Thursday, 2019-01-17

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine04:54
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*** RexOrCine is now known as RexOrCine|away13:07
*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl14:24
*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO18:33
felix_after accidentially frying the eprom emulator i need for some commercial project (who expects unused pins being conected to 12v?!), i had some time to work a bit on the axiom photonsdi hw again today...23:28
Bertl_oOeprom emulator? sounds interesting!23:39
felix_it was a memsim2 and i'm currently working on a board from i think 1997 or so23:42
felix_i connected the leds on the sdi board to +1v8 now; can't really route them to the +3v3 io bank23:43
felix_i like orange leds, so that's not a too big problem though ;)23:47
Bertl_oOmaybe connect them to 3V3 and use the 1V8 bank anyway?23:54
felix_does that work realiably or might that cause problems?23:55
Bertl_oO3.3-1.8 = 1.5V and that is below any LED forward voltage, no?23:55
felix_yep; so that should work23:56
Bertl_oOso there is no chance that the ping gets pulled up above 1.8V23:56
Bertl_oOwith the typical 1K-10K for indicators nowadays, the current is not a problem either23:56
felix_that was my concern there, but with only 1.5v difference we're on the safe side. also the rather big resistor23:56
felix_getting the 3.3v to the leds is no problem23:57
felix_in terms of routability23:57

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