Thursday, 2023-07-13

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sensillejevinskie[m]: oh, nice, that helps, thanks05:49
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keesj1LiteX was mentioned quite a few times at the free silicon conference this week. 08:32
tntOoooohhhhh ... I'm trying to upgrade project to 2023.4 and I already fear the changes in the pcie dma.12:32
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tntOk, so interestingly it seems the DMA frontend upstream has now been modified to do ... exactly what I used to patch it to do.14:55
tnt(well, equivalent to at least). By 3f040ac9c61db5dd357eab7289d471de0422b0b7 .  So that now in prog_mode, the index is no longer just "reset" to 0 when the table happens to be empty.14:57
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_florent_tnt: This was a request from a client. Otherwise, since this DMA is use on different projects with their own software, the changes should only be fixes or additional features, so I don't expect that much issue with your update (at least on this point)17:44
tnt_florent_: Well the default litepci driver uses loop mode, but I've always used 'prog_mode' with my own driver.17:58
tntBut before this change, prog mode wasn't really all that useful TBH, which is why I was already patching the hw. Now I can just use upstream.18:00
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_florent_prog_mode was indeed just used during the programmation before.19:35
tnt_florent_: Did anything change in the way CSR are created when using LiteXModule vs just Module,AutoCSR ? Or just with some recent changes ?21:27
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