Sunday, 2014-02-02

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tomreynso just ignoring the wiki and running cmake in the main project directory  helps a lot. maybe you could just add to the top of the linux compile wiki page in red letters on the wiki for now00:04
tomreyni'm not stuck at 79% where it can't find OIS/OISKeyboard.h
tomreynlibois-dev 1.3.0+dfsg0-5 is installed and provides  /usr/include/ois/OISKeyboard.h00:05
tomreyndid you run into this Nagilum_?00:06
AfdalSo if I want to try the latest test build on linux am I gonna end up doing some compiling00:08
Afdalbut what if you love sticking things up your butt ;)00:13
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Afdalhey tomreyn03:16
AfdalWhere do I run FreeOrion from in Ubuntu03:17
Afdalit's not in my -> Games menu03:17
AfdalSorry I'm not good at linux yet03:17
Afdalactually did it even install right...03:18
tomreynAfdal: open a terminal window and type: freeorion03:18
AfdalI don't see it in my application finder03:18
Afdaloh noes03:18
Afdalcommand not found03:18
AfdalGuess it didn't install right03:18
tomreynit does show up on my desktop menu after installing03:18
tomreynyou need two üackages i rhink03:18
tomreynwhich ubuntu are you on?03:19
Afdal13.10 I think03:19
Afdalor 13.0403:19
AfdalI think I updated to 13.10 a few weeks ago03:19
tomreyn13.10 would be the latest stable version03:19
AfdalHow do you check your version anyway?03:19
AfdalI see my linux kernal version from GRUB but howto check desktop version?03:20
Afdalhow do I figure out what packages I need again?03:20
Afdaland then get them?03:20
tomreyncat /etc/issue03:21
tomreynin terminal03:21
Afdalah thanks03:21
Afdalguess I'm on 12.04 <.<03:21
Afdalwell then03:21
tomreynis that what it says then03:21
AfdalI downloaded the wrong build03:21
tomreynyes i don't think you can use the 13.10 builds on 12.0403:22
AfdalI'll try the 12.10 build next03:23
tomreyngood luck03:23
Afdalas soon as I figure out just why Firefox won't let me download shit03:27
AfdalI had to boot back into Windows to download that other build :/03:28
tomreynhmm weird. maybe a dns problem03:28
tomreynyou could install chromium in addition until you have it worked out03:28
tomreynthat's the open source chrome (google web browser)03:28
AfdalI think something funky happened when I tried to transfer my whole windows profile folder03:29
Afdaladd-ons and all03:29
AfdalThe browser won't close right either, still trying to figure it out03:30
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tomreynhi adrian_broher, could you help me build on ubuntu 13.10?17:00
tomreyn<tomreyn> i'm now stuck at 79% where it can't find OIS/OISKeyboard.h
tomreyn<tomreyn> libois-dev 1.3.0+dfsg0-5 is installed and provides  /usr/include/ois/OISKeyboard.h17:00
adrian_broherwell, ois is not OIS17:00
adrian_brohercompare the pathes17:01
tomreynright, so the cmake script looks at the wrong location?17:01
adrian_broherI don't know. Let me investigate that.17:01
adrian_broherand this isn't cmake, but the compiler complains about the code.17:02
GeofftheMedioshouldn't cmake have complained?17:02
adrian_broherthe reason could also be that OIS isn't properly packages.17:02
adrian_broherIt should, but that is a different problem.17:03
adrian_brohertomreyn, what distribution are we talking about here?17:03
tomreyn<tomreyn> hi adrian_broher, could you help me build on ubuntu 13.10?17:04
adrian_brohermy bad17:04
adrian_broheris this the package provided by ubuntu or did you get it from somewhere else?17:05
tpb<> (at
tomreynan official package17:05
tomreyn for meta info17:06
tpbTitle: Ubuntu – Details of package libois-dev in trusty (at
tomreynmaybe i should also say that i'm ignoring most of your wiki since this approach (building the several components seperately) failed much earlier.17:08
tomreyninstead i' was using "cmake ." in the FreeOrion/17:09
tomreynand make -j4, too17:09
ADAMANTcan feedback fix wiki17:09
adrian_broherbetween ourselves: I never would anybody point to the wiki compile instructions.17:10
tomreynyeah, of course not, silly thought17:10
adrian_brohertomreyn, yeah well17:11
adrian_broheris a debian bug17:11
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
adrian_broheralready known to ubuntu17:13
tpbTitle: Bug #1154295 “libois-dev package in quantal has wrong include di...” : Bugs : “ois” package : Ubuntu (at
adrian_broherbut ignored as usually17:14
tomreynadrian_broher: the way i interpret is is that they think it should be lower case but for backward compatibility they added an uppercase symlink for a while17:14
adrian_broherthe other way around17:14
adrian_broherOIS is the canonical upstream variant.17:14
adrian_broherois is the debian/ubuntu variant17:15
tomreynthe latest (rolling) debian (sid) das it lower case
tpb<> (at
tomreynbut you're right, debian packages contain the symlink17:17
tomreynand ubuntu should have copied that for backwards compatibility17:17
adrian_broherthere is nothing to be backward compatible, upstream didn't change anything to lower case.17:17
adrian_broherheck, the debian package source repository is convoluted, where do I find the changelog17:19 i guess17:20
tomreynno wait it's on the package page17:20
tomreynyou mean the debian package changelog right17:20
tomreyndebian sid changelog
tomreyn"Changelog" is a small print link on the right hand side on package pages17:21
tomreyn"Debian Changelog" to be precise17:22
tpbTitle: Bug #1154295 “libois-dev package in quantal has wrong include di...” : Bugs : “ois” package : Ubuntu (at
adrian_broherI want to know what introduced this.17:24
tomreynas far as i can tell upstream OIS has neither an upper nor lowercase directory
tpb<> (at
tomreynalso the 1.3 release has neither ois/include nor OIS/include17:25
tomreynanyway, i don't mind setting a symlink here if we think this will work around it17:26
tomreyn(but i agree it would be better to work towards fixing it)17:26
tomreynbe it in debian / ubuntu or freeorion (if just a workaround there)17:27
adrian_broherI don't see any point in fixing debian/ubuntu brokeness17:28
adrian_broherespecially if debian the debian package is already fixed.17:28
tomreynyou mean by the symlink they have?17:29
adrian_broherIf that is the way the want to fix it17:29
tomreynwell i'll set one.17:29
tomreyni commented on that bug report, but as you say, it will most likely not make a difference17:34
adrian_broherI wanted to say: "better write a comment on the bug and point out the debian upstream bug17:34
adrian_broherbut you already did.17:34
tomreyni should add that "whoops" commit you pointed to as well17:34
tomreynactually i have /usr/include/OIS but it's not a symlink but a directory17:41
adrian_broheris it empty?17:41
tomreynyes. this looks wrong indeed17:41
adrian_brohermaybe some remnants from an old installation?17:41
tomreynmeh yes looks like it17:44
adrian_brohermaybe dpkg didn't create the symlink because of that.17:45
adrian_brohers/of that/there was this directory in the way/17:46
tomreynyes this is how i assume it might handle this17:46
tomreynsorry for wasting your time there.17:47
adrian_brohertry the following: remove the directory and force a reinstallation with `apt-get --reinstall install libosi-dev`17:48
adrian_broherno problem17:48
tomreyni tried --reinstall first, but this would not fix it17:49
tomreynthen i did --purge uninstall, followed by install, which fixed it17:49
adrian_broheryou have the symlink now?17:49
tomreynand freeorion is continuing to build :)17:51
tomreyndo you know abotu coverity scan?17:52
adrian_broherdoesn't ring a bell to be honest.17:52
tomreynstatic analysis, free for open source project17:52
tomreynso like cppcheck or clang/llvm's scan-build but often with different results and often less false positives.17:53
tomreynit's a proprietary service, just "free to use"17:54
tomreynwe use it for megaglest, and i recently lobbied a couple other games into using it, too17:54
adrian_broherdoesn't sound half bad but I need to read into it.17:55
adrian_broherif they don't test applications over x minutes build time we probably can't use it.17:55
tomreynso far, while some projects didn't like the additional (but one time, until they are makred as false positives or fixed) work you need to invest in wading through the scan results (usually some 75-300 "defects" are detected during the first scan), they started appreciating once they actualyl looked at the results.17:56
adrian_broherah, they are doing lines of code.17:58
tomreynthe test process is that once you registered your project at (and got manually approved which usually takes 1 business day or less) you download  their analyzer toolset and prefix any of your standard build commands by it.17:58
tpbTitle: Coverity Scan - Static Analysis (at
adrian_broherlimiting it on lines of code17:58
tomreynsuch as "cov-scan -- make -j2"17:59
tomreyn(this is a simplified command)17:59
tomreynso you scan yourself, and then it produces output in a directory, which you create a tarball of and upload on their website.18:00
adrian_broherIf you are already using it with megaglest, can you tell me how do you handle dependencies?18:00
tomreynthen, 15m later you get an e-mail and can login to that site and inspect the results18:00
tomreynhow mayn sloc are you?18:00
adrian_broherToo many.18:01
adrian_broherThere is a lot of cruft in the repository so it's not that easy to answer that question.18:01
ADAMANTbroher_ are the curious Star IDs from you?  IsRaffer iirc?18:02
tomreynwell i'll be happy to help getting you started (adding an account for you along the way) if i can get your permission. or you can just do it yourself, whatever you prefer18:03
adrian_broherWhat are curious Star IDs?18:03
adrian_brohertomreyn, thanks. But I want to investigate the possibilities and implications first.18:03
adrian_broherBut I really appreciate that you pointed out this nice service.18:04
tomreynbtw, my build succeeded :)18:04
tomreynyou're welcome18:04
adrian_broheris it from the latest head?18:04
tomreynadrian_broher: are you still talking to me there?18:05
adrian_brohertomreyn, yes18:05
tomreynoh my build, no it's probably not18:05
tomreyndoh, lots of changes18:05
tomreynwhat i built was from yesterday18:06
adrian_broherYesterday I just added a functional `make install`18:06
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ADAMANTi had a dream .. bad dream ,,, and silent now18:06
adrian_broherso it installs freeorion properly with deskop entry and icon.18:06
tomreynnice, i don't use it since i prefer packages, but that's still good to have18:07
tomreynsomething else you might want to look at is travis-ci.org18:07
adrian_broherthat's a service I already know, they limit the builds to five minutes.18:07
tomreynit's a free (for open source) continuous integration service which comes with ubuntu 12.04 build slaves18:08
tomreyn5 minutes, no i don't think so18:08
tomreynmore like an hour total or 10 minutes in a row i think, and they have a fast cluster18:09
adrian_brohermaybe they have changed that, but a year ago they limited the compiles to 5 minutes18:09
tomreynMG builds in 2-3 minutes there, on my core 2 quad with 8 GB RAM it takes like 5-7 minutes for a full build18:09
adrian_broher> With our current timeouts, a build will be terminated if it's still running after 50 minutes (respectively 70 on, or if there hasn't been any log output in 10 minutes.18:09
adrian_broherso they did change the timeouts18:10
tomreynyou'd need to fork/mirror to github, though18:10
adrian_broherah, yes18:11
adrian_broherthe github account…18:11
tpb<> (at
tomreynwell just create another organization accunt for now18:15
tomreynor do it in your personal accounts repository18:15
tomreynit doesn't actually matter18:15
adrian_broherADAMANT, what do you mean by 'curious Star IDs'?18:15
tomreynand then you might want to send that e-mail, too18:15
tomreynswitching to the new SVN repository may have been an automated process by the way18:17
tomreynif the location change was due to upgrading your project to the newer platform then sourceforge  would have notified te clients about the location change18:18
tomreynr6808 builds fine, too18:22
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tomreyncan i start it without installing?18:23
tomreyn(should i have passed some cmake flags?)18:23
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tomreynJLP: you leak your IP address when connecting, in case you care18:25
adrian_brohertomreyn, no. You should be able to start it from the build directory.18:29
tomreynadrian_broher: any idea why i cannot?18:30
adrian_broherbleh, run cmake again.18:30
adrian_broherthere is a bug that populates the ogre plugin path after the second call.18:30
adrian_broherI have yet to find out why.18:30
tomreyni did rm CMakeCache.txt after "svn up" and before running smake + make, is there a way i can reliably prevent this situation in the future?18:31
adrian_broherwrite a fix for said bug.18:31
tomreynhehe ok18:31
adrian_brohersorry, no idea how to prevent it yet.18:31
tomreynalright, could have been18:32
adrian_broheryou can keep the cmake cache file18:32
adrian_broherit's only a problem if you try to run it in a 'fresh' build directory.18:33
tomreynso it would likely work if i run cmake twice?18:33
tomreynokay that's very helpful already18:33
tomreynalright that works :)18:34
tomreyni assume there is no way to convert older savegames?18:34
adrian_broherno, unfortunately not.18:35
tomreynor to jump right into any random game which has already run 100 turns?18:35
adrian_broherdo you need that for testing?18:35
tomreynkind of, i'm trying to get an idea whether this build will be faster (or should i say less slow) than the ubuntu builds you provide18:36
adrian_broheri don't provide any ubuntu builds of any builds for that matter.18:37
tomreynthe gui gets suuuper slow for me (and Nagilum_, too, IIRC) around that time18:37
tomreyn"you" as in freeorion as a project18:37
tomreynthere are .deb's on sf.net18:37
adrian_broheryou could check if a 'observer' game works for this kind of test.18:37
tpb<> (at
GeofftheMedioyou can set up a multiplayer game with the human as an observer, add ~5 AIs, and let it run18:38
GeofftheMedio... yes18:38
tomreynthanks, will give that a try18:39
tomreynwhoops it didnt like that18:40
tomreynfreeorion: /home/tomreyn/SCM/freeorion/FreeOrion/GG/src/ListBox.cpp:1810: void GG::ListBox::AdjustScrolls(bool): Assertion `!m_vscroll || static_cast<int>(m_vscroll->PageSize()) == ClientHeight() || ClientHeight() < 0' failed.18:40
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GeofftheMediocomment out the assert18:40
tpb<> (at
adrian_broheror stop clicking on things ;)18:40
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tomreynsorry for using the UI! ;)18:41
tomreynso those two asserts i just comment out, right?18:42
tomreyn(the entire lines)18:42
GeofftheMedioprobly just the vscroll one18:42
GeofftheMediono idea what they're for18:42
GeofftheMedioand don't seem to matter if they're ignored18:43
tomreyni'm not a programmer if it wasn't obvious, yet18:43
tomreynso i'll keep the hscroll one18:44
GeofftheMediodoesn't matter18:44
tomreynso i got it running, is there a way to pause it?18:48
GeofftheMediosave, load up again with human as moderator instead of observer18:48
tomreynmy cpu is kept pretty busy, the busiest process is freeoriond, but the freeoriona processes add up to more18:49
adrian_broheryou could freeze the processes18:50
adrian_broherkill -STOP <pid list here>18:50
tomreynsaving doesn't seem to work (I did not freeze processes)18:51
tomreyni can't enter a file name18:51
GeofftheMediomight be one of the various focus-switching windows input issues with OIS18:52
adrian_broherfreezing the processes stops them, they won't respond to any input in that case18:52
GeofftheMediocan you enter text anywhere else?18:52
tomreyni got the file browser where i should be ablle to enter one but when i type into the filename field the characters i type don't show up18:52
tomreyni didn't try18:52
GeofftheMediofreeze the server, and the client will still be running18:52
tomreynwhat i tried was to enable multiplayer auto saves in options18:53
adrian_broherwon't the client time out in that case?18:53
tomreynbut that resulted in another crash18:53
tomreynsegfault, sadly i didn't have core dumps enabled18:54
tomreynor are multiplayer auto saves known to fail?18:54
GeofftheMediomight be quirky if playing as an observer where the turns keep going while you're trying to tell it to save18:54
GeofftheMediobut I don't have specific knowledge of such issues18:55
GeofftheMedionothing ot do with text input not working though18:55
tomreynconfirmed, text input doesn'T work at all18:56
tomreyni think that's some ogre bug, i had it on some other game a good while ago, but i don't remember any details18:57
tpb<> (at
GeofftheMedioso yeah... try again without alt-tabbing19:09
tomreyni read the entire forum topic but am not sure it helped much.19:15
tomreyni can try to prevent alt-tabbing19:15
tomreynyes you're right that's what breaks it19:16
tomreynwhen setting up a multiplayer game, clicking the dice icon and typing an additional character into the random seed field causes a segfault19:18
GeofftheMedioah... hotkey issue19:19
GeofftheMediotried to open a fleets window or somesuch19:19
GeofftheMediowhen none exist19:19
GeofftheMediohappens right on the main intro splash screen as well19:20
tpbTitle: - Printed Paste ID: (at
adrian_brohertomreyn, doesn't crash for me.19:25
tomreynhmm here it's reproducible19:26
adrian_broherbut yes, it's a bug.19:26
adrian_brohercomparing the logic with the old code19:27
tomreynstart game, multiplayer, OK, click on dice, click in seed text input field, go to end of line, enter "."19:27
GeofftheMediojust start game, press d19:27
adrian_broher'd' does the job19:28
tomreynn, too19:29
tomreynfreeorion: /usr/include/boost/cast.hpp:97: Target boost::polymorphic_downcast(Source*) [with Target = HumanClientFSM*; Source = boost::statechart::state_machine<HumanClientFSM, IntroMenu>]: Assertion `dynamic_cast<Target>(x) == x' failed.19:30
tomreynfreeorion: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:424: T* boost::shared_ptr<T>::operator->() const [with T = HotkeyCondition]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.19:30
adrian_brohershould be fixed in r681019:30
GeofftheMedioadrian_broher: in UpdateConnection did you switch the logic for blocking / unblocking when rewriting it in 6805?19:46
GeofftheMediowas block(!active)19:46
GeofftheMedionow it's if(active) block()19:46
adrian_broherblock(bool) doesn't exist in signals anymore.19:47
adrian_broheryou have a blocking object19:47
GeofftheMedioyes fine, but the equivalent code seems to do the reverse of what the old code did19:47
adrian_brohereh, wait, need to check that.19:47
adrian_broheryou're right19:55
adrian_broher-                if (condition && condition->IsActive())19:56
adrian_broher-                    blocker.block();19:56
adrian_broher-                else19:56
adrian_broher+                if (!condition || condition->IsActive())19:56
adrian_broher                     blocker.unblock();19:56
adrian_broher+                else19:56
adrian_broher+                    blocker.block();19:56
adrian_broherif there is no condition or the condition is true -> unblock19:56
adrian_broherelse block19:56
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tomreynit's sad that doesn't provide a way to push or pull info on commits and do irc notifications20:01
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GeofftheMediodunno what you mean by push/pull info20:16
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tomreynideally would have a means of notifying a remote location as soon as a commit took place (push). since this is not currently possible (other than by e-mail, which i think does not count), the only option would be to have an always-on system check for updates in regular intervals. but then has a "crawler" policy which disallows doing this more than once an hour. which basically renders this approach useless, too.20:31
GeofftheMedioit does have a mechanism for commit hooks20:31
GeofftheMediowhich you had to use for cia.vc20:31
GeofftheMediobut there's no system around i'm aware of that will automatically echo commit messages into IRC20:32 has been dead for 3 (?) years, and 2 (?) years ago disabled access to remote locations from the repositories / shell server.20:32
GeofftheMedio(though I wouldn't know if there was)20:32
tomreynthere are several actually20:32
tomreynbut they won't work without getting triggered20:33
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tpbTitle: Notifico! (at
tomreynone such service20:38
tpb<> (at
tomreynFR: "Relax restrictions for SCM hook connectivity ", open for 10 months now.20:52
Ablutomreyn: github does support irc hooks :P20:55
tomreynAblu: yeah, i'm aware. those, and a lot more. but then github only offers  git hosting (and also lacks a bunch of other features).20:56
tomreynalso related
Ablutomreyn: github also supports svn clones20:57
tpb<> (at
tomreynAblu: i concur. what's your point?20:57
Abluonly that github provides the stuff you discussed about20:58
tomreynAblu: yes, i agree it would be nice if freeorion could benefit of it.21:01
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