Tuesday, 2024-06-11

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philtoranyone familiar with the QuickLogic Symbiflow installation? It seems to be missing some library files: "ERROR: Can't open input file `/tools/QuickLogic/conda/bin/../share/quicklogic/cells_sim.v' for reading: No such file or directory"19:48
philtorI've got a yosys installation I build from source elsewhere and when I search it I find a 3 different cells_sim.v under share/yosys/quicklogic19:49
philtorshare/yosys/quicklogic/pp3/cells_sim.v, share/yosys/quicklogic/qlf_k6n10f/cells_sim.v and share/yosys/quicklogic/common/cells_sim.v19:50
philtorBut Quicklogic's symbiflow installation script seems to have not installed anything in it's conda/share/quicklogic directory19:52
philtor(in fact it doesn't even have the conda/share/quicklogic directory) (and why the heck are they wanting to install this stuff under conda?)19:53
philtorah, yeah, I think they're script is looking in the wrong place. Should be looking in conda/share/yosys/quicklogic19:59
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