Monday, 2023-05-08

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cr1901 What the hell does this error mean?05:48
cr1901"unexpected (" it's a task, not a module.05:48
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jixcr1901: the SV spec says "Tasks and void functions are called as statements within procedural blocks" which I think does not include module level statements outside of initial or always blocks08:34
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Guest7can we generate timing report in yosys??11:18
lethalbitThere is the `sta` pass, but i've not had super good luck with it11:37
lethalbitbut typically getting a timing report from something like nextpnr or the OpenROAD STA tool is better afaik11:37
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whitequarkyosyd does not have enough information to give you a meaningful timing report18:39
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cr1901jix: Ahhh then I guess what I want is impossible then (I wanted to call a task that creates an assert property (large_complex_boolean_expression_from_inputs))21:14
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