Saturday, 2007-07-07

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kroddnhey GeofftheMedio13:14
kroddni just managed to link freeorion statically, so that most linux-users would not have to install every special lib13:15
kroddnOne questeion - what is the binary freeorionca for?13:15
kroddnokay, that means that is needed too for running a game?13:16
kroddnthe executables aren't that big, about 10MB if they are stripped13:17
GeofftheMedioyes, AI is needed to run single player games13:17
GeofftheMedioyou might want to make some distributables with the statically-linked executables, and post them on the forum.  if a few others test them, then probly they can be put up on the sourceforge page13:19
kroddnyes, that would be nice13:26
kroddni just want to make some extensions to the code13:27
kroddnor... that won't be needed, i think13:27
GeofftheMedio"extensions to the code" ?13:27
GeofftheMediosent you email13:28
kroddnHow are the exe-names coded in freeorion?13:29
kroddnwhat i mean - i have now 3 exes, named freeorion-static freeoriond-static freeorionca-static13:30
kroddni do not think that running freeorion-static would work, because that wants to invoke freeoriond and freeorionca13:30
GeofftheMedioconst std::string SERVER_CLIENT_EXE = (GetBinDir() / "freeoriond").native_file_string();13:31
GeofftheMedioyou'll need to rename them13:31
GeofftheMedioor edit the code the allow passing new server and ai executable paths13:32
kroddnscons installed the game in "$prefix"13:32
kroddnno, i will do a scons install and then zip that code13:32
GeofftheMediothat's been reported... tzlaine said he was going to look at it, but I guess he didn't13:32
GeofftheMedioI suggest putting up a bug report13:32
kroddnI saw on sourceforge that exe and data is splitted13:32
GeofftheMedio"exe and data is splitted" ... not sure what you mean13:33
kroddninto separate downloads13:34
GeofftheMedionot anymore13:34
kroddntheres a package "data" on sf13:34
GeofftheMediothere used to be data.zip13:34
GeofftheMediobut now all the data is in SVN13:34
GeofftheMedioand even when was used, everything was together in the windows installers13:35 was just so people could download updated data if recompiling from SVN, before the data was put into SVN13:35
kroddnbut i do not exactly know which data i have to copy/pack13:36
GeofftheMediowell... can people use subversion to checkout everything, and then just drop your statically linked binaries in and have it work?13:37
GeofftheMediothen you could probably not include any data13:37
kroddnbut i'd like to build a tar.gz13:37
kroddnmost people are not able to use svn :)13:37
GeofftheMediook... that's what I was asking above13:38
GeofftheMediook, so I think you'll need to include everything in the freeorion root dir (that isn't a directory)13:38
GeofftheMedioas well as everything (*everything*) in /default13:38
GeofftheMediothe rest is just sourcecode13:39
GeofftheMediodid you get that email?13:39
kroddndid you add FPS showing?13:40
GeofftheMedioyes, and a toggle in the options13:40
kroddnits not in svn?13:41
GeofftheMediofirst need to connect the fps-limit options, and then check with tzlaine about how i've set up a few things13:42
kroddnhm, how do i apply this patch...13:42
kroddnpatch <patch.txt does not work as i expected13:42
GeofftheMediopatch -p0 < patch.txt13:42
GeofftheMedioand you might need to undo your own changes first, or there might be conflicts between the changes13:43
GeofftheMediomaybe not worth doing until it's done, but I thought you might be interested13:49
kroddnyes i am :)13:50
kroddnhm. why does the ai-exe need directFB ?13:54
GeofftheMediowhat's directFB ?13:55
kroddndirect FrameBuffer i think13:55
kroddndirect frame buffer graphics library - development files13:56
GeofftheMediomaybe it's a GiGi dependency?13:56
kroddnyes, but i compiled with --as-needed and that means that this should not be linked if not needed13:59
kroddnthe freeoriond does not need framebuffer13:59
kroddndoes the ai draw anything on screen?13:59
kroddn<Farmer> omg14:02
kroddn<Farmer> es läuft :D14:02
kroddn<kroddn> hehe14:02
kroddn<Farmer> es leeebt14:02
kroddnthe first one using my statically linked binaries :-)14:03
kroddnpython2.5 is the only problem i still have14:03
kroddn$ patch -p0 <patch.txt patching file default/eng_stringtable.txt patch: **** malformed patch at line 6: OPTIONS_DB_COLOR_DEPTH14:20
GeofftheMediodid you revert your own changes first?14:21
kroddnyes, moved my files and did svn update14:23
GeofftheMedioI don't know then..14:24
GeofftheMedioOPTIONS_DB_COLOR_DEPTH is line 149 for me14:24
kroddnyes, but in the patchfile it is line 614:25
GeofftheMedioit's on line 6 of the patch, but that line corresponds to line 149 in the file the patch is changing14:26
GeofftheMediowhich is what it says in the patch, just above14:26
GeofftheMedio@@ -149,6 +149,15 @@14:26
kroddnthe static binary starts very very very fast14:27
kroddnless than one second14:27
GeofftheMedionot surprising14:27
GeofftheMediono run time loading from libraries14:27
kroddnin comparison to what what the loader has to load ^^14:28
kroddnnow i have to leave :-)14:38
tpb<> (at
GeofftheMediok, bye14:38
*** DeX77 has joined #freeorion16:49
DeX77I'm currently trying to compile SVN Version but have troubles with boost16:50
GeofftheMedionot surprising16:50
GeofftheMediowindows or linux?16:50
DeX77seems like the boost_lib_suffix parameter is not correctly used16:50
DeX77config.log shows scons is trying to link against the boost lib without the suffix16:51
DeX77-lboost_filesystem-mt -lGL -lGLU -lpthread -lfreetype -lz -lboost_serialization-gcc42-mt16:51
DeX77the last one is correct, fhe first one not16:52
tpb<> (at
GeofftheMediois that similar?16:52
DeX77did only look in the forums..16:52
GeofftheMedioif you have any new info or a fix, please post a comment on the bug report16:53
GeofftheMediohopefully tzlaine will get to fixing it soon16:53
DeX77my config stops @ the same step, but the cause is different: I have the "standard" boost lib names that is <lib>-<gcc><gccVersion>-{mt}16:54
GeofftheMedioI don't use linux, so I can't do anything with that info... (which is why I suggest commenting on the sourceforge bug report)16:56
DeX77thx anyway.. maybe the bugreport helps.16:57
GeofftheMediotzlaine can usually resolve issues like this fairly quickly16:57
DeX77looks like a minor problem for me, but I'm no python expert..17:11
GeofftheMedionor am I17:12
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DeX77N'Abend STalKer-X ^^17:32
GeofftheMedioFYI: tzlaine replied to the bug report17:33
DeX77GeofftheMedio: I think it's worth a try..17:34
DeX77looks good so far.. maybe the bug is solved :)17:37
GeofftheMediolet me know if you have the $prefix install bug also17:38
GeofftheMedioit's come up a few times17:38
GeofftheMedioit's where the script installs GG or FO in /$prefix instead of where you told it to17:38
DeX77I just had the notorius "ILvoid" bug..17:40
DeX77GG was installed correctly unter /usr/local..17:42
GeofftheMediohmm.  maybe it's just for FO then17:42
DeX77just compiling it.. but will take somewhat longer till I can tell you..17:43
DeX77I definetivly need more CPU's ;)17:43
GeofftheMediodon't we all...17:44
DeX77I'm still searching for a way to check wether CPU or IO is more limiting my system..17:44
GeofftheMedioreally depends what you're doing...17:45
DeX77for "overall" system response17:45
GeofftheMedioprobly need RAM and CPU, not IO ... (what does IO even mean?)17:46
DeX77I got 2Gb RAM.. I don't think I need more17:46
GeofftheMedioI suppose not...17:46
DeX77IO := I/O := Input/Output.. how much you system is slowed down by having to wait for data from hdd or cd or network whatever17:47
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GeofftheMediohow often are you accessing cd that it's limiting ovearll system reponse?17:48
DeX77as my old Hitachi CD-Drive is blacklisted for DMA.. often :/17:49
DeX77GeofftheMedio: hmm.. did you compile FO recently from SVN?17:51
GeofftheMedionot directly... some modifications locally17:51
DeX77I just hit an error in universe/Enums17:52
DeX77error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >'17:53
DeX77universe/Enums.h:33:   instantiated from here17:53
DeX77most of the errors point to includes from gcc..17:53
GeofftheMedioI've never seen that problem before...17:54
GeofftheMediothat line is a GG macro17:54
DeX77hmm.. maybe GG is not installed correctly after all..17:55
GeofftheMediodid you do scons install ?17:55
DeX77I did17:55
GeofftheMedio... though if you're not getting any missing includes errors17:55
GeofftheMediothen it's something weirder17:55
GeofftheMediodo you have gg/enum.h ?17:55
GeofftheMedioand and up-to-date gcc ?17:56
DeX77gcc --version17:56
DeX77gcc (GCC) 4.2.017:56
DeX77hmm.. my gg/enum.h is from december?17:57
DeX77but my libs are from today..17:57
GeofftheMediothat's probably up to date17:57
GeofftheMediohasn't changed recently, afaik17:57
GeofftheMedioI dunno... that's a new one.17:57
DeX77Defines an output stream operator for enumerated type \a name.  Note that the generated function requires that EnumMap<name> be defined.17:59
DeX77was simple to fix..18:01
DeX77the Macro was calles outside of GG namespace..18:01
DeX77if anyone has svn access: move the "}" two lines down..18:02
GeofftheMediopost a bug report18:05
GeofftheMediowhich } are you referring to?  (line # in gg/enum.h)18:07
DeX77anyway: didnt work :/18:14
GeofftheMediomake sure your checkout worked properly18:15
DeX77will have to look at this tomorrow..18:22
DeX77n8 guys18:22
DeX77GeofftheMedio: thx for your help and the link to the bug report :)18:22
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STalKer-Xmithro: how is TP doing?21:52

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