Monday, 2009-05-25

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CIA-31FreeOrion: geoffthemedio * r3097 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (3 files in 2 dirs):05:07
CIA-31FreeOrion: -Updated Russian translation from Wiki by cjckem05:07
CIA-31FreeOrion: -Added quickstart / q command line flag to quick start without requiring further user action. Modified patch by bhelyer posted on forums.05:07
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kroddnoMobilhi GeofftheMedio18:52
kroddnoMobilYou hilighted me?19:00
GeofftheMediouhm... not sure what you mean19:00
kroddnoMobilyou wanted to talk to me?19:01
kroddnoMobilI was not able to answer until now19:01
GeofftheMediooh... like a few days ago?19:02
GeofftheMedionevermind that19:03
kroddnoMobili am trying to get that ogre linking stuff working...19:03
kroddnoMobilMy eyes won't make it much longer ...19:04
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GeofftheMedioI didn't realize the recent changes would require much additional effort from you19:08
kroddnoMobilthe linking of the ogre modules needed seems to be not automated19:12
kroddnoMobilI have to link those manually19:12
GeofftheMedioand how you had it working before doesn't help?19:14
CIA-31FreeOrion: kroddn * r3098 /trunk/FreeOrion/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Made recent ogre changes compile and link on linux-static with script - did not work with scons.19:15
kroddnoMobilscons' linking phase does not work19:15
kroddnoMobilit means that i get no executable, but i am able to run my own static-linking script after compilation19:15
kroddnoMobilThe link command line is missing the ogre modules:19:15
kroddnoMobil /usr/local/lib/OGRE/Plugin_CgProgramManager.a  /usr/local/lib/OGRE/Plugin_ParticleFX.a  /usr/local/lib/OGRE/Plugin_OctreeSceneManager.a /usr/local/lib/OGRE/RenderSystem_GL.a19:16
kroddnoMobilI don't know how it works on windows19:16
GeofftheMedioI don't think tzlaine has set up static linking on windows... all those are loaded as DLLs at run time19:16
kroddnoMobilhm, but that means he didn't test the changes?19:17
GeofftheMedionot sure...19:19
GeofftheMedioyou should probably email to discuss19:19
kroddnoMobilIts so hard to discuss things per email if the other is sleeping when you reply :-)19:20
GeofftheMediohe should be awake now...19:21
GeofftheMedioin SConstruct:19:21
GeofftheMedio        if building_static:19:22
GeofftheMedio            env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = './client/human/OgrePlugins')19:22
GeofftheMedio            ogre_lib_path = '/usr/local/lib/OGRE/'19:22
GeofftheMedio            env.AppendUnique(LIBS = [19:22
GeofftheMedio                'GiGiOgrePlugin_OIS'19:22
GeofftheMedio                ])19:22
GeofftheMedio            env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = [19:22
GeofftheMedio                ogre_lib_path + 'RenderSystem_GL.a',19:22
GeofftheMedio                ogre_lib_path + 'Plugin_CgProgramManager.a',19:22
GeofftheMedio                ogre_lib_path + 'Plugin_OctreeSceneManager.a',19:22
GeofftheMedio                ogre_lib_path + 'Plugin_ParticleFX.a'19:22
GeofftheMedio                ])19:22
GeofftheMedio            f = open('ogre_plugins.cfg', 'w')19:22
GeofftheMedio            f.write('')19:22
GeofftheMedio            f.close()19:22
GeofftheMedioI regularly have lengthy discussions with tzlaine via email that take a few days... just send off a question or comment and await the reply.19:22
GeofftheMedioI suppose I have other stuff to work on in the mean time though19:23
GeofftheMedioso I don't need an immediate reply to do anything else...19:23
kroddnoMobilIf we don't want to hurry having a new release, thats no problem for me :-)19:24
kroddnoMobillast time his release came quick and I didn't have time - if you remember19:24
GeofftheMedioit's been a few months... another day won't be much different19:24
GeofftheMedioalthough it seems like we've been just about to release for two weeks now19:25
GeofftheMedioI'd have been happy with a release a few weeks ago and then an update a few weeks later19:25
GeofftheMedioyou might want to attach config logs or build logs or whatever scons outputs to indicate what it's doing... presumably he intended those libraries to be linked by scons19:26
GeofftheMedioyou are defining OGRE_STATIC_LIB in CPPDEFINES?19:27
kroddnoMobilMaybe it's again just a problem with scons configure19:27
kroddnoMobilIN the past I often had to delete trunk and check out everything again to get scons to compile with new parameters19:28
kroddnoMobilThat is working19:28
GeofftheMedioscons --clean doesn't help?19:29
GeofftheMediopresumably there's a cache file or directory as well that could be deleted without needing to recheckout the whole tree19:30
kroddnoMobileven scons --config=force afterwards does not19:30
kroddnoMobiltheres a config.cache and thar sconsign file, but that did not work either19:31
kroddnoMobilI believe it's a simple thing that I do not recognize :-)19:31
kroddnoMobilcopying the 170MB Installer over WLAn is sooooo slow ...19:37
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kroddnoMobilTHe new package runs on my notebook - but crashes as expected when openGL stuff starts (ATI card problem)19:38
GeofftheMediodo you have another system it actually runs on?19:41
kroddnoMobilyes, but i have to wait until it has finished upload to there19:42
kroddnoMobilmain() caught exception(std::runtime_error): Failed to find an Ogre GL render system.19:42
kroddnoMobilDoes not work :-(19:42
kroddnoMobilI forgot to diable that ogre_plugins.cfg19:42
GeofftheMediodoes it conflict with statically linked plugins?19:44
kroddnoMobilI don't understand what the problem is19:45
kroddnoMobiland i'll continue tomorrow, i am too tired now19:45
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