Saturday, 2014-02-01

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adrian_broherNagilum_, do you have a repository for the debian control files somewhere in a public space?10:05
Nagilum_no, but you can download them from the repo and I can create a repo on github10:06
Nagilum_hmm, actually there already is one, just haven't updated it :> let me see how that works10:07
Nagilum_ah now, thats just what I'm watching10:08
ADIVImoin moin ihr landratten10:09
ADIVI_nagi   hast den OP gefixt bekommen?  hat er gefehlt?10:09
ADIVIoder knappper:  problem passed or solved?10:10
tpbTitle: Nagilum23/FO-debian · GitHub (at
Nagilum_ADIVI: nein, problem ist noch da10:15
adrian_broherNagilum_, wo wird denn da der compile angestoßen?10:18
Nagilum_in debian/control via dh_auto_build10:19
adrian_broherda gibt es aber keinen debian ordner10:20
Nagilum_asso stimmt10:20
adrian_broher ?10:21
tpb<> (at
Nagilum_ich hab direkt den inhalt des debian ordners in das repo getan10:21
Nagilum_owner: Dmitry Smirnov10:22
Nagilum_not me10:22
adrian_broherin dem fall ist da aber kein dh_auto_build aufruf10:22
adrian_broherwenn ich mir control bei github anschauen10:23
tpbTitle: FO-debian/rules at master · Nagilum23/FO-debian · GitHub (at
Nagilum_Zeile 2010:23
adrian_broherdu kann jetzt ein paar der override aufrufe entfernen10:25
adrian_brohercmake installiert nun ogre_plugins.cfg, die freeorion.desktop und die icons so wie es sein sollte.10:25
Nagilum_hmm, mal testen10:26
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adrian_broherNagilum_, weißt du woher die Ubuntu Benutzer ihr FreeOrion Paket hernehmen?11:55
Nagilum_ ?11:56
tpb<> (at
Nagilum_wird aus dem gleichen quellen gebaut wie das debian paket11:56
adrian_broherdann kannst du doch die versionen der abhängigkeiten definieren, oder?11:58
adrian_broherDamit so etwas unterbunden wird
tpb<> (at
Nagilum_hmm, oder auch dafür bauen12:01
adrian_broherdas eine schließt das andere nicht aus12:01
Nagilum_bisher gabs halt keine probleme..12:02
adrian_broheraber das man funktionsunfähige pakete installieren kann geht einfach nicht.12:02
Nagilum_naja, wenn man n deb fürn anderes release installiert muss sich nicht wundern imho12:09
adrian_broherdarum geht es doch12:09
adrian_broherdas deb sollte genug metainformationen enthalten das deb/apt/aptitude direkt dem nutzer: junge geht nicht.12:09
adrian_brohersagen kann12:09
Nagilum_erstmal guckn obs da n Unterschied gibt12:12
adrian_brohervielleicht interessant:
tpbTitle: #14157 (Built in libpng can conflict with the system one) – wxWidgets (at
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ADIVIWhat is that:14:09
ADIVIThis message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.14:09
ADIVII expect this Time a Reaction - I wont state that a real Explanation can get provided ...  so WHAT IS THAT?14:10
ADIVII do this Time really expect -- wont kick that Item from list and it stalls alll othejr14:14
ADIVIway of perhaps you noted -- we changed your password -- is INACCEPTABLE!   add Stress of Words like Seven o Nine does14:19
ADIVIsecrete Move of my threads without  notification is INACCEPTABLE!!    did you already found .. they are now somewhere else - just search for ...  NO!  Enough is Enough!  Answers!14:21
adrian_broherstop shitposting.14:23
ADIVIwas sagst du lusche?14:24
ADIVIich soll DEINE SCHEISSE nicht posten?14:25
ADIVIdas schreibst du mir so aufs Terminal?14:25
ADIVImach mir keinen weiteren adrenalin needle peek ....   ich zähl nit mehr fliegen am frontkühler .. verstehst du meine arithmetik?14:28
ADIVInimm zur kenntnis das ich GRUND habe angepisst zu sein ..... schaffst den den darwin score oder fällt dir was lustiges ein?14:29
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adrian_broherDu wolltest eine Begründung weshalb deine Beiträge moderiert werden. 'Hör mit dem Shitposting auf' sollte doch als Erklärung reichen.14:37
STalKer-Xevery great project needs a15:22
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tomreynto be serious, this person makes it less fun to idle on this channel16:52
tomreyn(not sure that matters)16:52
GeofftheMediocan't do much about it on IRC16:53
tomreynso you expect him to evade a ban?16:53
tomreynor her, not sure which16:53
GeofftheMediowould just need to log back in with a different name?16:54
GeofftheMediodunno... never banned someone from IRC16:54
tomreynhopefully you would not need to, there's no reliable way to do it for sure.16:54
tomreynalso convincing people works much better if it works16:54
Afdalare you two talking about that weird guy16:59
AfdalI think he might actually be autistic17:00
tomreyni've seen several projects consisting exclusively of spare time volunteers disrupted by few, often single people. while diversity is important, and also being nice to people who are in a different state of mind, it's also important not to spend too much scarce time on people woh are disruptive to the projects goals in that making them feel ok takes a lot of time. i don't know whether that's happening here, it doesn't seem so now, but i hope yo17:00
tomreynu're well aware of this danger.17:00
tomreynmight be that he's autistic, but it doesn't really matter what you call it.17:00
AfdalI'm afraid to ask if anyone wants to play FreeOrion when he's in here now17:01
Afdalin case he might start talking to me again -_-17:01
GeofftheMedioisn't there some way to ignore specific users in IRC?17:01
GeofftheMediomaybe only in your local client?17:01
Afdal  /ignore17:01
Afdalis the usual command17:01
AfdalI don't wanna do that though17:02
AfdalHe started up this wacky conversation with me about the forum and blogging one time17:02
Afdaland it took me ages to get through to him that I had no clue what he was even talking about17:02
GeofftheMedioI don't think he cares17:03
GeofftheMediobut why don't you want to ignore?17:03
tomreynyes there is /ignore, but as long as someone responds to him this is not too useful.17:03
AfdalDon't wanna be rude...17:03
GeofftheMedio...? no different than just ignoring him17:04
GeofftheMedioexcept without your client being spammed17:04
AfdalWhat if he /msgs me again and I never asnwer I:}17:04
GeofftheMediothen he might stop messaging you17:04
GeofftheMediomission accomplished?17:04
AfdalI'll /ignore him when I'm finally convinced that he's just an elaborate troll17:05
GeofftheMedioyour choice17:05
tomreynanyways, i just wanted to explain my point of view (and why i'm loosing interest to start contributing before i actually did, and that it might be similar for others)17:05
AfdalI wish I had more to contribute17:06
GeofftheMediowhy does someone posting in IRC make you not want to contribute?17:06
AfdalMaybe if people in here actually played the game together we could get some more real multiplayer balance feedback17:06
* Afdal winks17:07
STalKer-Xugh, playing games o.o17:10
STalKer-Xcholeric autism is quite bad ^^17:14
tomreynthe content and amount of content he posts and that it seems to be accepted make me think that this group is too open, will allow itself to be disrupted easily by single people, and when it happens now, it may happen anytime in the future. i don't want to contribute to a project where i need to fear this project may get disrupted this way, and that communication within the community will always be difficult. when it's a hobby project, it *has*17:15
tomreyn to be fun, especially for those of us who do similar things for paid work.17:15
GeofftheMediohrm. well, after numerous complaints, his forum posting has been limited to require approval for all posts17:16
GeofftheMediobut this is probably one of the worst cases that's come up in FreeOrion's 10+ years17:17
tomreynglad to hear this :)17:17
GeofftheMedioat least by me, his posts and IRC are just ignored17:18
GeofftheMedioso I don't find them particularly disruptive17:18
GeofftheMediothe amount of time other people spend complaining about him was a bit worrisome though17:18
GeofftheMediowhich finally prompted the approval-only change yesterday17:18
STalKer-Xan additional problem is: english is not his first language17:19
GeofftheMediothere's been some discussion about whether that actually makes a difference17:20
tomreyni didn't notice you applied forum restrictions since i only hung out here so far. so that's my very limited perspective. i don't mean to complain, just to provide an exemplary POV of someone idling on your IRC channel and what it does with him.17:20
GeofftheMedioIRC is not really representative of the project17:20
GeofftheMediomost contributors don't come here17:20
STalKer-Xit's a bit more lively now ;)17:20
GeofftheMedioI 'm away for months at a time17:20
GeofftheMediolittle of substance is discussed here17:21
STalKer-Xoh yeah, FO won17:21
STalKer-XFO won't compile in vs201217:21
STalKer-Xat least for me :D17:21
GeofftheMedioI never tried17:21
GeofftheMedioyou'd probably need to update all the dependencies17:21
GeofftheMedioand the interface in that version is so horrendous I just gave up even trying to use it17:22
STalKer-Xprobably. and the parser fails to compile because of memory stuff17:22
GeofftheMediohave 8 GB and run one file at a time17:22
STalKer-Xis there some kind of cmake that uses the msvc compiler?17:22
AfdalI've never actually seen one of these posts on the forum of his that people seem to be complaining about17:22
tpb<> (at
STalKer-XGeofftheMedio: how do i tell msvc to compile one file at a time? :D17:24
GeofftheMedioyou can tell it to compile just one file in 2010 by right clicking that file17:24
GeofftheMedioalso set max number of parallel project builds in options / projects and solutions / build and run17:25
GeofftheMedioand in VC++ project settings, maximum concurrent C++ cores17:25
Afdaldis guy is hilarious17:27
tpb<> (at
AfdalIt's like some sort of strange hybrid combination of17:28
tpb<> (at
Afdalinstant messaging shorthand, ebonics, and foreign English17:28
Afdalholy walls of text batman17:32
GeofftheMedioafter various requests to improve his posts, with specific suggestions of how, and escalating text dump lengths, we arrive at the approval-requiring of today17:37
AfdalSo what's your opinion on the most interesting galaxy shape to play Geoff?17:41
GeofftheMedioI have none17:42
STalKer-Xi like to play it big17:43
tomreyni would liek to play a game online but for me it gets too slow towards the middle of a game17:44
AfdalWell we could always stop a game in the middle and continue it later17:44
GeofftheMediodefine "slow" ?17:44
tomreyni've got an older graphics card, though17:44
tomreynthe GUI gets tough to use17:44
Afdalyeah same for me17:44
Afdalwell it depends on the number of systems obviously17:45
* Sector notes there's also an option to set the mode so a particular user can't say anything in the channel.17:45
tomreynzooming in and out and opening menus takes seconds17:46
STalKer-Xhe'll complain.17:46
Afdalyes that's what happens to me17:46
tomreyni'm on ubuntu 13.10 x86_64, 8 gb ram, core 2 quad17:46
Afdalas well as the turn-taking step ratcheting up17:46
Afdalyou've got way better specs than me though17:47
STalKer-Xis it as bad as se5?17:47
GeofftheMediovarious performance improvements are ongoing17:47
AfdalI should give FreeOrion on Xubuntu a try sometime17:47
AfdalDo you need to compile anything for FreeOrion on linux?17:47
tomreynrv560 GPU (ati radeon x1650 xt)17:48
Afdalmine's a radeon x1600 xt17:48
tomreynso those is our weak spot17:48
AfdalI only have 2 GB of RAM and a pretty old CPU though17:48
Afdalathlon 4200 dual core17:49
Afdalwhat all did you have to do to get FreeOrion setup on ubuntu tomreyn?17:49
AfdalI think I might give that a try today actually17:50
tomreynAfdal: sorry, was just playtesting MG ;)18:37
tomreyni just downloaded the ready-made test builds from sf.net18:37
Afdaloh that's all there is to it?18:38
tomreyni guess i should try to build myself at some point, might provide better performance, but then those builds seems to be done on the same OS + version i use.18:38
AfdalYou don't need to install any extra dependencies or stuff like that?18:38
AfdalYeah if it's made for Ubuntu then it'll work the same for Xubuntu18:38
Afdalfor me18:39
tomreynhmm i don't really remember whether i needed to install extra repos18:39
tomreynAfdal: you can always run ldd on the binary, it will list the dependencies18:45
Afdaloh yeah18:45
tomreynbut then there can also be package depdencies since those are debs18:46
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ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> What is that:19:00
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.19:00
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:10] <ADIVI> I expect this Time a Reaction - I wont state that a real Explanation can get provided ...  so WHAT IS THAT?19:00
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:14] <ADIVI> I do this Time really expect -- wont kick that Item from list and it stalls alll othejr19:00
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:19] <ADIVI> way of perhaps you noted -- we changed your password -- is INACCEPTABLE!   add Stress of Words like Seven o Nine does19:00
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:21] <ADIVI> secrete Move of my threads without  notification is INACCEPTABLE!!    did you already found .. they are now somewhere else - just search for ...  NO!  Enough is Enough!  Answers!19:00
STalKer-Xi would guess that too many people complained about your posts, so they are now moderated.19:20
ADIVImay you guess what they complained about? :)19:23
adrian_broherGeofftheMedio, was the log4cpp dependency always there?19:26
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> What is that:19:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.19:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:10] <ADIVI> I expect this Time a Reaction - I wont state that a real Explanation can get provided ...  so WHAT IS THAT?19:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:14] <ADIVI> I do this Time really expect -- wont kick that Item from list and it stalls alll othejr19:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:19] <ADIVI> way of perhaps you noted -- we changed your password -- is INACCEPTABLE!   add Stress of Words like Seven o Nine does19:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 06:21] <ADIVI> secrete Move of my threads without  notification is INACCEPTABLE!!    did you already found .. they are now somewhere else - just search for ...  NO!  Enough is Enough!  Answers!19:27
adrian_broher<adrian_broher> stop shitposting.19:28
ADIVIrating my posts to shit?  is that your?19:29
ADIVIor that of oh the other?19:30
ADIVIis that your rating or that of other?19:32
adrian_broherYour messages are still incomprehensible. That's one reason why they are moderated.19:32
ADIVIuncomprehensible to whem?19:32
ADIVIdue to what?19:33
adrian_broherTo everybody who isn't you I would assume.19:34
ADIVIthat generalization is wrong for sure sure as it exist more than one exception19:35
ADIVIyou did not assume your self .. so you dont understand ..  do you know about other who did not or guessed there totally?19:37
adrian_brohereleazar: "Look, i'm glad you are interested in our project, and i know learning a second language is hard, but you are communicating very poorly. Many of your sentences are incomprehensible. Often i can guess at a phrase, but it doesn't usually fit together to produce a meaningful whole."19:38
tpb<> (at
ADIVIremind that post ..19:39
adrian_broherBigjoe5: "...why?" (hint: he isn't asking something)19:40
tpb<> (at
adrian_brohershawndream: "Through the... interesting attempts at english it sounds like you are getting a bit too hung up on realism."19:41
tpb<$> (at
ADIVImy interpretarion of why is that he did not understand the reasons and i did explain him to read shawndreams point and thus omit to write my arguements while pointed to the sufficient of shawndream19:45
ADIVIshawndream argued i would care tooo much on realism --- i pointed him to post where I explained implicitely that that spin is irreal19:47
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ADIVIis it that you think people can not understand realism?19:47
adrian_broherthe topic itself is irrelevant, what I wanted to point out that your postings are incomprehensible for a lot of people.19:48
ADIVIin ca  12 Bill years milky way did rotate  29 times19:49
ADIVIwhen game time goes for a singe mill ... that is about scalle of single degree19:50
adrian_broheranother point why you're moderated is your inability to respond to statements with a proper on-topic response.19:50
adrian_broherlike now for example.19:50
ADIVInote i that I disproof the previous arguements19:51
ADIVIbut one i am working at ... need confirmation as i have another interpretation of statement possible19:52
ADIVIif he is concerned about grammar etc or if he dont understand19:53
ADIVIwhat does moderation means in this context?  grammar assistance services?19:53
adrian_broherpublishing your forum posts or not after a review by a moderator.19:53
ADIVIprevious matter not completed19:54
ADIVIno clear evidence of your estimation about other  that they dont understand19:55
ADIVIone still wait for verification19:56
ADIVIor falsificatiob19:56
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ADIVIlast failed was catched for moderation .. what was the causing event?20:01
ADIVIthe one before was not ... is it that with math?20:02
ADIVIi gave shawndream meanings of mathmatical background ..20:03
ADIVIsolid background20:03
adrian_brohernoone cares because it isn't relevant for the topic.20:03
ADIVIoh it is20:03
ADIVIit is about complex numbers20:04
ADIVInow is OT a reason?20:04
adrian_broherWhich are completely irrelevant for the gameplay.20:04
ADIVIFYI the transformation I showed applies complex multiplication20:05
adrian_broherWhich is completely irrelevant for the gameplay.20:05
ADIVIsays WHO?20:05
ADIVIis  that the Way of saying  IT'S OT?20:07
adrian_broherIt is the way of saying "It's offtopic" after pointing it out serveral times by different users and contributors.20:08
adrian_broher*it was pointed out20:08
ADIVInow got 3 aspects .... people dont understand ... its about language  and now  about topic20:09
ADIVIis it that or is there a 4th unnoted aspect still unrevealed?20:10
ADIVIi just want to know i am not allowed to use magenta as font color20:10
adrian_broherI won't review every single post of you to tell you what went wrong.20:10
ADIVIi dont find a reason in your arguments ... which appear to me like griped out of the air to reason that20:11
ADIVIi dont get hint for causing event ..20:12
planetmakerADIVI, if you amount of vocal in this channel is about the same in any forum or mailing list, I'd really not review any anymore20:14
adrian_broherWhat about posting completely useless and unrelated code?20:14
planetmakeryou come accross as first-class troll tbh20:14
ADIVIso you dont know..20:14
adrian_broher'come accross'20:14
adrian_brohers/come accross as/are/20:15
ADIVIargs all but one disproofed -- one is waiting ... reasons appear arbitrary and causing event still unrevealed20:15
ADIVIand one is:  WHY?   ... some would said:  tricky20:16
adrian_broherThat one is easy: I'm not willing to read your inane rambling when I expect more or less useful contributions.20:17
ADIVI_planetizer:  may explain clearly if you consider me as troll or not as troll ?  it seems to me that....20:17
planetmakerI do consider you one. If not you got other serious issues20:18
planetmakerlike attention-craving20:18
ADIVIdue to i refuse to proof that kuiper is mercury respecting scientific conventions and explained with other words I dont care about noble honors?20:19
ADIVIoh i dont want to get that award for any of ... many things i made --- pay me attention!20:20
ADIVIi would like to ask gödel what thinks about  that all ... he is really abstract20:21
ADIVInice andecdote .. after did procedere to usian he was asked what he thought about its content ..  answer was 2h .. doubtless correct - at least i wont expect a logical error from him20:23
AfdalHey planetmaker, do you work on FreeOrion in addition to OpenTTD?20:24
AfdalOr are you just chillin' in here20:25
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planetmakerI'm afraid I'm just chillin' here20:25
Afdalwell keep up the good work conductor sir20:25
planetmakerTime is too limited to do everything which would be interesting :)20:25
adrian_broheroh, you're a openttd contributor?20:26
adrian_broherthanks for providing many entertaining hours of gameplay.20:26
ADIVITHAT is still not answered sufficiently:20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> What is that:20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:10] <ADIVI> I expect this Time a Reaction - I wont state that a real Explanation can get provided ...  so WHAT IS THAT?20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:14] <ADIVI> I do this Time really expect -- wont kick that Item from list and it stalls alll othejr20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:19] <ADIVI> way of perhaps you noted -- we changed your password -- is INACCEPTABLE!   add Stress of Words like Seven o Nine does20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:21] <ADIVI> secrete Move of my threads without  notification is INACCEPTABLE!!    did you already found .. they are now somewhere else - just search for ...  NO!  Enough is Enough!  Answers!20:27
Afdaloh god it's happening again20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> What is that:20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:10] <ADIVI> I expect this Time a Reaction - I wont state that a real Explanation can get provided ...  so WHAT IS THAT?20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:14] <ADIVI> I do this Time really expect -- wont kick that Item from list and it stalls alll othejr20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:19] <ADIVI> way of perhaps you noted -- we changed your password -- is INACCEPTABLE!   add Stress of Words like Seven o Nine does20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:21] <ADIVI> secrete Move of my threads without  notification is INACCEPTABLE!!    did you already found .. they are now somewhere else - just search for ...  NO!  Enough is Enough!  Answers!20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> What is that:20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:09] <ADIVI> This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:10] <ADIVI> I expect this Time a Reaction - I wont state that a real Explanation can get provided ...  so WHAT IS THAT?20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:14] <ADIVI> I do this Time really expect -- wont kick that Item from list and it stalls alll othejr20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:19] <ADIVI> way of perhaps you noted -- we changed your password -- is INACCEPTABLE!   add Stress of Words like Seven o Nine does20:27
ADIVI[01.02.2014 11:27] <ADIVI> [01.02.2014 06:21] <ADIVI> secrete Move of my threads without  notification is INACCEPTABLE!!    did you already found .. they are now somewhere else - just search for ...  NO!  Enough is Enough!  Answers!20:27
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o GeofftheMedio20:27
ADIVIsorry for multi post20:27
adrian_broheroh doge, here comes the hammer…20:28
*** GeofftheMedio sets mode: +b *!*@95-91-224-135-dynip.superkabel.de20:28
GeofftheMediohaving never had to do that before, does it appear to have functioned correctly?20:31
adrian_broheryou need to kick him if you want him to leave the channel20:31
adrian_broherbanning only prevents him to enter the channel20:32
Sector /kick nick20:33
GeofftheMedioI figured the ban would just silence?20:33
GeofftheMediodon't care if he lurks...20:33
planetmakerI think it does20:33
planetmakerand prevents re-entry20:34
AfdalI don't think you can re-join20:34
GeofftheMediowell that's fine then20:34
GeofftheMedio24 hours or so I'll unban, assuming I remember20:34
AfdalI don't think there is a true mute function in IRC sadly20:34
SectorThere is a mode that will just silence.20:34
planetmakernot? dunno here, but on oftc we do have20:34
SectorYup, same here.  Just replace the +b.20:35
adrian_broherAfdal, iirc you can set the channel to moderated and give the people voice or something like that.20:35
planetmakerthat's a pain, though, adrian_broher20:35
Afdalguess it depends on the network20:35
SectorYup, that would be another option.  Does require more management though.20:35
GeofftheMediowhich I am disinclined to do20:35
adrian_broherplanetmaker, well maybe, I don't moderate channels so I'm clueless.20:36
planetmakerit stops occasional pass-by people to say anything. not worth the trouble20:36
planetmakeras voice needs registration with services20:36
AfdalI moderate a couple channels but I am still an IRC neophyte20:36
planetmakerso am I :)20:36
STalKer-Xfreenode has +q20:36
SectorUh huh.20:37
planetmakerall I usually use is our bot to mute, kick or kban20:37
* Sector has channel operator for four channels on here and IRC Operator on another network...20:38
adrian_broherGeofftheMedio, now that you're here: do you know how long the log4cpp dependency did exists and why we choose to use this library?20:38
GeofftheMedioSince 2004 at least20:43
planetmakerthat's a decent time :)20:43
GeofftheMedioDunno why specifically... it was probably a decent functional logging library that didn't need to be coded from scratch20:43
GeofftheMedioSince september 2003 at least20:45
GeofftheMedioprobably july 200320:46
adrian_broherwell, okay.20:48
GeofftheMediopossibly earlier... forum doesn't go back much past that20:48
GeofftheMedioand searching the code history is klunky as files have moved about20:48
adrian_broherOgre didn't had its logging facility at this time (heck, did it even exist?).20:50
GeofftheMedioeven if it did, it wasn't used in FO at first20:50
GeofftheMedioogre integration happened in 200920:51
adrian_broherAnd another question: does the current windows sdk already contain boost signals2?20:55
adrian_broherIt is a header only library.20:55
GeofftheMedioif it's in whatever boost version is in the SDK20:56
adrian_broherdid you put the whole boost release in the sdk?20:56
GeofftheMedioall the headers20:56
GeofftheMediojust the required libraries / dlls20:56
adrian_broherthen it should be there.20:56
GeofftheMediohence my "yes"20:56
GeofftheMedioneed to update the SDK soon anyway...20:57
GeofftheMedioget rid of alut20:57
GeofftheMedioadd the extra boost libraries needed for compressed text streams20:57
GeofftheMediomaybe update the ogre version compatibility20:57
GeofftheMediomaybe update the boost version as well20:57
adrian_broherdon't forget then20:57
tpb<> (at
GeofftheMediokind of a pain to do all that though, as it requires recompling a bunch of the dependencies that all interdepent20:57
GeofftheMedioI'm not keen on doing that before a release though20:58
GeofftheMedioadding a few boost libraries... OK20:58
GeofftheMedioremoving ALUT, ok20:58
GeofftheMediorecompling boost and ogre and such... not so much20:59
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adrian_broherdoes Vezzra maintain the mac sdk on his own?21:06
GeofftheMedioI think so21:19
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Nagilum_there is a mute mode22:30
Nagilum_you set the channel to moderated and then only ppl with op or +v can talk22:30
GeofftheMedioas above, don't want to deal with that22:31
GeofftheMedioand don't need to22:32
SectorRight, we covered that and using +q on a ban for just a particular user.22:37
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STalKer-Xhe has a dynamic ip anyway22:52
STalKer-Xso tomorrow he won't be banned anymore :)22:52
Nagilum_if need be there can be wildcards in the ban22:53
STalKer-Xit's intended as temporary anyway :D22:54
STalKer-Xso no need to fool around :)22:54
SectorSo far at least...22:59
tomreyndoh, thats plenty... "To build GG and FreeOrion, expect up to 45 minutes of a Core i5 system, or over an hour on a Core2 Duo system. "23:02
SectorAh, what's a little building?23:02
Nagilum_good things will come..23:03
tomreyn says python >= 2.7, says python2.6-dev on "Ubuntu (Maverick and Lucid)"23:10
tpb<> (at
tomreyni assume the latter is outdated (maverick is unsupported, lucid, too, i think)23:11
Nagilum_I'm just trying to build on precise and thats already old23:15
tomreynwell it's currently still the latest LTS release23:18
tomreyncan you help me with this?
tomreyn  install TARGETS given no LIBRARY DESTINATION for shared library target23:26
tomreynubuntu 13.10 x86_6423:28
Nagilum_why not use
tpb<> (at
tomreynbecause i want to learn how much effort it takes to build myself23:29
tomreynthose are the builds i used so far, but everyone can install binary packages23:29
Nagilum_you can grab the source from and use dpkg-buildpackage or pbuilder23:30
tpb<> (at
tomreynsvn is at r679223:31
tomreyni appreciate your support in making things easier for me, but shouldn't it be easy to build an application from the source tree in the latest version?23:33
Nagilum_it usually is23:33
tomreynbecause that's what it says on the freeorion wiki in the compile instructions23:34
Nagilum_I see, try without23:34
GeofftheMediopeople have been reworking the cmake scripts recently... it's possible the wiki is out of date23:35
tomreynsame result with "cmake ." after deleting CMakeCache.txt23:36
Nagilum_I can give you 6795 builds for quantal? :>23:37
tomreyn:) thanks (but no thanks)23:37
Nagilum_looks like I need to build libbullet for 12.04, will do that tomorrow, time to sleep23:38
GeofftheMediothere were some changes to CMakeLists.txt recently...23:38
GeofftheMediomight be not working correctly?23:38
Nagilum_works for me23:39
GeofftheMedioneed adrian_broher to comment...23:39
tomreynoh look someone called Nagilum_ (just without the trailing underscore) ran into the same situation as me
tpb<> (at
tomreyndid i bring up coverity scan, yet?23:49

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