Tuesday, 2009-06-09

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lord_midnightI am lord midnight01:55
lord_midnightI opened the spacecraft emporium on your forum01:56
lord_midnightI am makin stuffs for yur game01:56
lord_midnightI made some new stuff, lots of pictures01:58
lord_midnightuuum, kinda dead in here, are you guys sleeping ?01:59
lord_midnightwell, imma flood then ;)03:38
lord_midnightFO is a great game/sim already03:38
lord_midnightI think in a few years, it will be really, really awesome03:39
lord_midnightI will make you some ships, its good practice for me, though I am having trouble getting hard edges with subsurfaces03:43
lord_midnightI think not every thing needs to look super organic, many industrial cultures would use very utilitarian ships, perhaps even simple cubes03:46
lord_midnightI will try to use the massive amounts of poly budget Ill have to add lots of details, like access pannels n stuff03:46
kroddnYou may post at the forums, then the graphic people can discuss with you04:09
lord_midnightI made a post on the forum04:10
lord_midnighthello kroddn04:10
lord_midnightyou are mod in here, I take it you are on the dev team too ?04:10
lord_midnightwith pd and Geoff ?04:11
lord_midnightand whos he lead, tyra something, the guy in the black cloak ?04:11
lord_midnightthe leader rather04:11
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3I7F> (at www.freeorion.org)04:12
lord_midnightthat is my post04:12
lord_midnightoh, lol04:12
lord_midnightthere are many more images in the gallery04:13
lord_midnightthe mauler with its extended engine, and the forward turrets04:14
kroddntzlaine and GeofftheMedio_ are what could be called "leaders"04:16
kroddnI am member of the team too, but many other people are too04:16
lord_midnightcool, Im hoping to make some product lines of ships, and improve my skills ! :)04:18
lord_midnightI also know a bit of python04:19
lord_midnightI can program a little, though not in C++04:19
lord_midnightI might be able to block out psuedo code though04:20
lord_midnightlike, Im pretty sure I could get all the logic done to test if an adjacent tile in a 3d grid was occupied04:20
lord_midnightbut  Icouldnt do A* from scratch04:21
lord_midnightI know python, but I hate it04:21
lord_midnightintermezzo coding style is distasteful to me, hard enough to think in curly braces04:22
lord_midnightbut I can do it ok I guess. I just took a class on it this spring04:26
lord_midnighthow big are ships going to be on screen ?04:27
kroddnAsk at the forums, I don't know04:29
lord_midnightwhat do you work on ?04:30
kroddnLinux Package of FreeOrion04:32
lord_midnightawesome, I used to use linux a lot04:33
lord_midnightIm pretty much IBM and XP only while Im in school04:33
lord_midnightbeen meaning to build a LAMP server though, just to play around with04:33
lord_midnightis there a timeline anywhere ?04:36
lord_midnightIve seen the roadmap, curious if there where temporal goals to go with it, or if its just a whenever it gets done kind of thing04:37
lord_midnightis it usually this quiet, or is there times of the week when it is more lively ?04:42
kroddnmost people are sleeping now04:43
lord_midnightoh, ok, when are they up ?04:43
kroddndon't know exactly04:44
lord_midnightoh, you an aussie ?04:44
kroddni am german04:45
lord_midnightmost the guys from australia are up now04:45
lord_midnightoh, cool04:45
lord_midnightI know about 12 words in german04:45
lord_midnightmore than I guess, I can count to twenty04:45
lord_midnightand I could fumble my way to a hundred04:46
lord_midnightich is ein oder dreizig04:46
lord_midnightich ist04:46
kroddnyou are from australia?04:46
lord_midnightno, amerika04:46
lord_midnightI took deutsch in 7th grade, like over 15 years ago04:47
lord_midnightbut it was fun to learn, english is about half germanic half latin04:48
lord_midnightI got up at 12:3004:49
lord_midnightI slept a bit late04:49
kroddnits 10:45am here04:49
lord_midnight3:45 here04:49
lord_midnightIll be up till this afternoon04:49
kroddn3:45 pm?04:50
lord_midnightthen sleep during the hot part of the day04:50
kroddnah, okay04:50
lord_midnight345 am04:50
lord_midnightI am a night owl04:50
kroddnhow hot's it going to be ?04:50
kroddnits 15� C here ^^04:50
lord_midnightidk, but it will be hot and bright and uncomfortable04:50
lord_midnighty know, I have a python script that converts C to F and back around here somewhere04:51
lord_midnight26° C here tomorrow04:53
lord_midnightwhich is good weather really04:53
lord_midnightI just dont want to deal with rest of humanity in full swing rushing about their lives04:54
lord_midnightIm much more laid back than that04:55
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lord_midnightis pd in here >]08:57
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GeofftheMediomidnight: no (re: pd)09:15
lord_midnightgeoff !09:19
lord_midnighthave you seen the arrivals at the shop ?09:20
lord_midnightlots of stuff in thew store gallery09:20
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GeofftheMediono.  make a new post and I might notice.10:01
GeofftheMediobut in general, I don't follow every graphics / model post anyway10:01
lord_midnightpd is who I should work with ?10:05
lord_midnightok, does h ever come in here ?10:06
lord_midnightok, are there like dev chats in here ?10:08
lord_midnightis there a timeline on .4 ? I know ships need done to do .410:08
GeofftheMedionot really.  we mostly use the forums for design and art and email for programming issues.10:09
lord_midnightI am hoping to have the grizzly line of ships box modeled in the next week or so10:09
GeofftheMediov0.4 will be done when it's done.  depends entirely on how much free time various people have10:09
lord_midnightwith most of their addons10:10
lord_midnightafter that Ill just keep adding detail10:10
GeofftheMediotalk with pd; make sure you're doing something useful10:10
lord_midnightit seemed 3d models of ships were scarce, and its what Im most interested in doing10:11
GeofftheMediothey are.  doesn't mean doing any arbitrary way will produce something useful, though10:12
lord_midnightyou do design and programming ?10:12
lord_midnightok, I know a bit of python, though I dont care for it10:13
lord_midnightI know several other languages, but not c++10:14
lord_midnightI can block out psuedo code though10:14
GeofftheMediook... congratulations?10:15
lord_midnightum, I was offering to help10:16
GeofftheMedioif you don't like python and don't know c++, there's no much you can do, unfortunately10:17
lord_midnightI can write python, I just dont care for it. Honestly, I have never worked on a project with other before, Im not sure what kind of task you would have me do10:18
lord_midnightwhat are some basic tasks in python that would help move things along ?10:20
GeofftheMediopython is used for AI scripting.  anything the AI doesn't presently do, it could be made to do.  how detailed you want this to be will determine whether its "basic" or not.10:22
lord_midnightkeep going10:22
lord_midnightI could write a list of nested ifs that generally moved towards a goal or possible goals based on conditions10:23
lord_midnightif that what you need for ai10:23
lord_midnightlike, is there a planet I can colonize -> do I have a ship _> give move order to ship to move to colony planet10:24
lord_midnightthat sort of thing ?10:24
GeofftheMediowe don't need "pseudo code".  we need code or scripts that actually do things.10:25
lord_midnightright, I could make that as python, and with a bit of help use your python api in it10:26
lord_midnightI looked it over some10:26
lord_midnightlike what plans for the ai did you intend, a system that created a plan based on what it had ?10:27
lord_midnightor a set of personalities that tried to do certain types of things10:27
GeofftheMediore: you could make it: check out the existing AI scripts10:28
lord_midnightset of personality archtypes is pretty easy10:28
GeofftheMedioyou're describing things in very simple programming terms that suggest you haven't looked into it and/or don't know enough about what you're talking about10:28
lord_midnightprobably, as long as there are functions to get information, I can make tests on that information, and issue commands that exist based on them10:29
GeofftheMedioAIs at this stage don't need personality.  just basic function10:29
lord_midnightwell, how do you want it to decide what to research first /10:29
GeofftheMediothe AI scripter needs to figure that out10:30
GeofftheMedioif I knew exactly how it should work, I could probably code it in a few hours.10:30
GeofftheMediocoding isn't the hard part10:30
lord_midnightok, well, the set of personalities gives a set of choices to follow10:30
lord_midnightif its a militant ai, it goes for weapons, if its an explorer it goes for engines10:31
GeofftheMedioan irrelivant set.  and having "personalities" would require a whole structure to decide on and use those personalities in other contexts.  it's not appropriate now.10:31
lord_midnightI thikn MoO had them each enemy leader had a personality, why I asked10:31
lord_midnightalso helps later in diplomacy10:32
lord_midnightit would randomly pick one, actually, 1 type from 2 lists, attitude, and policy10:33
GeofftheMedioif you want to discuss AI personalities, make a brainstorming thread10:34
lord_midnightare you asking me to evolve o.O ?10:36
lord_midnightI already have one post, could i be responsible for 2 ??10:36
GeofftheMedioyour apparent enthusiasm is nice, but this isn't a roleplaying project.  use the forums as intended if you want to contribute.10:37
GeofftheMedioand spend some time reading them to check for previous discussions on subjects that interest you10:38
lord_midnightok, Im sorry, I just have this sense of humour and a passion for games10:38
lord_midnightI will expand my ideas on the forum, we really should organize some weekly or monthly meetings on here, it is vitalizing for motivation10:39
GeofftheMediowe have the forums.10:42
GeofftheMediogetting many people in IRC at once is impractical due to time zone differences, varying interest levels and schedules10:43
lord_midnightok, I made an update post, and I made a basic explanatin of wat I was talking about12:02
lord_midnightwhat now ?12:02
GeofftheMedioyou've given no indication that you've reviewed previous threads about AI and personalities thereof12:12
GeofftheMedioand you don't mention anything about the existing AI scripts12:12
lord_midnightIm going over some stuff now12:12
lord_midnightok, I will clarify how I intend to use the existing ai api with the system I propose12:12
lord_midnightdo you have links handy regarding the subject, or anything specific you want me to read ?12:13
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3IAC> (at www.freeorion.org)12:13
lord_midnightis tpb a bot ?12:14
lord_midnightI was actually reading the same thread, lol12:15
lord_midnightI see a large trend to separate culture/race/etc from action12:21
lord_midnightalso to have the ai exist as if it can only see what a live player would see12:21
lord_midnightI can structure with that in mind and thinks it a great idea.12:22
lord_midnighteleazar makes a point about the citizenry of a species reacting to AI actions12:24
lord_midnightit could be made to check a variable representing the likelyhood of revolt, though I think that comes later12:24
lord_midnightright now, I think what is needed is a system that lets the computer make some sensible actions beyond aimlessly building colonies and not researching or building ships12:25
lord_midnightthe high level stuff I think comes later12:26
lord_midnighthow much freedom do I have with variables ? can I make up attributes about an AI with little restriction ?12:27
lord_midnightor are they established and set12:27
lord_midnightI need to have some scales to work with to weight choices12:28
GeofftheMediowhat "attributes" and "scales" do you need?12:33
lord_midnightum, Im not sure yet about all of them, but things like hostility, or "mood", research focus, research alternate, stuff12:48
GeofftheMediono personality stuff in the AI.12:50
lord_midnightwhat do you mean ?12:51
GeofftheMedioread eleazar's posts in that thread12:51
lord_midnightI did12:51
GeofftheMedio"hostility" and "mood" aren't part of a strategy.12:52
lord_midnightImaybe a better term is needed12:52
lord_midnightthere is some scale, that determines how tolerant a player will be before outright attacking12:52
lord_midnightit weighs risk of defeat, and advantages it has against its general policies12:53
GeofftheMedionot if it's a "personality" thing.  yes, if it's a strategic consideration.12:54
lord_midnightif provoking war is an set action, the player can trick the ai dancing around that condition, it needs to have some sway12:54
GeofftheMedioif there's a particular set of priorities you want to assign to various groups of techs or buildings, similar to what's already done for various resources, then fine, as long as it's motivated by something in-game or a selected plan12:54
GeofftheMediothere is no "provoking" at this stage.  we don't have diplomacy yet.  you're always at war.12:54
lord_midnightoften, this is the attitude or mood of the enemy general, and it can be used against them, tricking an angry opponent into attacking foolishly, or play up against arrogance12:55
lord_midnightits needed12:55
lord_midnightat least in some aspect12:55
GeofftheMediothere is no in-game plot-based "enemy general".  AIs are purely strategic and empires have no leaders, at least so far.12:57
lord_midnighthostility, is a scale the ai uses to gauge how far it will go, or allow an enemy to go, how hostile are those ships aproaching, what is our mood towards those people,12:57
lord_midnightai player12:57
GeofftheMedioagain: no diplomacy yet.  you're always at war.  enemy ships are always hostile.12:57
lord_midnightit helps keep the ai from doing the same thing all the time, it helps provide unpredictability12:58
lord_midnightok, so everybody is always at warfrom day 1, no enemy ai will not attack you until you invade or destroy a ship ?12:59
lord_midnightthey always just attack as soon as they see you, and not wait until you build too close ?12:59
GeofftheMedioin v0.412:59
GeofftheMedioan AI doesn't have to immediately attack any enemy empire it sees... it can be preoccupied with another war or decide that being defensive is better.13:00
lord_midnightright, I understand, so is it ok to leave a little room for the future ? you run basic plumbing before you pour concrete, then run it after it dries13:01
lord_midnightpreoccupied, how to determine when to shift focus13:01
lord_midnightsee, it needs some measure of threat, or benifit13:02
lord_midnightlevels of worth and importance13:02
lord_midnightis it worth colonizing the small planet to get a mineral boost13:03
GeofftheMediothere's already a priority AI.  expand on it if appropriate.13:03
lord_midnightyou know python pretty good ?13:05
GeofftheMedioI can write simple programs and figure out anything else I need to know by googling13:07
STalKer-XGeofftheMedio: did tyreth permanently quit or is he just taking a long break? :-)13:29
tpbTitle: royal private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at royal.pastebin.com)13:32
lord_midnightthat was my final for python this spring13:32
lord_midnightgive you some idea of my programming ability, I figure I may only understand the basics, but I understand them fairly well13:34
lord_midnightI have a dozen other small programs as well13:34
lord_midnighteleazar, he works on Batle for Wesnoth too right ?13:39
lord_midnightthe api is pretty robust13:50
lord_midnightId like to see a "distance to nearest planet owned by given empire", thats a pretty important number in threat assesment, but I guess it could be figured out in the script13:52
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lord_midnight_I think my wife just turned on her laptop, killed stargate too14:17
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tpb<http://ln-s.net/3IES> (at www.freeorion.org)15:15
lord_midnight_added some stuff, a basic turn sequence framework15:15
lord_midnight_I will start placing api calls in that structure after I get up, Im going to bed in awhile15:16
lord_midnight_how can I test python scripts for ai ?15:16
GeofftheMediorun the game15:43
lord_midnight_ok, is there some file I change ?15:43
lord_midnight_is there a manual btw ?15:43
GeofftheMedioFreeOrion/default/AI/FreeOrionAI.py and any other .py files it uses15:46
lord_midnight_thank you15:46
GeofftheMedioas usual, if you edit a post, nobody will see the changes15:46
GeofftheMedioand you seem to be under the impression there is no AI at all yet15:47
GeofftheMediothis is not the case15:47
GeofftheMedioincomplete manual: http://freeorion.org/index.php/V0.4_Quick_Play_Guide15:47
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3IF+> (at freeorion.org)15:47
lord_midnight_no, I figured there was, will you walk me through this bit by bit sometime ? Im going to read it now15:47
lord_midnight_read that15:48
GeofftheMediono, I won't.  figure it out and/or read the relevant forum threads15:49
GeofftheMedioif proposing an AI framework, it would be better to acknowledge the current system.  otherwise, it appears you haven't bothered to learn what already exists.  which apparnetly you haven't.15:51
lord_midnight_this is good, it is starting to give me ideas15:51
lord_midnight_like I see you have most stuff working, so what I was talking about is half done, more than really15:54
lord_midnight_read main AI, just read research ai15:54
GeofftheMedioI don't need a play by play15:54
lord_midnight_looks like you have it doing things, but not making a lot of decisions right ?15:55
lord_midnight_I want to work on the decisions stuff if thats all right15:55
lord_midnight_like, Im looking at the research ai, and it looks to me like it just researches tech in order of cost, lowest to highest, with no other preference. is that correct ?15:58
kroddnoMobilits just a simple implementation to have an AI to research instead of doing nothing :-)16:06
lord_midnight_right right, ok so Im talking about the part that says research ship techs for two levels so we can get a new weapon because we are at war16:06
kroddnoMobilthat's a very long term question to solve16:07
lord_midnight_um, its tedious, not hard16:08
lord_midnight_someone has to write a bunch of big lists of conditions right ?16:08
lord_midnight_thats the long part of doing the ai yeah ?16:09
lord_midnight_a bunch of conditions make certain specifics happen, others alter values, that when they are within certain ranges, make other conditions be true or false, etc16:11
lord_midnight_I can do that16:11
lord_midnight_priority ai looks promising16:12
lord_midnight_like, in here, a tyrant would lower food production to the point of killing people, to produce ships to win a battle16:17
lord_midnight_a defender would not16:18
lord_midnight_this is a pretty important file, a lot could be done in here16:19
lord_midnight_basic preference could be done by giving a priority a modifier, multiplying it by 1.14 or such, so unless another was pressing, it would chose that more often16:21
kroddnoMobilplease post that "brainstorming" at the forum16:24
kroddnoMobilhere it will be lost16:24
GeofftheMedioforget about what various personalties would do.  it's not relevant now, and possibly ever.16:27
lord_midnight_ok, so plans ? strategies ?16:28
lord_midnight_what do you call the different ways ai will act ?16:28
lord_midnight_when two sparate instances of the ai are presented with the same circumstances, they should be able to act differently, what are you calling the reasons for those differences ?16:30
kroddnoMobilmaybe its a good idea just to programm a good AI which will act clever ;-)16:31
kroddnoMobilhow you do that may not interest most of us16:31
lord_midnight_if it doesnt, then it acts the same way every time, which means y9u can figure out its pattern, which means you can beat it easily, everytime, which is boring16:32
lord_midnight_its the differences, the mistakes and flaws and unpredictability that makes it interesting16:32
kroddnoMobilthats no problem I think, as deterministique (is that the english word?) is influenced by many factors16:36
kroddnoMobilAs long as each game has other systems and planets, the AI will not react the same16:36
kroddnoMobilthat's how most AI work and you can figure out how they behave in almost every game16:36
lord_midnight_ok, so in chess, I have three openings, kings pawn, a knight, or the knights pawn for a grob16:37
kroddnoMobilAnd if you have a good deterministic AI, you can add some random stuff or even "errors" which will make the AI gameplay unique16:37
lord_midnight_its the opening move, its always the same16:38
lord_midnight_now in FO, the galaxy may be different, by circumstances will be similar16:38
lord_midnight_how o chose16:38
kroddnoMobilits the same with human players too16:39
kroddnoMobilyou will always pick one strategy16:39
kroddnoMobilsearch for a second planet to be colonized - reseach xy - build new ship16:40
lord_midnight_research what ?16:40
lord_midnight_a balance of everything in order, or industry for 3 levels ?16:41
lord_midnight_or do I take research, and try to get the advantage there16:42
lord_midnight_for me as a person, it is mood16:42
lord_midnight_for ai, it can be something different16:42
lord_midnight_but if its just one ai, that is always the same, it is easily twarted16:43
lord_midnight_the best is a blend16:43
STalKer-XFO has different victory conditions, right?16:45
kroddnoMobilvictory conditions? only eliminate the others16:46
GeofftheMediopicking what to focus on in-game is part of picking a strategy.16:47
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lord_midnight_I just dont know how else to get an ai that will loan you money for protection from an aggressive advesary, then when you attack it or refuse to battle for it, loans money to the other guy to kill you16:47
STalKer-XkroddnoMobil: well, it is planned that there will be other victory conditions besides domination :-)16:48
STalKer-XGeofftheMedio: did tyreth permanently quit or is he just taking a long break? :-p16:48
GeofftheMediotyreth is gone indefinitely16:49
lord_midnight_so is FO on hold, or is someoe orchestrating in his place ?16:49
GeofftheMediothe presence of tyreth has no effect on anyone else working on the project16:50
GeofftheMedioor rather, his absence16:50
GeofftheMediopresumably his presence would have some effect16:50
lord_midnight_is FO owned by anyone ?16:50
GeofftheMedioAIs don't need to have agendas or seek revenge16:50
lord_midnight_it could if youll let me16:51
lord_midnight_Ill try16:51
GeofftheMedioyou say you read eleazar's thread, but it doens't seem to have sunk in16:51
GeofftheMediothe agendas and revenge seeking and such will come from populations16:51
lord_midnight_it did, I am not talking about species personality, Im talking about player personality16:51
GeofftheMediothat's my point16:52
lord_midnight_elaborate please16:53
lord_midnight_your talking about point 2 rigfht ?16:55
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3IGS> (at www.freeorion.org)16:56
GeofftheMedioand the post before16:57
lord_midnight_right, Im saying there are different ways to use those strengths, and Im not talking about racial ideoligies16:57
lord_midnight_Im talking about choosing between overall strategies, and plans that take several turns, or even hundreds of turns,16:58
lord_midnight_some of it is situational, but some of it comes from a script, Im just talking about having some weighted scripts for variety16:59
lord_midnight_I think it will grant more replayability, and further immersion, but if you dont want me to bother I wont17:00
GeofftheMedioAIs can have a few different strategy options to choose from.  it's not a matter of "replayability" or "immersion", however.17:00
lord_midnight_Its difficult, Im sure we are using terms with different meanings to each other, you ever read any thing on "artificial stupidity" ? how perfect ai was too easy to spot ?17:02
GeofftheMediohigh level options.  focus on growth and ground troops.  focus on research and tech-derived bonuses.  focus on buildings and production output.  focus on naval force projection.  focus on naval defense fleets.  focus on naval disruption fleets.17:02
GeofftheMediothis isn't chess.17:03
lord_midnight_so there is never a player  that is more advanced technologically and wants to help you ?17:03
GeofftheMediothere might be races that want that17:05
lord_midnight_a peaecful gardener you have to protect ?17:06
lord_midnight_I want to let them encounter more than just warmongers17:07
GeofftheMediothere could be in game content providing motivation to do so, as part of an event or campaign, or due to population / faction / race desiring it17:07
GeofftheMediofor v0.4, there is no diplomacy.  only better strategy to win via combat / production / research is needed.17:08
GeofftheMediowhen later game features are added, the AI can be updated17:08
lord_midnight_not just the races though, Im talking about having an ai player, that is playing the game just to have fun17:08
lord_midnight_ok, so a lot of what Im talking about is a long ways away17:08
lord_midnight_it doesnt really care if it beats you, but it will put up some challenge, it will win if you let it17:09
lord_midnight_idk, just thinking I guess17:10
lord_midnight_like, in your example, of combat/production/research, how does it pick if more than one can win, say they are the same work/cost/number of turns/ how does it pick ?17:13
GeofftheMediodoesn't matter17:16
lord_midnight_so it always just makes the most efficient move ?17:18
GeofftheMedioor picks a strategy to work towards among the options if there's no particular reason to do something else17:19
lord_midnight_randomly ?17:20
lord_midnight_knowing when to switch between the course of action, to sometimes build ships, and other factories and research, those conditionals, it should try different things, it should make mistakes too17:30
lord_midnight_from the start of the game, is the ai trying to build a lot of ships and outnumber you en masse, or is it building a few ultra tech ships that are light years beyond you in tech ? this isnt just racial bonuses, its perspective of the player rigt17:33
lord_midnight_ai needs to look around, see if it is located next to a slew of mineral rich planets, or if its on top of an ancient ruin17:34
lord_midnight_lots of conditionals, that should all factor into a set of weighted values, similar to the priorites, sets of steps it can take to get certain advantages and techs itt tries to do in order, like if I go through all the steps on this list, I get Ion cannons, I need this many research to get ion cannons, where is a world I can make a research planet17:38
lord_midnight_is the ai in this game even paying attention to reserch, or ist it just getting them one set of each branch at a time, and trying to just get as many planets as possible early, so it has high production mid game17:42
lord_midnight_you cannot do everything in the first 8 turns, you have to chose something, then something else for several turns after that17:42
lord_midnight_you should be able to bribe some ais, into servitude, but not others17:46
lord_midnight_not races, instances of the ai17:47
lord_midnight_like, if you have four ai players, in a big 100 star 4arm spiral, its going to come down a lot to luck, if they all do the same thing17:54
lord_midnight_each instance, should favor certain conditions, and seek them17:54
lord_midnight_instead of having a bunch of different set strategies, it creates them from a pool, based on not just race, but environment, and what other players have done/are doing17:56
lord_midnight_maybe one ai tries to build lots of ships, another is trying to get lots of tech, the other two are teaming up18:01
lord_midnight_in the next game they are fighting18:01
lord_midnight_mood is perhaps a good choice, since it should change over time18:02
lord_midnight_but even beyond how its acting at any given time there should be some cohesive pattern to its efforts in that game18:03
lord_midnight_it tried to win by ______, it acted _______18:04
lord_midnight_was it a friendly Psion that tried to out vote me, or a mean Psion that tried to enslave me ?18:05
lord_midnight_races can be played different ways18:05
lord_midnight_Im going to have to make lists of what techs can be researched in certain amounts of turns, to see what quick research strategies there are, what weapons can be gotten to in a short amount of time, things like that18:08
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lord_midnight_and to completely change the subject, when is terraforming going to work ?18:29
lord_midnight_also, I will start with maybe getting ai to put buildings, and make highest mark ship before making grand ai archtypes18:33
lord_midnight_it will need to do that in 4, so it can combat18:33
GeofftheMediorandomly *if there's no reason to choose a particular option*18:34
GeofftheMedioif there are mineral planets, then it would take that account and there could be reason to prefer a particular strategy or set of strategies18:34
GeofftheMedioterraforming is probably not necessary for the core game.  it may be delayed until after v1.018:36
lord_midnight_ok, so uncoommenting ProductionAI.generate...() in the generateorders function, that will make the ai make attack shipthen ?18:41
lord_midnight_wait, its listed down below there, why is it copmmented out in the other place ?18:47
lord_midnight_its listed twice, Im giessing either it was overlooked or its there to make a note of something18:48
lord_midnight_so the ai is building buildings, and making ships, but not moving them ?18:50
STalKer-Xawww, i love terraforming :p18:57
lord_midnight_all of the tech branches that dont work should be cheap/free19:04
lord_midnight_Im on turn 256 for nothing,m trying to gte the last few19:04
GeofftheMedioai ships explore and colonize19:08
GeofftheMedioand may attack, or that may be coincidence19:08
GeofftheMedio(cleaning keyboard)19:09
lord_midnight_alt: terraforming for the time being could give +4 to population the way habitation domes give +219:10
lord_midnight_better than nothing19:10
GeofftheMedionot really worth adding if that's all it does19:11
lord_midnight_lots of expensive techs that do nothing in the tree, though there sure are a lot of cool sounding things19:11
GeofftheMediothe tech tree and buildings need a lot of fleshing out, you might have noticed19:11
lord_midnight_wouldve kept my tundra planert with minerals from dying19:11
lord_midnight_even on double food it was losing pop19:11
GeofftheMedioif you want to work on creating a bunch more applications and buildings that have various effects, according to some reasonable plan, that would be helpful19:12
lord_midnight_almost had enough from domes, if I couldve had a bonus from Tform....19:12
GeofftheMediohaving higher max population won't prevent a planet from losing populatino due to having health below 2019:12
GeofftheMediowhich is probably what your tunda planet had19:12
lord_midnight_I can certainly do that19:12
lord_midnight_um, 15 I think, and my exodus monument gave +019:12
lord_midnight_why couldnt it have been kept alive ?19:13
lord_midnight_oor my eccentric terran, that I could not get to build anything, even with my super industrial centres19:14
lord_midnight_the point of all the techs was to make it so I could make these planets work19:15
GeofftheMediothings aren't really balanced yet19:15
lord_midnight_even if its just numeric bonuses, they should give benifit19:15
lord_midnight_I understand, then the useless filler should be extra cheap19:16
lord_midnight_so I  can enjoy the game without it being soi slow for nothing19:16
lord_midnight_it is playable, it is even fun in its current state19:16
lord_midnight_Im pretty tired atm, tomorrow I might try modding some scripts and getting the ai to do stuff19:17
lord_midnight_like trying to send at least one ship to all inhabited worlds, one attack ship19:17
lord_midnight_even distribution of firepower19:18
lord_midnight_when you say buildings, you mean things like Arcology: gives +2 max population, or Hydroponic Farms: Planet produces +1 food, stackable19:20
lord_midnight_also, deleting ship designs and selling buildings are not done, both irksome, but Im sure not important,19:22
GeofftheMediobuilfings are onjects on planets that are created using an empire production19:22
lord_midnight_yoiu said come up with19:22
lord_midnight_you want me to start a list ?19:23
lord_midnight_is building limit on a planet based on its size/habitability ?19:23
lord_midnight_should be, and with eco friendly architecture etc, should impact food production19:24
lord_midnight_without eco...19:24
GeofftheMedioscript the buildings and add stringtable entries19:24
lord_midnight_Um, I dont know what that means, but Ill write up a dozen for review and you can show me ?19:25
lord_midnight_I opened buildings.txt I am assuming making said ideas look like that19:26
lord_midnight_and the associated entries in eng_stringtables.txt19:27
lord_midnight_and run them through a language translator ? or there a language team ?19:27
lord_midnight_Ill build a bunch and bring them to you. tomorrow I should have a dozen19:28
GeofftheMedioyes, you need to add to buildings.txt (for buildings) or techs.txt (for techs) and eng_stringtable.txt (for in-game strings).  you don't need to translate new strings.  that's a translator's job19:29
lord_midnight_Ill open a few save games and get out my notebook, spend a cpl hours getting them together19:29
lord_midnight_Im off for now guys, Ill see you after I sleep19:29
GeofftheMedioIdeally add buildings where there aren't any in the tech tree now.  they need to be unlocked by adding appropriate application techs as well.19:29
lord_midnight_ok, Ill look through stuff that does nothing and could have a sensible building.19:30
lord_midnight_um, how exactly do spaceports stack ?19:31
lord_midnight_shipyard rather19:31
GeofftheMediothey don't really... you can build more, but it doesn't make any difference after the first in a system19:40
lord_midnight_ok, I have 34 on one planet :)19:44
lord_midnight_it said they stack to increase production19:44
STalKer-Xprobably an error in the description19:49
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