Friday, 2007-07-06

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kroddnhello there04:10
kroddnGeofftheMedio_: since yesterday i have much trouble compiling FO04:11
kroddnon debian04:11
GeofftheMedio_you'll have to be more specific04:11
kroddni updated my chroot to debian testing and installed boost 1-34 from unstable04:11
kroddnbut on debian unstable, some libs dont exist any more04:11
kroddnfor example libboost_signals04:12
kroddnthere a two versions, and libboost_signals-mt.so04:12
kroddnbut no one libboost_signals.so04:12
kroddnI now hacked some symlinks from * to *.so, so compiling works04:13
GeofftheMedio_you'll have to talk to tzlaine about this... I don't maintain the scons scripts04:13
kroddnit seems to me that libboost now is separated in two sub-categories04:13
GeofftheMedio_looks like multithreaded and... single threaded?04:13
kroddni think so04:13
kroddnAnother question: is there no "clean" target with scons?04:14
GeofftheMedio_scons --clean04:14
GeofftheMedio_I suggest posting on the forums about the library naming issue04:14
kroddnGeofftheMedio_: the post in the forum04:15
kroddnthe people are NOT starving04:15
GeofftheMedio_and the same any other linux-minutia type issue... I can't really help with them04:15
GeofftheMedio_how much food is the planet producing?04:16
GeofftheMedio_and what focus settings are you using?04:16
kroddnboth focuses to spread04:16
GeofftheMedio_have you updated to svn, so the tooltips work?04:16
kroddnIf i do NO research, then this does not happen04:16
GeofftheMedio_hmm... did you build anything on the planet?04:16
kroddnI could not update because of the boost-problem ;-)04:16
kroddnI could not reproduce when it happens04:17
GeofftheMedio_well, did you build anything when it did?04:17
kroddnthe only thing i could reproduce is that there are 4 starving symbols and the infrastructure level going to zero next turn04:17
kroddnYes, i did04:17
kroddnBut it did not directly happen04:17
kroddnshould i send you a savegame?04:18
GeofftheMedio_g underscore topping at hotmail dot com04:19
GeofftheMedio_zip it, if it's a big one04:19
GeofftheMedio_I don't suppose you build "The Living Planet" ?04:20
kroddnI cannot test, because the clean ripped my freeorion exe04:20
kroddnNo, its about the sixths round i think04:20
kroddnyes it is04:20
kroddni deleted all researches and production, but after 2-3 rounds it happens again04:21
kroddnmail is out04:21
kroddnsavegames are very good to compress ^^04:21
GeofftheMedio_repetative text04:22
kroddnmaybe some zipping should be added04:22
GeofftheMedio_it already is, but is disabled at the moment04:22
GeofftheMedio_it also helps to use small galaxies for testing.  20 stars is a lot less than 50004:22
GeofftheMedio_re: the save: I see what you mean04:24
kroddni tried to find out if any research is causing that04:25
GeofftheMedio_I guess you started a game with lots of specials04:25
kroddni started the game just pressing okay04:25
GeofftheMedio_hmm.  well, you've got a lot of specials in the universe for some reason04:25
kroddnwhat do you mean?04:25
GeofftheMedio_there are 3 specials on each planet, or more04:26
GeofftheMedio_there's normally less than 1 on average04:26
GeofftheMedio_ah!  you researched "theoretical prerequisite"04:26
GeofftheMedio_it's a test tech04:26
GeofftheMedio_it adds a bunch of specials04:26
GeofftheMedio_my guess is that you researched it the turn before that save04:26
GeofftheMedio_the turn it's researched, it does nothing04:27
GeofftheMedio_the next turn, it creates a bunch of specials04:27
GeofftheMedio_the turn after that, those specials' effects kick in04:27
GeofftheMedio_which in this case, drastically reduces the food production of your planet04:28
kroddnokay is see04:28
kroddnon another NEW game the effect wont happen if the special is not there?04:29
GeofftheMedio_hmm... slight correction to the above:  the theoretical prerequisite tech kics in immediately, and the specials take effect a turn after... or something similar04:29
GeofftheMedio_in the new game, just don't research "theoretical prerequisite"04:29
kroddnyes, but i testet that04:29
kroddnanother game did not that effect when i researched it04:29
GeofftheMedio_you played a few turns after getting it and there was no such effect?04:31
GeofftheMedio_and you're sure you researched that particular tech?  It's called "Theoretical Prerequisite", and is an application.  if you read its description, it says it attaches a few specials to a few types of planet04:32
kroddnhm, now i am not so sure any more04:33
kroddnbut this research seemed to me that it could have that effect04:33
kroddni cannot compile now, because scons uses python24 grrrrr04:34
GeofftheMedio_you can't update scons?04:34
GeofftheMedio_er, python04:34
GeofftheMedio_it was necessary to update the version of python required, since it's built into the boost libs, and tzlaine didn't want to force people to use an old version of python04:35
kroddnscons always pics python2.404:35
kroddnit seems that only the win32 buildfiles where updated04:35
kroddnChecking for Py_Initialize() in C library python2.4... yes04:37
GeofftheMedio_hmm.  can you reset the python include / lib dirs?04:38
kroddnwhat do you mean with reset?04:39
GeofftheMedio_I was wondering if there was a with_python_libdir option04:39
GeofftheMedio_but I don't see one04:39
GeofftheMedio_it seems that since scons itself runs on python, it autodetects it04:39
GeofftheMedio_maybe there's an environment variable you need to set?04:39
kroddnokay, i hacked it04:41
GeofftheMedio_I guess post about this too04:41
kroddni made all symblinks point to python2.504:41
kroddnbut i hate changing system-files04:41
kroddnChecking for boost::archive::binary_iarchive::is_saving() in C++ library boost_serialization... no04:41
kroddnChecking for boost::archive::binary_iarchive::is_saving() in C++ library boost_serialization-mt... no04:41
kroddnBoost configuration... (cached) no04:41
GeofftheMedio_and it shouldn't be necessary04:42
kroddnnext problem ^^04:42
GeofftheMedio_you might need to rebuild boost to use python 2.504:42
GeofftheMedio_if it was previously using 2.404:42
kroddnhow can i test that?04:45
GeofftheMedio_uh... check the dependencies?04:46
GeofftheMedio_if it wants, then it's a problem04:46
kroddnboost seems to be compiled with python2.504:46
GeofftheMedio_hmm.  well, that's good04:46
kroddnuser-config.jam:using python : 2.5 : /usr ;04:47
kroddn Boost configuration... (cached) no  <--- what does that mean?04:47
GeofftheMedio_I think it means there's no previous working boost config info04:48
GeofftheMedio_or it might mean that it didn't cache a working config this time04:48
GeofftheMedio_I'm not really sure...04:48
kroddnhow can i delete the cach?04:49
GeofftheMedio_scons --no-cache  might help04:49
GeofftheMedio_or delete config.cache04:50
GeofftheMedio_(I'm sort of guessing here)04:50
kroddni did all that04:50
GeofftheMedio_ok... well, then there's probably no cache04:51
GeofftheMedio_so either it doesn't have a cached working config, or it isn't saving one04:52
kroddnokay, one error i found out04:52
kroddnits GG04:52
kroddn/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `boost::signals::detail::named_slot_map_iterator::dereference() const'04:52
kroddni recompile GG now04:52
kroddnthats really anoying, everyday another problem :-(04:53
GeofftheMedio_is that going to be any easier to scons configure than fo was?04:53
GeofftheMedio_you sort of picked a bad time to start getting up and going with freeorion... a bunch of dependency changes have happened in the last week, whereas there were none in the previous 6 months before (at least)04:54
kroddnNo problem, i will try to help getting it working :)04:54
GeofftheMedio_I appreciate the effort04:55
kroddnBut i did not know of "scons" before getting freeorion04:56
kroddnokay, seems that one problem is fixed now04:57
kroddnGG recompiled - works04:57
GeofftheMedio_I'm shocked04:57
kroddnmaybe the python2.4 problem04:57
GeofftheMedio_when you built scons, what version of python did you have?05:11
GeofftheMedio_you might need to rebuild it with python 2.5 to get it to use 2.5 when running05:12
kroddni did not build scons, just installed it05:12
GeofftheMedio_python install05:13
GeofftheMedio_"This will build SCons, install the scons script in the default system scripts directory..."05:14
GeofftheMedio_regardless, it might help to re-install it05:15
GeofftheMedio_I think when I did, it asked me what version of python to use... (though I'm on windows)05:15
kroddnokay, you are righ05:22
kroddn# dpkg-reconfigure scons05:22
kroddnValueError: the symlink /usr/bin/python does not point to the python default version. It must be reset to point to python2.405:23
kroddnbut freeorion built is okay05:23
GeofftheMedio_at last...05:24
kroddnit seems that debian unstable has some problems with these dependencies05:24
kroddnbut nontheless - freeorion should explicitly use python2.505:25
GeofftheMedio_it does...05:25
GeofftheMedio_or what do you mean by "explicitly" ?05:25
kroddntell scons to use python2.5 instead of python, or checking that python2.5 is available05:27
kroddnlike it is configured for win3205:27
GeofftheMedio_I think scons uses the version you build / isntall it with05:27
kroddnpython_win32_libname = 'python25'05:28
kroddnyou mix 2 things05:28
GeofftheMedio_I suppose05:28
kroddnscons uses python for internal processing05:28
GeofftheMedio_I know..05:28
kroddnAnd freeorion uses python05:28
kroddnthe freeotion-python must be 2.505:28
kroddnscons can run with 2.4, no problem05:29
GeofftheMedio_might be useful... you might want to put it in your post as a suggestion05:29
kroddni did05:29
kroddnnow the whole morning is over...05:30
kroddnand i did not earn any euro *g*05:31
GeofftheMedio_my condolences05:31
GeofftheMedio_you've earned my half-hearted admiration, if that's worth anything05:32
kroddnWhere do you come from?05:32
kroddnoh, its evening there?05:32
GeofftheMedio_2:30 AM05:32
GeofftheMedio_I would have gone to sleep, but you and someone else started talking...05:32
kroddnits 11:30 here05:32
kroddnso, now lets see if the tooltips now work...05:33
GeofftheMedio_they'd better...05:33
GeofftheMedio_I spent all that type making them...05:33
kroddnokay - very slow rotation is the problem05:34
kroddnnice, now i know the problem ^^05:34
GeofftheMedio_well.. really the problem is researching that tech05:35
kroddnthis Research is for developing purposes?05:35
GeofftheMedio_you shouldn't... it's just there so I can add effects to test05:35
kroddnyes, thats what i meantt05:35
kroddnthe rotating planets indeed cause much processor-power to be wasted05:35
GeofftheMedio_yeah.  there should probably be an option to turn them off in the GUI05:36
GeofftheMedio_though one does wonder why so much CPU is used... maybe opengl isn't using hardware when it should be05:36
kroddnthats a point05:39
kroddnmaybe i have to install the nvidia-drivers in the chroot05:39
kroddni'll try that05:39
GeofftheMedio_I don't think it's just you05:39
GeofftheMedio_they use a lot of CPU for me on windows also05:40
kroddnokay, almost time for eat. Lets play some more freeorion :-)05:49
kroddnone nice thing06:09
kroddnafter preloading the nvidia GL-libs, the processor is only at 50%06:09
GeofftheMedio_hmm.  shouldn't that happen automatically?06:10
kroddnyes, but i am running freeorion in a chroot06:10
kroddnwhich does not have the libGLnvidia**** libs installed06:11
kroddni manually copied them and preloaded them when running freeorion06:11
kroddnbut that is still to much power consumed for that little thing06:11
kroddnmaybe the planets are rendered to often per second06:12
kroddnit would be nice to know the FPS, which could be signalled somewhere in a corner06:12
GeofftheMedio_HumanClientApp.cpp line 12106:14
kroddnit seems that now after chaning to another nvidia-driver the X is not freezing any more06:16
kroddnokay, that is set but is it used?06:17
kroddnplaying is much more confortable with the nvidia GL-libs06:20
GeofftheMedio_how so?06:20
kroddnthe gui reacts faster06:20
kroddni think in soft-gl-mode the gui cannot guarantee 60FPS and because of that is slow06:21
GeofftheMedio_I'm getting 105 fps06:28
GeofftheMedio_despite the 60 limit06:28
GeofftheMedio_so... no06:28
GeofftheMedio_it's not limit06:28
kroddnit would be nice to see the framerate06:29
GeofftheMedio_put     EnableFPS();  on the line before HumanClientApp.cpp line 12106:30
GeofftheMedio_then put      Logger().debugStream() << "FPS: " << GG::GUI::GetGUI()->FPS();06:30
kroddnbefore or after?06:30
GeofftheMedio_into MapWnd::Render06:30
GeofftheMedio_before worked for me... I don't know if it matters06:30
kroddni added an option for setting maxFPs06:31
GeofftheMedio_ an option ?06:32
GeofftheMedio_not sure what you mean06:32
kroddnthe linking is still taking very very long ^^06:33
kroddnbut faster than 14 minutes now06:34
kroddni do not see the output...06:35
kroddno, do i have to compile with "debug"?06:35
GeofftheMedio_need to have log level debug06:35
GeofftheMedio_freeorion --log-level DEBUG06:35
GeofftheMedio_and it won't show up until you're in the mapwnd06:35
GeofftheMedio_ie. not on the title screen06:35
kroddnit doesn show up...06:36
GeofftheMedio_what screen are you on?06:36
GeofftheMedio_and it will appear on the command line from which you ran it, not in the GUI06:37
kroddnah sorry06:39
kroddnyou didnt tell me to watch the logfile :)06:39
kroddnits not in console but in logfile06:39
GeofftheMedio_it's on the console for me06:40
GeofftheMedio_change it to std::cout and put a std::endl on the end, if you prefer06:40
kroddnokay, the options works06:40
kroddni could set the framerate to 1506:40
GeofftheMedio_how did you make this option?06:40
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kroddnadding it to the config06:42
GeofftheMedio_that's not helpful to me...06:42
kroddno wait06:42
kroddni will make some patches06:42
kroddni'll have lunch06:45
kroddncheck your mail, i sent a patch06:45
kroddnits only 5 lines of code :)06:45
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vlitzeri am working in a similar proyect (by myself), perhaps a very simplified one in comparison with yours proyect. ( but checking your "TODO" list i have perhaps some already coded things that may serve.20:08
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