Saturday, 2012-08-11

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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5113 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (10 files in 6 dirs):04:16
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Added a turn property to sitrep entries, which tracks the turn on which they first appear for a player.04:16
CIA-15FreeOrion: -Added filtering of the displayed sitreps by turn, and buttons to move through which turn's sitreps are shown.04:16
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TheOnlySkyfireGood morning.04:50
STalKer-Xi have to make my win7 dvd a multi install ;x05:06
STalKer-Xthis new computer i will have in about 2 weeks should be able to compile FO :p05:16
TheOnlySkyfireI have installed Visual Studio yesterday, I decided to try a little coding, after playing the game 3 days.05:21
STalKer-Xhopefully you have enough ram for compiling05:23
TheOnlySkyfirelets see...05:24
STalKer-X my new computer will only have 4GB :)05:25
TheOnlySkyfireIt says 8GB :-) - might be enough.05:26
STalKer-X8GB, hmm05:26
STalKer-Xyou have a 50/50 chance with thar05:26
STalKer-Xit's funny that MS offers 3GB downloads for each version of windows 705:27
STalKer-Xbut each iso just has a small config file that got changed05:27
TheOnlySkyfireA world of wonders we are living in.05:28
tpb<$bad> (at
STalKer-Xit's for win8, but applies to win7 aswell05:31
TheOnlySkyfireI thought about terraforming - to make it planet focus, which allows to get rid of micromanaging the terraforming building as well as allow gradual terraforming, which make terraforming a more strategic then tactical decision. Also: More People working together would increase terraforming speed. And all inhabits working together fits to the idea of Gaia Transformation,... hmmm...05:33
GeofftheMedioyou should discuss that on the forums05:34
TheOnlySkyfireMoring. :-)05:34
TheOnlySkyfireDo you think the Idea is worth discussing?05:34
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GeofftheMedioit would probably get a reply05:34
STalKer-Xforums is the best place for that05:36
TheOnlySkyfiresure. :-) But I don't like to post an idea that has been already rendered not KISS enough or something. :-) And Geoff would know... that why I first presented it here.05:42
GeofftheMedioI don't follow the content discussions in much detail05:42
STalKer-Xhaw haw05:43
STalKer-Xyou are the person that has to implement the ideas :p05:44
GeofftheMedionot with content05:44
GeofftheMediothere's a scripting system for that05:44
STalKer-Xbut still you have to do the code ;)05:44
GeofftheMedionot with content05:44
GeofftheMediothere's a scripting system for that that others can use easily05:44
STalKer-Xi see, you do not care about content ;)05:55
TheOnlySkyfireMy idea might have to force a little coding besides the scripts maybe. But I've seen to less from the code structure to tell. :-)05:59
STalKer-Xdo it :D06:12
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5114 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Switched to storing sitreps by value instead of by pointer, to avoid having to deal with lifetime of those pointers, and since they are fairly small objects anyway.06:26
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5115 /trunk/FreeOrion/UI/ (FleetWnd.cpp PlayerListWnd.cpp): grooming / cleanup06:27
TheOnlySkyfireLike PIE?
tpb<$bb_> (at
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STalKer-XTheOnlySkyfire read your post, wall of text ;D07:46
STalKer-XTheOnlySkyfire did you ever play "Stars!"?07:50
TheOnlySkyfireNo - whats that?07:58
STalKer-Xan X4 game, like FO :p07:59
TheOnlySkyfireSo. No. I haven't, why do you ask?07:59
TheOnlySkyfireAnd: Tell me what do you think?08:01
STalKer-Xlooks similar to the concept of stars!08:02
tpbTitle: Stars!wiki (at
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TheOnlySkyfireTo be honest I saw something very simple thing on that strange computergame (where you start with an singular cell and expand over several stages to a galaxy wide expand empire) - forgot the name - was greatly hyped... well...08:08
TheOnlySkyfireI saw the principle their and thought it might be a good idea.08:09
TheOnlySkyfiretheir = there.08:09
TheOnlySkyfirenote that it reduces to a single meter with a target value and effects, if we want.08:10
STalKer-Xtoo bad no screens08:11
STalKer-Xin stars! you have 3 values08:11
STalKer-Xi will just do a screenshot, hehe08:11
STalKer-Xgravity, temperature, radiation08:13
TheOnlySkyfireNot humility? :-)08:15
TheOnlySkyfirewell - yes... something like that.08:15
STalKer-Xif you can, you should check out the stars! race designer08:16
STalKer-Xit's great, though a different concept than what FO will be08:16
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TheOnlySkyfireTheOnly: test08:54
TheOnlySkyfirehow to mark a message that it is for some definite person?08:55
GeofftheMediotheonlyskyfire type the whole name08:55
GeofftheMediomakes some irc clients notify08:56
TheOnlySkyfiretheonlyskyfire test08:56
TheOnlySkyfiretheonlyskyfire: test08:56
TheOnlySkyfire@theonlyskyfire test08:56
TheOnlySkyfireAnyway. UniverseObject.h - is there a special reason why including the Universe.h BEFORE UniversObject.h include guard and why to check for the universe.h include guard explicitly?08:58
GeofftheMediothere's the one specified in the comments in the file08:59
TheOnlySkyfireYeah :-) But it makes no sense to me - that why Im asking.09:00
GeofftheMediobecause something broke if it wasn't done that way09:00
TheOnlySkyfire:-) I see.09:00
STalKer-Xfirst few letters, then press tab09:02
STalKer-Xif you want sound highlight, that is a client thing09:03
TheOnlySkyfireTheOnlySkyfire: Ah!09:07
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TheOnlySkyfireI really should stick to ANSI C... tried to used the boost::array and Visual Studio tells me that "array" is some reserved keyword. Has C++ evolved so much in the last years?11:53
GeofftheMediothere's probably no reason to be using boost array.  just use a vector11:54
TheOnlySkyfireVector is dynamic at runtime.11:54
TheOnlySkyfireSo besides the overhead I allow at runtime changing of things that shouldn't - surely i can encapsulate the std::vector additionally but that don't seem kind straight forward. Moreover I would like to know what this strange "array" keyword is about. Seen it the first time today.11:57
GeofftheMediomake it a const vector then.  overhead doesn't matter unless it matters, and it probably doesn't11:57
tpb<$bex> (at
TheOnlySkyfireMoreover only the Size should be const, not the content. :-) std::vector probagates constness right?12:00
TheOnlySkyfirethx for the link.12:00
GeofftheMedioconst vector<A> is not a vector<const A>12:01
TheOnlySkyfireAh right. Thx.12:02
GeofftheMediothat might be misleading though... if the A is a data type and not a pointer type12:06
GeofftheMediothough it seems like you're trying to do something the wrong way to start with12:07
GeofftheMediothis issue rarely comes up for me12:07
STalKer-Xyou should have chosen a better language ;p12:40
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zhurdid anyone try to cross-compile FreeOrion for Windows on Linux?17:07
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GeofftheMediozhur: no idea19:03
STalKer-Xbut it should work, i theory19:03
TheOnlySkyfirefound the problem. I included the wrong header and thought it came from the "keyword" issue. But this is only a markup thing. Boost array works normally.19:37
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CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5116 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (18 files in 3 dirs): Added icons to sitrep entries and reworked their layout / appearance in the sitrep window.22:07
CIA-15FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r5117 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Modified GenerateSitRepMessage effects to take an icon parameter.23:09

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