci-DevI have that installed via apt-get. ccmake picks it up.15:46
adesstyet i dont know how to set the cmake to do the auto-detection. All of these hours i only read the cmake errors and tries to locate the libs and do the linkage or pass it to cmake options15:46
adesstwait let me do the dpkg15:46
Ci-DevCan you try from scratch?15:47
Ci-Devmkdir build2; cd build2; ccmake ..15:47
Ci-DevAnd GiGi comes bundled in the repository.15:48
adessti have appended the previous pastebin to, the dpkg shows me that libogre are installed15:48
tpbTitle: pastebin - adesst - post number 2987500 (at
Ci-Dev/opt/freeorion/GG - Why do you run in that directory?15:49
Ci-DevYou lack the "-dev" package.15:49
adessti dont know if there is a "direction" to use build dir15:49
adessti have should noticed that, sloppy-me! thx Ci-Dev to point that out15:50
adesstwait let me do the build dir thins15:50
Ci-DevSo what I did:15:50
Ci-DevI create a new directory ~/repository/freeorion15:50
Ci-DevThere, I do a "git clone"15:51
Ci-DevThen an "mkdir build", "cd build", "ccmake ..".15:51
Ci-DevAnd after apt-get installing the libraries, it just compiled.15:51
Ci-DevI did not need to compile GG manually.15:52
Ci-DevAs you run cmake in the GG directory.15:52
adesstnow things getting insteresting15:52
adessti unable to install libogre-1.8-dev since it requires libboost-1.5.4 and i am using 1.5.515:53
adessti really shud take some rest15:53
adesstthank you so much Ci-Dev. will retry all of if by remove all those package and start from scratch as you have told me. Thanks again15:54
Ci-DevWhy do you have 1.55 installed?15:54
Ci-Dev1.54 comes with Ubutnu 14.04.15:54
Ci-Devdpkg --list | grep boost15:55
adessti i manually picked it up using the apt-get.. :((15:56
Ci-DevI see.15:56
Ci-DevI sticked to what (K)Ubuntu 14.04 comes with.15:57
Ci-DevWorks. :p15:57
adesstnice to hear that you compiled it with no problem at all **thumbs up**15:58
Ci-DevWell, I just had problems with boost.15:58
Ci-DevIt comes in soo many packages that it took a while to figure out which to install.15:59
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adessttrue :D16:16
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* Ci-Dev looks at Hijiri.20:11
Afdalin MY #freeorion ???20:28
spookIt's more likely than you think!20:29
Ci-DevPeople are alive here!20:32
Afdal#wow #whoa20:38
Afdalany minute we'll be getting some online multiplayer going ;)20:39
spookwow let's not go crazy here20:39
Ci-DevThat's why I am here.20:39
Afdalme too <:V20:39
Ci-DevPizza in the oven already, then I am ready for the night.20:39
spookI can barely figure out how the interface works, so I don't see myself doing any online multiplayer20:40
Ci-DevI even have d453abb279ecb8c71bd1b4978a0710ac871dd36d compiled already - latest git master. :D20:40
AfdalI mostly just stick to vezzra's monday builds20:41
Ci-DevYou do not need to figure out the interface, figure out the game dynamics!20:41
Ci-DevWhat … Monday builds … vezzra? Huh?20:42
spooki can't even make ships move or change production20:42
spookso yeah there's a lot to figure out :P20:42
Ci-DevDid you play the game already, once?20:42
spooki played moo220:43
spookand thought this would be familiar20:43
Ci-DevFreeOrion is a different game.20:43
Afdalthis thread Ci-Dev
tpbTitle: FreeOrion View topic - Recent Windows Builds (at
Ci-DevThe star lanes make me think of Ascendancy all the time.20:43
Ci-DevI like it.20:43
AfdalI used to really enjoy this old Mac game called20:43
AfdalGalactica A.D.20:44
Afdalit was really simple20:44
Ci-DevNever heard of that one-20:44
Afdalbut it did the same starlane thing20:44
Ci-DevDo you know Konquest for KDE?20:44
Afdalis that a Kubuntu game :V20:44
Ci-DevIt's a KDE game.20:44
AfdalKDE =20:45
AfdalKubuntu Desktop Environment20:45
Ci-DevAny distribution using KDE can run it.20:45
Afdalso it is related then20:45
Ci-DevWow. It's not even 1st April and still fools around. ;)20:45
Ci-DevIt even runs on Windows.20:45
Ci-DevThere is KDE for Windows.20:45
Ci-DevAnd that link only has builds for Windows. o_O20:45
Ci-DevHow do I run an .exe file?20:46
Afdalwith WINE20:46
Ci-DevI got WINE in my frige.20:46
Ci-DevHow do I get the file therE?20:46
spooki've got rum will that help?20:46
Ci-DevNot sure.20:47
Ci-DevWe got wine, we got rum and we got an .exe file.20:47
Ci-DevA fridge is involed as well.20:47
Ci-DevHow does that fit together?20:47
Ci-DevI mean, it does, except for that .exe file.20:47
Ci-DevThat one doesn't play nicely.20:47
Ci-DevWe rumours say that this is what .exe files are good for. Getting rid of any fun.20:48
Ci-DevAnd there are many of those in the Internetz!20:48
Ci-DevIt used to be a fun place.20:49
spookthere, there20:49
* Ci-Dev looks around.20:49
Ci-DevWhere again?20:49
spooksorry i was confused20:49
spookthought i saw something20:49
Ci-DevMust be the rum in action already. ;)20:50
spooknot yet20:50
spooki'm out of coke20:50
spookso no rum... yet20:50
Ci-DevDo you know what?20:50
Ci-DevThat .exe file took it all.20:50
Ci-DevAgain, spoiled the fun.20:50
spookthat fucker!20:50
spooki heard that mussolini invented .exe files20:50
Ci-DevOh, really?20:51
Ci-DevEver heard of "yarly"? ;)20:51
Ci-DevI was about to mention this "no waii" already.20:52
Ci-DevToo bad.20:52
Ci-DevI bet he died by the hands of an .exe file.20:52
spookhow sad20:52
Ci-DevMost of the malware around comes as .exe files.20:53
Ci-DevDo I need to say any more? It's obvious!20:53
Ci-DevGuess that's the heritage.20:54
Ci-DevGet rid the fun out of the Internetz for all coming generations!20:55
spooksomeone call the dance commander20:56
spookhe will give out the order for fun20:56
Ci-DevSooo, do we get something running after my pizza?20:56
spooki'm gonna pass out probably20:56
spookspent like seven hours walking around town playing ingress :P20:56
Ci-DevAnd the dance commander is easily available! Just download, double click, and enjoy! - THAT .EXE FILE!!!120:57
Ci-DevOh, for world domination! Yay. ;)20:57
tomreyniloveyou.exe ?20:57
Ci-DevGuess so. :)20:58
Ci-DevGot it by e-mail?20:58
Ci-DevDouble click! :D20:58
tomreynyes, but it's from someone i know, so its safe20:58
spookit's a good thing e-mails can't be faked20:58
Ci-DevWish I would get more stuff from people I know.20:58
tomreynyou could sign up with a social network and have each other reminded you need to send each other stuff20:59
Afdalprobably not today21:00
spookyou could make your own social network21:00
Afdalbut I would like to play some freeorion21:00
Afdalwith other people21:00
spookuse the right buzzwords and it'll be web scale21:00
Afdalover the interbuttz21:00
Ci-DevAfdal: We can give it a go.21:01
Ci-DevBut no idea how good I am.21:01
Ci-Devlow skillz, looking for ffa21:01
Afdallast time I played with someone,21:01
Afdalcan't remember if it was the last official build21:02
Afdalor an experimental build, but21:02
Afdalthe AI failed to loaded from save after we took a break21:02
Afdalsomething to remember21:02
Ci-DevThen just do not do a break. :)21:02
Ci-DevIt takes about 8-10 hours to conquer the default universe.21:03
Ci-DevMaybe 200-300 turns, depending on how bad the start is.21:03
Ci-DevI have that version.21:04
Ci-DevAfdal: Do you think you are compatible?21:04
Ci-DevIt's latest git master.21:04
Afdalwhat SVN is it21:04
Ci-DevIt's beyond SVN.21:04
Ci-DevThey converted SVN to git some weeks ago.21:04
Ci-DevThere is no SVN anymore for FreeOrion.21:04
Afdalo rly21:05
Ci-DevGuess versions should be compatible.21:05
Ci-DevThere is a 4x troop module now since 2 or so weeks.21:06
Afdalwhat's the date on your build then21:06
Ci-DevToday. :)21:06
Afdalthose ugly hash numbers are useless21:06
Afdaluh huh...21:06
Ci-DevIt took only 1 minute to compile. Not much changed since yesterday.21:06
Afdalwell the latest windows build that's been compiled is build 2015-04-27.21dc67921:06
Ci-DevLet's see,21:07
Afdalif it's more recent than that I'll have to compile shit21:07
Afdalwhich I've never done with freeorion21:07
Afdalmaybe it's easier on linux21:07
Ci-DevAre you on Ubuntu?21:07
Ci-DevOh. Windows.21:07
AfdalI can jump to my xubuntu partition21:07
Ci-DevThere are unlucky people out there. I something forget. ;)21:07
Ci-DevMaybe I have a version around. I check.21:08
Afdal4x troop module21:08
Afdaldo you have to research that?21:08
Ci-DevOf course.21:08
Ci-DevStandard is 2x.21:08
Ci-DevI have freeorion.2015-04-26.601f286c9ca24a9b0390a48bc061fe1e1a5f73c7.21:09
Ci-DevNo idea if it is compatible.21:09
Ci-DevThere are maybe 10 commits in between.21:09
Ci-DevAny idea how I can check out a given revision in git?21:11
Ci-DevCompiling will take 2-3 hours.21:11
Ci-DevOr maybe only 1.21:11
Ci-DevDon't know.21:11
tomreynyou can usually find mostly current, and often compatible builds, on sourceforge21:13
Ci-DevOkay, I see.21:17
Ci-DevThey are for Windows or MacOS X only there.21:17
Ci-DevBut at least I now know how to get "official" test build revision hashes.21:18
Ci-DevIt compiles now.21:23
Ci-Dev13% compiled already.21:36
Ci-DevAfdal: Have a microphone?21:36
Ci-DevWant to try Firefox Hello?21:37
Afdalno mic21:37
Ci-DevHave a webcam? Can turn off picture.21:37
Ci-DevDone with pizza, one moment.21:38
Afdalnope -_-21:38
AfdalYou did read the part about me not wanting to play today right21:38
AfdalI'm enthusiastic about freeorion netplay21:38
Afdaljust a little busy today21:38
Afdalfor one of those games21:38
Ci-DevI see.21:39
Ci-DevNo problem then.21:39
Ci-DevCompiling takes ages as well.21:39
Ci-DevI am curious about how others play.21:39
Ci-DevAI is just too weak.21:39
AfdalI like pumping dat tech21:40
Afdalwhat do you usually start with21:40
AfdalI go with that first tech upgrade and then the easier growth upgrade21:40
Ci-DevGo for Nascal to get +2 research bonus.21:40
Ci-DevThen for Robotic Hulls to get auto-repait.21:40
Afdalthe research bonus21:40
Afdaland then the growth bonus21:40
AfdalDoesn't that only work on robotic hulls though21:41
Ci-DevThen I go for Organic Hulls, to get cheap Troop and Colonisation transports.21:41
Afdalso do you always use robotic hulls :}21:41
Ci-DevAnd then Mass Driver 4.21:41
AfdalI always skip straight to laser21:41
Ci-DevThen I try to get some Growth bonuses, depending on how many planets there are for colonisation.21:41
Ci-DevAnd I somehow try to get Automatic something, for the +5 industry bonus.21:42
Ci-DevThen I am looking for some telepaths to conquer.21:42
Ci-DevGet Psionic and then Distributed something.21:42
Ci-Dev100 RP instead of 600 RP.21:42
Ci-DevMakes a difference. :)21:43
Ci-DevBut I generally focus on growth an expansion.21:43
Ci-DevThe rest comes automatically. :)21:44
Afdalyou know what's fun sometimes21:44
Ci-DevNo, but I believe you will tell me. :)21:44
Afdalpick laenfa and then pump stealth techs21:44
Ci-DevI don't like them.21:44
AfdalThat might even be a little unbalanced actually21:45
Afdalthe AI sure can't handle it21:45
AfdalLaenfa da bes21:45
Ci-DevPlay them m in a young universe … population win.21:45
Afdaldat extra vision is essential21:45
Ci-DevI play Etty.21:45
Ci-DevThey have -25 scan.21:45
Afdalknowing what your opponents are up to is one of the most valuable resources I think21:45
Afdalthen you can do stuff like21:46
Afdalintercept scouts21:46
Ci-DevScanners can be researched.21:46
Afdalwithout them figuring anything out21:46
Ci-DevScouts are soo cheap. I just build some and let they observe.21:46
Ci-DevNo need for scanners early on.21:46
Ci-DevHowever, in end-game, this bonus is useless.21:50
Ci-DevThe only bonus that counts is +population and +pilots.21:50
Ci-DevRest is useless.21:50
Ci-DevEven +industry or +research is interesting the the beginning but neglectable later on.21:50
AfdalI must admit I haven't played through in a while21:51
Afdalcurious what balance elements have changed21:51
Ci-DevI nearly never play though. Too boring in the end.21:52
Ci-DevI once killed all.21:52
Ci-DevBut that's not a win condition yet.21:52
Afdalit is21:52
Ci-DevNot yet.21:52
Afdalbut they have't programmed the ending in21:52
Ci-DevSo it is not yes.21:52
Ci-DevAlready is winning by researching Trancendence(sp).21:53
Ci-DevOr by defeating the Experimentators.21:53
Ci-DevHowever, I never won against them yet.21:53
AfdalI've never ran into the experimentators21:53
AfdalI don't know why21:53
AfdalI've played a lot of games until I slaughter everything on the map too21:53
Ci-DevThey are on a system you cannot reach.21:53
Ci-DevAnd they seem to start their action as soon as you can scan them.21:54
Ci-DevYou need Omniscanners for them.21:54
Ci-DevThen they will spawn monsters.21:54
Ci-DevThey have 1k health and maybe 60 atk.21:54
Ci-Dev4k health21:54
Ci-DevAnd they spawn in groups of 5.21:54
Ci-DevNeeds quite a fleet for get them down.21:55
Ci-DevAnd they are damn fast.21:55
Ci-DevStar lane speed of +100.21:55
Ci-DevSo they jump in one turn to the next system.21:55
Ci-Dev33% compiled ;)21:55
Afdalwhat version are you compiling now21:56
Ci-DevBuilding v0.4.4+ build 2015-04-27.21dc67921:56
AfdalI'll download that build for later then21:56
Ci-DevThe latest one available on SourceForge for testing.21:57
Ci-DevNanotech Cybernetics unlocks the ship part "Advanced Ground Troop Pod", which has twice the cost and twice the capacity of the regular one.21:58
Ci-DevSince 31st March.21:58
Ci-DevWhat troop transports do you build in the mid-/endgame?21:58
Afdalwhat are those first quantum hulls called again21:59
Ci-DevThey only have 2 lots?21:59
Afdal1 slot21:59
Afdalthose are super useful for fielding a steady invasion21:59
Ci-DevTracker is how the AI calls the scouts.21:59
Ci-DevThey have 5 HP.22:00
Afdalthey'll be even better now with this troop pod upgrade22:00
Afdaland 120 speed22:00
Ci-Dev+5 HP bonus from a tech.22:00
Ci-DevI build crystaline asteroids.22:00
Ci-Dev57 HP, and speed of 100.22:00
Ci-Dev60 base + 2x 20 speed22:00
Ci-Dev4 slots for troops22:01
AfdalI don't like to put much resources into troop ships22:01
Afdalsince you end up losing them anyway22:01
Ci-DevRight, but you gained a planet.22:01
Ci-DevMines 4 do a damage of 14 per round.22:01
Ci-DevThat's … deadly for those weak ships.22:01
Afdalsince when22:01
Ci-DevEver since.22:01
Afdaloh mines 422:01
Afdalwait there's a mine 4 tech now?22:02
Ci-DevThere is not?22:02
Ci-DevOr Mines 3?22:02
Afdalthough system defense mines only went to 322:02
Ci-DevI mean the best mines. :)22:02
Ci-DevNo idea about the number.22:02
Afdalwell, everything has a counter :)22:02
Afdalso that's good22:02
Afdalthe AI never techs system defense mines22:03
Ci-DevIt does,22:03
Ci-DevThat's why my organic troops die sometimes.22:03
Afdalmust be a recent improvement :v22:03
Ci-DevEver since.22:04
Ci-DevBut the AI hardly gets that far.22:04
Ci-DevDepends on how fast you are.22:04
Ci-DevOkay, only 3 mines. :)22:06
Ci-Dev2, 6 and 14 damage22:06
AfdalI see22:06
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Ci-DevHijiri: Which version of FreeOrion do you actually have?22:42
Hijirilet me check22:44
Hijiriit's SVN 764022:44
Ci-DevAnd, are you on Windows?22:44
HijiriI'm assuming that's old because it's SVN22:44
Ci-DevHm. Okay. :o22:44
HijiriI found this game by looking for freedomware games I could play on linux22:45
Ci-DevLooks like we have different versions.22:45
Hijirishould I get a newer one?22:45
HijiriI'm just using repo version22:45
Ci-DevHow and which? :)22:45
Ci-DevOh 0.4.4?22:45
HijiriI am 0.4.422:45
Ci-DevWow. That one is more than 1 year old.22:45
Hijirimaybe I'll try compiling it22:46
Ci-DevI have current git master compiled, and right now I am compiling …22:46
Ci-DevBuilding v0.4.4+ build 2015-04-27.21dc67922:46
Ci-DevI just have an Atom D525, so compiling takes … hours.22:46
Ci-DevBut if you have enough RAM, you can make -j8 or so. :)22:47
Ci-Dev*and cores22:47
HijiriI'm pulling up the compile instructions22:47
Ci-DevIt is pretty straight forward.22:47
Ci-DevI am on Kubuntu.22:47
Ci-DevSo quite close to Debian. :)22:48
Ci-DevI'd say:22:48
Ci-Devgit clone22:48
Ci-Devgit checkout d453abb279ecb8c71bd1b4978a0710ac871dd36d22:48
Ci-Devmkdir build22:48
Ci-Devcd build22:48
Ci-Devccmake ..22:48
Ci-DevLikely d453abb279ecb8c71bd1b4978a0710ac871dd36d still is master.22:49
Ci-DevIt was at least hours ago.22:49
Hijirihow do I set prefix with cmake?22:49
Ci-Devuse ccmake22:49
Ci-DevThat has a text ui.22:49
HijiriI don't have ccmake22:50
Hijirinevermind, I found option for prefix22:50
Ci-Devsudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui22:50
Ci-DevOkay, great.22:50
Hijirihave to install some deps first22:51
Ci-DevI got it running with stock Ubuntu 14.04 packages. No need to install libraries on my own.22:52
Hijiriyeah, I'm using the repo libraries22:52
HijiriI killed all my memory22:56
Hijirimaybe -j4 instead22:56
Ci-DevHappens here as well.22:56
Ci-Dev-j2 and only 4 GiB of RAM.22:56
Ci-DevBut it seems to be freeorionparse.22:57
Ci-DevThe rest works.22:57
Ci-DevOnly this library takes much memory for compilation.22:57
Hijiriit seems like my computer only swaps if it's forced to22:59
Hijiriso if I run out of RAM, or if I use some program whose memory was swapped out23:00
Hijirioh, build failed23:08
Ci-DevDue to RAM?23:08
Hijirisays some references are undefined23:08
Ci-DevI had that one as well some time ago.23:09
Ci-DevWhich version do you compile?23:09
Hijirigit master head23:09
Ci-DevIt went away after I cleared my build directory and started without previous files.23:09
Hijiriis make clean insufficient23:09
Ci-DevNo idea.23:09
Ci-DevI removed it.23:09
Ci-Dev../ undefined reference to `FreeOrionVersionString()'23:11
Ci-DevO had that one.23:11
Hijiribuild properly after a make clean23:27
Ci-DevWhich master did you use?23:28
HijiriI am make installing now23:28
Ci-DevWhat's the revision hash?23:28
Hijirithe github repo23:28
Hijiri f077b227aba...23:28
Hijiriunless I looked at the wrong thing23:29
Ci-DevOkay, I seem to have a slightly older version. Cannot check right now.23:29
Ci-DevBut we can try.23:30
Ci-DevYou host?23:30
Ci-DevDo you have a microphone?23:30
Hijirihold on, let me check my config23:30
HijiriI have a microphone23:30
Hijiridoes FO have voice chat?23:30
Ci-DevWant to try Firefox Hello?23:30
Ci-DevNot that I am aware of. :)23:30
HijiriI use freeorion's mouse/keyboard capture, so I wouldn't be able to control the chat during the game23:30
Ci-DevOne Moment.23:30
Ci-DevIt is just voice.23:31
Ci-DevEither talk or listen or whatever. :)23:31
HijiriI deisabled keyboard grab23:31
Hijiribecause it is working properly now23:31
Hijirithe old version I had would break text input if I didn't turn on keyboard grab23:31
Ci-DevI think I never played 0.4.4. :)23:32
Ci-DevI am waiting for an IP then.23:32
Hijiriis firefox hello freedomware?23:32
Ci-DevIt is built into your Firefox.23:32
HijiriI use iceweasel23:33
Ci-DevDo you have a chat symbol?23:33
Ci-DevIn default toolbar.23:33
Ci-DevIf not, hit "customise" and check there.23:33
Ci-DevIt is called "hello".23:33
Hijiriit's not in the customize menu23:34
HijiriI'm updating iceweasel though, maybe it's in a newer version23:34
Ci-DevOne moment, I just give you a link.23:34
Ci-DevIt is all web-based anyway.23:34
Hijirihold on, let me restart iceweasel and check23:35
tpbTitle: vLine link (at
Ci-DevJust open that link. Should work if you browser hm … less than 1-1.5 years old.23:37
Hijiriyeah, it's not in the new version23:37
Hijiriso I'll use your link23:37
Hijiriit says that I'm connecting23:38
Hijiribrb real quick23:38
Hijirisays ICE failed23:40
Hijiribut it looks like it loaded?23:40
HijiriI see a blank screen with some buttons at the bottom23:41
Ci-DevThis is a video chat.23:41
Ci-DevHAve no video. :)23:41
Hijirican you hear me?23:41
Ci-DevHm. No. :(23:41
Hijirishould I try refreshing?23:42
Ci-DevDo you host?23:44
HijiriI already refreshed and it's the same as before23:45
Hijirihow do I set the port?23:45
Ci-DevFreEOrion or the chat?23:45
Ci-DevBy the way, do you hear me?23:45
HijiriI am getting some kind of notification sound every now and then23:47
Ci-DevNo idea then.23:47
HijiriI don't know if that's coming from vline23:47
Ci-DevI left and rejoined.23:47
*** Hijiri has quit IRC23:48
*** Hijiri has joined #freeorion23:49
Hijirishould I be able to see a userlist or something23:49
Ci-DevI haven't played much with vline yet.23:49
Ci-DevI just seen a coworked using it.23:49
Hijiridoes FO support ipv6?23:49
Hijiriso I don't have to port forward23:49
Ci-Dev< Hijiri>  f077b227aba... -- That is not current master. But guess it will work.23:50
Ci-DevI only have IPv4.23:50
HijiriI had the wrong origin23:51
Hijiriok, I need to find the paper with the router password so I can port forward23:51
Ci-DevOkay, let's see.23:58

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