Sunday, 2022-12-25

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ereis there separate chat for gowin?09:30
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SarayanERROR: Multiple edge sensitive events found for this signal!11:50
Sarayanthat means multiple writes?11:50
Sarayanit's setting is in a always @(posedge clk32, negedge porb, negedge resb) begin11:51 signal ixdma, comes from AtariST_Mister11:52
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jixSarayan: AFAICT it's just that both porb as well as resb cause an async reset of ixdma, but yosys' FF cells can only have one ALOAD input12:29
jix(or an async reset instead of async load, but still same limitation)12:31
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jixsince the actual modelled behavior is just a level sensitive async reset when either of them is low, it's possible to use a single FF and connect the and of both of them to the async reset input12:35
Sarayanthanks, gonna try that12:39
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jixwait, maybe it's not this12:40
Sarayanyeah, doesn't change a thing12:42
Sarayanfwiw I'm trying to build a sim using
Sarayanthat coe overuses edges12:48
jixso with I don't get that error12:53
jix(the "wait, ..." was just me not noticing a typo I had made)12:54
jixI haven't really used cxxrtl myself, but when the design does lot of async stuff it might not work as is due to stuff like this
jixthe good news is that (depending on how the design uses async stuff) you might still be able to simulate it by using async2sync or clk2fflogic to convert it to a sync design before running it through cxxrtl12:57
jixSarayan: also works13:02
jixso the frontend does have the logic to combine multiple level sensitive resets (I also did vaguely remember seeing this), it just doesn't recognize the particular pattern used13:03
Sarayanoh cute13:05
Sarayanmuch thanks13:05
Sarayanyep, once I've added the missing modules cxxrtl generates the .cc, beautiful13:09
jixthe two ways that work also do match IEEE 1364.1 "Standard for Verilog Register Transfer Level Synthesis" while the original doesn't13:10
jixnot that yosys is limiting itself to that, lots of real world RTL doesn't strictly follow that and other tools do support more too, but following that probably still is a good way to make sure synthesis works and matches across tools13:11
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Sarayanthat all confirms my clear preference for amaranth13:12
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loftyere: #yosys-apicula 20:08
erelofty: thanks20:32
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