Thursday, 2023-12-07

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Hammdistanyone knows if 8.2 is supported? would it work to just build an image for 8.0?20:14
Hammdistthis is in relation to colorlight 5a-75b20:14
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Hammdistit seems some of the components are different on the 8.220:28
Hammdistthe markings on the ethernet phys say 8211FP, not 8211FD (as in the 8.0)20:28
Hammdistas far as I can tell by looking it up, there is no such chip as the 8211FP though20:29
Hammdistis there such a thing as misprints and typos in chip markings?20:30
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Hoernchen_it appears to work on 8.2, but eth is apparently a bit flaky, and pings get lost21:21
Hoernchen_it is hard to tell why tho, it might just be general timing issues when building the bitstream21:22
Hammdisttiming issues sound like they would affect all versions equally, if that were the case. dunno what it might be though21:45
Hoernchen_yeah but the problem is that no one is building images for those boards and there have been years of changes21:52
Hoernchen_the problem is that you can't define false paths that should be ignored so there have always been timing errors, and I don't know if any of that was ever better/worse or matters at all21:53
Hammdisthm. well my design passes timing without errors in nextpnr at speed grade 6 ... I haven't got around to testing it on the colorlight yet, I have only tested it on the lattice versa board and it seemed to work there but there was a strange problem very similar to what you describe (corrupt ethernet packets, i.e., packet loss in the end)21:56
Hoernchen_changing the timing parameter didn't improve anything21:57
Hoernchen_..but flooding basically "improves" the packet flow21:58
Hammdistso I should try to source the v7 boards, if possible in 2023 q421:59
Hoernchen_one is like 15 bucks so just give it a try21:59
Hoernchen_but if your design passes timing on the versa.. well, just check it for the colorlight, and if it passes timing it might just work22:00
Hoernchen_tho if you are seeing the same issues on the versa i guess something might be broken after all22:00
Hammdistyeah I put the same design that passes at speed grade 6 on a 5g part ... it can't be the timing22:01
HammdistI tried to determine whether the errors in ethernet are rx or tx, and found out that, surprisingly, they are both, though rx is affected to a significantly greater extent than tx. I don't know what more to try. I suspect the lattice ddrs simply can't do rgmii. I will probably be switching to xilinx next - maybe that will work better.23:25

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