Saturday, 2022-12-24

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Raito_Bezariuslofty: thanks09:42
Raito_Bezariusit answer it pretty well09:42
loftyYou *can* in theory use nextpnr-mistral to place and route on the largest Cyclone V die (gt300f), which is probably not going to be *fast* but it should run basic code09:46
Raito_BezariusI was going to ask if the mistral project needs some help and what kind of help can be provided?09:48
Raito_Bezariusassuming I do have a Cyclone V around09:48
Raito_Bezariuslofty: ^09:48
loftyRaito_Bezarius: so, you probably figured I'm the same Lofty mentioned in the post09:52
loftyHere's the thing: the timings in nextpnr are... highly approximate.09:52
loftySarayan has - as far as I know - managed to extract the actual timing data, but we're waiting for him to actually put it in databases so that we can make use of that data09:54
lofty(the actual timing data is a bit awkward to use, however)09:54
loftySo the project has been kind of stalled on that.09:55
Raito_BezariusIs there any open PRs / issues / repos to look on that, lofty ?09:55
loftySee the thing is I'm pretty sure the timing data is going to change the API a large amount, so it feels a bit pointless to work on anything Mistral related until I have an API to use09:59
loftyLike, there is block RAM support in nextpnr, but it was a bit flakey, which makes me think that there might be timing issues10:01
loftyBut I can't *check* that unless I have timing information ^^;10:02
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