Saturday, 2011-10-01

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CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4307 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/Universe.cpp: Tweak to fix MSVC 2010 compile error in Boost graph header.05:01
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CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4308 /trunk/FreeOrion/network/ServerNetworking.h: Added #include needed to build on MSVC2010.17:39
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4309 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/ (4 files):17:42
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Made low and high parameters for Number, Turn and CreatedOnTurn conditions17:42
CIA-29FreeOrion: optional. If not specified, inclusive defaults are used, so that specifying17:42
CIA-29FreeOrion: just one, eg. low = 50 will match anything appropriately equal or greater.17:42
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Minor grooming17:42
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4310 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/ (ValueRef.cpp ValueRefParser.cpp): Added LastTurnBattleHere scripting property for systems.17:43
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CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4311 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 2 dirs):17:54
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Added in-system repair effectsgroup to Orbital Drydock, with sitrep generation for each repaired ship.17:54
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Removed now-unnecessary parameter from tech using Number condition.17:54
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Single line code grooming17:54
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CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4312 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (7 files in 2 dirs):18:43
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Made low and high parameters for meter value conditions optional, with appropriate inclusive defaults when omitted.18:43
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Updated various effectsgroups to remove high = 999 or high = 99999 that are now unnecessary.18:43
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Added missing string for last turn battle here property.18:43
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CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4313 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (4 files in 2 dirs):19:07
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Removed more unnecessary high = 999 (or 9999 or 99999) and low = 0 from conditions.19:07
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Code grooming in Meter.cpp19:07
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4314 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/ConditionParser2.cpp:19:36
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Fixed (implemented?) HasSpecialSinceTurn condition parsing, which was ignoring low and high labels.19:36
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Grooming19:36
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CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4315 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/species.txt: Removed more high = 999 parameters from species conditions.22:24
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4316 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/Effect.cpp:22:26
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Fixed some potential effect description crashes where no empire ID is specified or an empire doesn't exist that was specified.22:26
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Tweaked GenerateSitRepMessage description and dump output to hide "parameters" label when not needed.22:26
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Tweaked GenerateSitRepMessage dump to show the empire affiliation.22:26
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4317 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/EffectParser.cpp:22:28
CIA-29FreeOrion: Swapped the order of empire and affiliation in GenerateSitRepMessage script22:28
CIA-29FreeOrion: format to be consistent with its use in the OwnedBy condition. This puts22:28
CIA-29FreeOrion: affiliation first, so that "TheEmpire Source.Owner" is written, which reads22:28
CIA-29FreeOrion: semi-coherently, as opposed to the opposite order, which does not.22:28
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4318 /trunk/FreeOrion/universe/Condition.cpp: (log message trimmed)22:29
CIA-29FreeOrion: Made various conditions with low and high parameters match objects with whatever22:29
CIA-29FreeOrion: value applies equal to the low or high value, instead not matching if equal to22:29
CIA-29FreeOrion: the high value. I think this range rule is more obvious / intuitive / clear /22:29
CIA-29FreeOrion: consistent, particularly for integer-valued tests. For real-valued tests, this22:29
CIA-29FreeOrion: may necessitate using RangeMaxValueRef - 0.001 or similar to exclude the upper22:29
CIA-29FreeOrion: end of the range (eg. when a meter equals its associated max meter), but I think22:29
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4319 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/buildings.txt:22:30
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Modified orbital drydock to only repair if a ship is damaged (required after meter range check change in previous commit) by matching ships with up to MaxStructure - 0.001.22:30
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Made orbital drydock give +10 structure per turn, instead of instantly fully repairing ships.22:30
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4320 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/specials.txt: Changed some "Not Turn low = 1" into "Turn high = 1" which should be consistent but simpler. Might have an off-by-one bug as a result, but testing should find that out eventually...22:31
CIA-29FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r4321 /trunk/FreeOrion/default/ship_hulls.txt:22:34
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Lowered some monster hull speeds.22:34
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Replaced some compound conditions with the simpler InSystem condition in a few places.22:34
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Removed some hardcoded "empire = 0" from monster-related generatesitrepmessage effects, leaving no empire or affiliation specified, which should default to sending the message to all players.22:34
CIA-29FreeOrion: -Replaced tabs with spaces.22:34

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