Tuesday, 2014-01-07

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ADlVlwhich time is on this # most noise?02:38
GeofftheMediono time in particular02:38
ADlVlhu..tried chat with you02:40
ADlVlmade few new threads in forum .. did you already note?02:41
GeofftheMedio"Adamant" ?02:41
AfdalGood kreschun02:41
ADlVlsure :)02:41
AfdalWhat time zone you in Geoff?02:41
AfdalI see02:41
ADlVl+1h me02:41
GeofftheMediono-one is likely to read the long rambling posts02:41
ADlVlor is it -1  .. close greenwhich02:41
AfdalMST here02:42
GeofftheMedioif you want to suggest something, do so with a short and to-the-point post02:42
ADlVlunderstand that issue ...02:42
ADlVlsparial 3D Map, complex more realistic lesser abstract economy, how explained in boring thread ;)02:43
GeofftheMediofreeorion is not a simulation02:43
ADlVlof course it is :D it is just not realistic ;)02:44
ADlVlfor realism have to hyperspace but that would be really odd for Players :)02:45
ADlVlthere are few different suggestions ... won't be problem to press spartial Implementation flat to planar cosmic space as is as Optin for  players to keep olf behavior ..  is it option to add 3rd coord to location attribute and let opengl render the map ?02:48
ADlVlwhy do you think that?02:50
ADlVlit's mostly about same02:50
GeofftheMediosearch the forums. there should be discussions about it.02:52
ADlVlmay I explain how litte is necessary to change Code to use GL to render 2D Scenery mapping all flat eg setting z to null?03:01
GeofftheMedioyou can, but the map rendering isn't likely to change, so I wouldn't bother03:02
ADlVlthere is just very small overhead, include gl lib, define Perspective via Projection Matrix for GL, define as kind of canvas rectangles quasi 2d as z=0, use pics for texture, tranfer rectangles via gl to gpu and don't matter about visible part of map as gl does that via cam pos and render 3D map. 2D overlay  for gui thinks as usual.03:08
ADlVli think gl is kind of 3d SDL03:09
ADlVlplain point is using gl 3d for first as quasi 2d with opportunity to easily take 3d features like adding custom z to stars.03:11
GeofftheMedioas noted, no plans to add 3rd dimension to the universe03:12
AfdalLike FreeOrion doesn't run slow enough already as it is -_-03:13
ADlVldoes engine  calculate z visible by short Lanes even Way is long?03:13
ADlVli do not think any performance to 2d is to complex for hardware and 3d rendering is done from gpu .. so video performance is no argument .. see 3d shooter with rapid gfx03:15
ADlVli mean does visible length of lanes between stars represent directly distance of stars equals length of lane or is z calculated for effective lane length while visible is projected share03:17
GeofftheMediothe universe is 2d03:17
ADlVlmodel 2d and view 2d ...03:18
ADlVlsad ^^03:21
ADlVlbtw FO looks fine and makes fun   kind of space-tec-civ imo with vehicle design03:24
ADlVlso know yet three really good OSS Games of my taste and FO is one of them03:25
GeofftheMedioglad you enjoy it03:25
ADlVlmay i ask what are the most driving causes  identified for speed insufficiency of FO?03:29
GeofftheMediodefine "speed"03:30
ADlVlfound interactions fluid while turn change let my install takes time before new turn starts .. no idea if that concerns to my installation especially03:30
GeofftheMediorestate that more clearly?03:31
ADlVlspeed:  see Afdal above03:31
AfdalI'm really not sure what FreeOrion's problem with speed is at the moment03:32
AfdalIt is ridiculous that my computer should have a problem running such a seemingly simple game though03:32
ADlVli mean i can use GUI well but when pressed button for next term at least when empires got large (128 stars here) then time passes till GUI returns ready for interaction03:33
Afdalpart of it is the turn state transfer03:33
Afdalbut just moving through menus and stuff slows to a crawl for me around turn 200 usually03:33
ADlVlcomm problem of different AI Clients?03:33
Afdaland that's just with ~180 systems03:34
GeofftheMedioeffects processing on server delays turn times. lots of stuff to render affects frame rate03:34
AfdalProbably why I've never seen any of those legendary galactic monsters or whatever03:35
AfdalI always try to wrap my games up before they become unplayable03:35
ADlVlthere exist many other games which may perform much faster and nevvertheless i consdier them to be slow in respect of available computing performance worse  utlized .. so i do not wonder about another game which could profite from more speed ...03:38
ADlVli ask due to i want to figure out problem and its solution but for real i still did not take a single look  into source but can program well.03:39
GeofftheMediothere are extensive discussions on the forums03:39
ADlVlrender work is quire simple resp  GPUs are fast enough to do it in realtime03:40
ADlVlserver issue sounds more relevant here03:40
ADlVlwhat  kind of loads have server to accomplish and how does it process?03:42
GeofftheMediodon't know how to answer that...03:42
ADlVlis it about raw amount of data to transfer or that splitted into single transactions perhaps with communication overhead in way of well may client do this, allowed, then try that ,  successed or something like03:44
ADlVlwhat was imgainary idea about that server issues .. what does server  for turn in what order ?03:46
GeofftheMedioa lot of stuff. see the source code.03:46
ADlVldon't look at me in that way, plz :D03:46
AfdalWhat's FreeOrion coded in anyway Geoff?03:46
GeofftheMediomostly c++03:47
GeofftheMediosome python03:47
AfdalWhat's the Python for?03:47
GeofftheMedioai and universe generation03:47
ADlVlwhat means 4X space strategy game  in design philosophy?03:49
AfdalA 4X game is a type of long-term strategy game usually revolving around building and maintaining empires03:50
ADlVlwhat means 4x ?  game, fun, happiness and space? :D03:51
AfdaleXplore eXpand and some other stuff03:52
ADlVlso x related terms :)03:52
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ADlVlcan read now src04:04
ADlVland find eg04:04
ADlVl   clear();04:04
ADlVlBatchedGeometry::~BatchedGeometry() { clear();}04:04
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ADlVleats lesser display  resp display can display more well reaadable code that way :)04:05
GeofftheMediotell the bactched geometry coders04:05
ADlVlbatched _04:06
ADlVl-> those guys?04:06
ADlVlelse src is fine readable04:07
GeofftheMediopaged geometry isn't FO code. don't complain to me about it.04:08
tpb<http://ln-s.net/AJTl> (at www.ogre3d.org)04:08
ADlVlthnx   ^^04:09
ADlVlogre3d looks fine and show btw that gpu with FO does most time bores in its nose resp wait for render data ..04:13
ADlVlwhat does ogre3d for FO?04:13
GeofftheMediolittle. is / was planned to be used for a 3d combat engine.04:14
ADlVlso there is already z coord waiting? :)04:15
ADlVlsounds good  to me  as early constraints for basic design04:17
tomreynI think i brought this up before but don't remember what the response was, if any (sorry): have you considered to check FO against scan.coverity.com, yet? are you using cppcheck, clang's scan-build or similar tools for source code analysis?04:18
GeofftheMediovarious people run scans on the code from time to time04:18
GeofftheMedioI don't04:18
GeofftheMedioconsult the forums04:19
tomreynare you the lead dev (or is there one)04:19
GeofftheMedioin effect04:19
tomreynso you don't because the others do?04:20
GeofftheMediolimited time, others more inclined to do so04:20
tomreyni see.04:23
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ADlVlnice online service ... sadly i failed to identfy invisible capcha...  can anybody help me?04:27
GeofftheMedioyou already have a forum account04:27
GeofftheMediowhat captcha are you failing?04:27
ADlVlhave to sign up before but there is no capcha image on my screen nor input form to enter data .. but have to fill in to success with reg04:28
ADlVlyes have04:28
ADlVlworks there as well?  kewl04:29
ADlVllogged in in forum but  code scan site claims to do not know my mail ADDR .04:31
ADlVlso have to master capcha04:31
GeofftheMediono idea what you're talking about04:33
ADlVlcapcha is that thingy to verify persons which want to sign up if they can identify the letters or similar in picture with kind of noise and warps etc.04:34
GeofftheMedioi know what I captcha is. I don't know what you're talking about "code scan site" or not knowing your "ADDR"04:35
ADlVlthat URL above04:35
ADlVlADDR is abbreviation for Address04:36
GeofftheMedioso this has nothing to do with freeorion?04:36
ADlVlat tom reyn  thnx for that cool gear04:37
ADlVli want to run freeorion src against that site, why?04:38
tomreynyou're welcome.04:38
ADlVlthnx :)04:38
tomreyn(i'm not affiliated with them)04:39
GeofftheMedioif you have a problem with their registration, complain to them04:39
ADlVli wonder ... ^^04:39
tomreynADlVl: are you a regular freeorion contributor?04:40
tomreynthen you could create the project there, and submit some builds04:40
ADlVlwhat is regular and non-regular?  I am new to FO04:40
tomreynthat's non-regular ;)04:41
GeofftheMedioregular would probably require at least one contribution...04:41
ADlVli hate regular - irregulary, of course! ;)04:41
tomreynwell they won't let you create the project if you categorise yourself as a "user", that's why i'm asking.04:42
ADlVlthat I am surely not :)04:43
ADlVlwhere is project site? SF or LP? or both?!?04:43
tomreynlaunchpad is probably just for packaging purposes? the svn repository is at sf.net04:44
ADlVldo you know about gource?05:11
ADlVli do not want to omit google cgi scirpts on my browser and  installing instead google binaries does not sound rational to me .  but gource can well visualize code ... are there alternatives for gource?05:13
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ADlVlfound hint that server deals Matter of  ObjectID_REQ centrally.  Won't it be useful to give Clients  own ID_Space and Server just distribute just that normally REGistered resp is ther Need for Confirmation?05:51
ADlVlis possible via ASM-Features resp Profiler-Lib to determine how much CPU does IDLE and STALL due to unknown Reasons resp are any profiling Meanings already used?05:57
ADlVlwhen FO stalls does FO or WIN make Window white?06:03
ADlVlsry but I am new to win and i like it already a lot ... is that FO or Win feature?06:04
ADlVlstall concerns to FO  btw06:05
GeofftheMedioserver ID dispatching works fine06:07
ADlVlNET code looks as much as read fine to me :)06:08
ADlVlit is possible to make APP that way that it can freeze wwithout getting as APP unresponsible06:09
GeofftheMedioprobably depends on the nature of the freezing06:10
ADlVlsuggest to to that in Layer above and add Code that extract Data on  Event freeze and stall to figure better out by what kind of payload.   I guess it relates to FO does sometimes worse wake up from idle06:11
ADlVlhere waked up vitally appearing while died on saving06:13
ADlVllocal server could perhaps do that as well with more freedom but REQ  Client to keep responsible via NET.06:15
ADlVlsplitting Engine NGN into SubNGN would allow to utlize remaing vital Parts to support CHK Issues like verifiy valid State Routines to better localize the Problem .. in that Context Map2Sav-ServiceProvider freezes also other Compounds.06:19
ADlVlguess doing fine NET Protocol does not sound like ShowStoper (but work)  ;)06:20
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ADlVlbtw figured strange Issues .. please CHK if  Attacjkers did change on Engine any Thing and it was not Vanadlism but Savotage and08:07
ADlVlabout removing Traces will Focus was about defeating Intruders08:08
ADlVlIRRC Anomaly right now08:08
GeofftheMediouh... what?08:08
ADlVlI think intruder did cause spam to  hide traces of other changes08:09
GeofftheMedioin what?08:10
ADlVlthere was event of spambots in forum08:13
GeofftheMediothere have been many08:13
ADlVldunno how/what attacker entered but he made spam noise to focus attention on other subjects .. so my idea08:13
ADlVlhow often?08:14
GeofftheMediois there a post with spam links? if you have a specific observation of a problem, link to it.08:14
ADlVlsince when08:14
ADlVlsame problem08:14
ADlVlhow about dedicated bot interface to easier identify spam bot .. my 2 cents08:15
ADlVlsnake chooked  for long  and bit fast..  dow ^^08:17
ADlVlis section actually under heavy reconstruction resp Extension?08:23
ADlVlfound that all  performance-warnings concerns to UI08:23
GeofftheMediono idea what you're talking about08:23
ADlVlif there any section of code which is actually in intensive focus of development like adding many new UI features or chaning its design to work differnt08:25
GeofftheMediono substantial UI code development is presently happening that I'm aware of08:26
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ADlVlgood morning viet orion!20:48
ADlVlcan anybody point me to Code LOC where a Lot Data gets copied?  Kind of memcopy Work?20:53
ADlVlmemcopy gets nowhere called explicitely but I guess Data gets copied nevertheless20:54
GeofftheMedioLot ?20:54
ADlVlrelative Lot.  KB or even MB20:55
ADlVlrelative Lot. KB or even MB20:55
GeofftheMediono. it's all c++. few / no copies of large contiguous blocks of memory.20:56
ADlVlfile IO?20:56
GeofftheMediomostly handled by libraries20:57
ADlVlwhich one?20:57
GeofftheMediovarious. consult the code.20:58
ADlVlsure exist there doc which tell which libs get included  resp in which files ... and these are many21:01
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