Sunday, 2022-01-02

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ikskuhand another rubber ducking is necessary15:16
ikskuhi have a memory "reg [7:0] framebuffer [15:0];" with 32k bytes size15:17
ikskuhand i have a wire accessing this based on the x address of the vga15:17
ikskuhwire [7:0] current_color_index = framebuffer[img_x[7:0]];15:17
ikskuhand i output that index to rgb in the pixel process15:17
ikskuhbut it seems like it's only respecting the last 8 bytes or so in the buffer15:18
lambdayou're only ever accessing one of the first 256 elements, is that intentional?15:18
ikskuhright now: yes15:18
ikskuhi have a small part that can read/write framebuffer memory via serial port15:19
ikskuhmaybe the writing is broken :D15:19
ikskuhis the framebuffer definition correct?15:21
ikskuh15 bits of addresses for 8 bit data?15:21
lambdayour buffer is 64KiB, not 32, but that shouldn't make much of a difference15:21
lambdaI think that's how you do arrays in verilog? I'm honestly not sure though15:21
ikskuhoh right15:23
ikskuhi think i have to run a memtest first :D15:23
ikskuhto see if that part is working as expected15:23
lambdamake sure it doesn't end up being blind to the problem :p15:24
lambdait's fairly easy to design a memtest that isn't actually very good at detecting systematic errors15:26
ikskuhah, yeah15:27
ikskuhi mean, "write random data to memory, read back, check if it's still the same" should do the trick15:27
lambdaoh, if you're doing it from the outside, sure - but doing that on device would require an PRNG15:28
ikskuhokay, so my memory access is borked 15:34
ikskuhi feel like that whole RAM thing doesn't work16:59
gatecatlooking over the backlog, it's not `framebuffer [15:0]` you want but `framebuffer [2**16-1:0]`17:00
gatecatit's a set of dimensions; not an address bus width17:00
ikskuhgatecat: thanks, i'll try!17:01
ikskuhcan you explain the difference?17:01
ikskuhreg [TOP:BOT] framebuffer [IND_UPPER : IND_LOWER] ?17:01
lambdaI guess think of it as `reg [WORD_HIGH : WORD_LOW] framebuffer [ARRAY_HIGH : ARRAY_LOW]`17:02
ikskuhwow ^^17:03
ikskuhconsistency \o/17:03
ikskuhlet's see17:03
ikskuhWarning: Replacing memory \fake_ram with list of registers. See src/top.v:151 "oh no"?17:04
lambdathat's gonna cost you with 64KiB :D17:04
ikskuh"please wait, we're synthesizing your fpga away"17:05
lambdathere should be some output from memory inference further up detailing why various block RAMs don't work17:06
ikskuhi probably have to enable the verbose output :D17:07
ikskuhi only have warnings/errors active right now17:07
ikskuhnot much smarter now17:09
ikskuhreg [31:0] ram [0:MEM_WORDS-1];17:15
ikskuhthis is from prjtrellis repo17:15
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ikskuhit looks like the memory_bram pass is never made? 17:25
lambdawhat's your script?17:28
ikskuhconnect_rpc -exec python3 scripts/genpll.py17:32
ikskuhread -sv src/*.v; 17:32
ikskuhsynth_ecp5 -top top -json build/top.json17:32
ikskuhit looks like theres a wrong order and the brams aren't resolved17:32
ikskuhwhere can i find the synth_ecp5 function/script?17:33
ikskuhi removed my second bram definition17:38
ikskuhfixed the first one17:38
ikskuhnow it seems to not replace it anymroe17:38
ikskuhpnr is running now17:38
tpbTitle: View paste PA4A (at
ikskuhseems to do the right thing now17:39
lambdafyi, the synth_ecp5 pass is defined here:
ikskuhpnr is still running /o\17:43
ikskuhif i build the tools, do i have to pass optimization modes myself or are the toolchains built optimized by default? *thinking*17:44
lambdathat's alotta luts for a VGA driver17:44
lambdawhat do you mean by optimization modes?17:44
ikskuh"-O3" and -"farch=native"17:47
ikskuhlambda: that's 32k17:47
lambdayosys defaults to -Os17:47
lambdanextpnr defaults to -O317:51
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ikskuhsomething is wrong18:26
ikskuhpnr still running /o\18:26
ikskuhlambda: aren't the luts required for interconnect of the RAM?18:27
lambdadefinitely not more than a few of them18:27
lambdafor read/write enable conversion and such18:28
ikskuhhm, weird18:28
ikskuhreducing ram size to 256 bytes18:28
ikskuhreduced cell count by "yes" :D18:28
ikskuhNumber of cells:               147418:28
ikskuhsynthesis for 256 memory cells works18:51
ikskuhi can write them18:51
ikskuhProperties: ports=3 bits=65536 rports=2 wports=1 dbits=8 abits=13 words=819219:13
ikskuhthis seems to generate all these wires :(19:13
ikskuhit seems to generate 2048 rams19:14
gatecatit looks like it's mapping to LUTRAM rather than BRAM19:14
gatecatwhat does the code look like ?19:14
tpbTitle: View paste ZQAQ (at
ikskuhline 88 (transitive 148) is where i read 19:17
ikskuhand in the process at line 5719:17
gatecatso, to map to BRAM, reads must all be in a clocked process19:18
ikskuhthey are, right?19:18
ikskuhor is the rst a problem?19:18
gatecatrst is a problem19:18
ikskuhso synchronous reset is key?19:18
gatecatso the current_color_index won't map to BRAM19:18
gatecatno reset at all19:19
gatecaton the BRAM read port register19:19
ikskuhi can make the reading part into a resetless process, right?19:20
gatecatI'm also not sure if nested 'if's are alright for BRAM reads19:20
gatecatthey should be but there have been bugs in various tools in the past19:21
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ikskuhlet's see19:22
ikskuhi'm still a learner19:22
ikskuhcommit, change, let's rock!19:24
ikskuhNumber of memories:               019:25
ikskuhshould go up, right?19:25
gatecatno, that's about unmapped memories19:26
ikskuhah, okay :)19:26
gatecatit should never be anything other than 0 post-synthesis, whatever happens, that's memories in the early part Yosys' IL which doesn't include BRAM etc19:27
gatecatmapping to BRAM should show "DP16KD" or "PDPW16KD" in the results19:27
ikskuhBram port B1.2 has no sync reset input.19:27
Sarayanwhat's a reset supposed to do on a memory?19:32
SarayanI know on cyclonev it clears the output latch and nothing else, in particular not the memory contents19:33
ikskuhhm, now it complains "Bram port B1.1 has no initial value support."19:33
gatecatSarayan: yeah, if memories have resets they're invariably just for the read latch19:33
gatecatbut Yosys can't map them yet19:34
gatecatikskuh: remove the `= 5'h00;` in `reg [4:0] vga_b_buf= 5'h00;`19:34
gatecatBRAM read ports don't support initialisation in ECP519:34
ikskuhsynthesis is suddenly down to "immediate"19:36
ikskuh :D19:36
ikskuhDP16KD:    26 /   208 ( 12%)19:37
ikskuhthis looks good19:37
gatecatlooks good!19:37
ikskuhdoesn't work :D19:38
ikskuhseems to be stuck on 0x3F19:40
ikskuhokay, this was definitly me being stupid19:45
ikskuhmemtest seems to run now19:45
ikskuhi could hug you right now, gatecat!19:45
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ikskuhgatecat, lambda: thanks for the help! you made this possible:
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