Wednesday, 2023-07-12

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riktwHi everyone. I have a quick question. I'm doing stuff with Litex lately, I got a SoC and added a few peripherals and want to make some software for it. My current approach is to use the litex_term to upload new software in it. I compile and then reboot the FPGA, the bios starts and software is loaded in.07:28
riktwThis all works pretty nicely. But every boot the bios does a memtest and memory speed test. Is this something that can be disabled easily via an argument on building the SoC, or do I need to comment it out or such in the bios sourcecode?07:29
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_florent_riktw: Hi, you can disable the sdram test with
_florent_this is used here in simulation to avoid corrupting data that has been pre-initialized08:12
riktw@_florent_, Ah cool, I'll give that a try :) 08:16
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sensillei really have a hard time with the litex documentation. i have my script that builds the bitstream for ecp5 with diamond. how do i use it for a simulation now? the project is mixed verilog/vhdl11:41
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_florent_sensille: If you want to simulate with verilator, you'll first have to convert your vhdl to verilog, this can be done like this:
gurkinote that this ^ can backfire badly, since vhdl and verilog are quite different16:06
sensillei tried that some time ago, but the amount of errors it spilled out was not encouraging. trying to get modelsim to work for now.16:06
gurkii wouldnt trust a simulation/validation done with a conversion to be true to the original16:07
_florent_sensille: with modelsim, you'll have to create a small testbench around the generated LiteX design and provide all the files used in the LiteX design to modelsim.16:08
gurkiwe need vhdlator! :316:09
_florent_gurki: GHDL has greatly improved the last years on this and we can succesfully already simulate nice VHDL projects with it: Ex Microwatt, NeoRV32 or Mister's Scaler core. 16:10
_florent_gurki: I've also used it to develop some VHDL code for clients without issues.16:10
gurki'it runs. somehow.' doesnt equal validation of the original hdl though16:11
sensillethe code I use has internal tri-state busses. can ghdl handle that?16:11
gurkii have synthesized both converted and not converted neorv32 for funsies a while ago. quite different results16:12
gurkiso no, i dont trust thiw conversion16:13
gurkibut im derailing. lets talk sensilles actual problems :)16:14
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jevinskie[m]I once added cocotb support which worked, iirc, with modelsim. I also once made a VPI wrapper around the LiteX verilator sim modules so they could work across simulators (iverilog was my target then)
jevinskie[m]If there’s interest I could resurrect those and add modelsim/questasim support 17:40
gurkijevinskie[m]: how can i buy you coffee to convince you to do so? :317:46
riktw_florent_: I had to go for self.add_constant("CONFIG_MAIN_RAM_INIT") and not SDRAM_TEST_DISABLE as I'm using a Tang nano with hyperram, but that makes development a little easier :) 17:57
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cr1901cocotb explicitly doesn't support mingw python (what could they be doing that's _so_ advanced that it _mandates_ MSVC ABI?) and I'm not completely changing my workflow for a single package. So unfortunately I can't use it.19:49
sensillemodelsim does not seem to handle the generated verilog well20:16
sensilleIteration limit 5000 reached at time 0 fs.20:16
sensillebut i'm still at the start of understanding this20:16
sensillefirst thing to notice is that it uses non-blocking assignments in always (@*) blocks20:18
cr1901That is considered good form, tho I couldn't tell you why offhand (see Cliff Cummings' papers on nonblocking assignments for an actual reason)20:19
sensille"Guideline: Use blocking assignments in always blocks that are written to generate20:19
sensillecombinational logic"20:19
sensille(from the mentioned paper, which states the opposite)20:24
cr1901sensille: You're correct, I swapped the two in my head20:26
cr1901meaning if I wrote out an example I would've used "=" and called in "nonblocking" lmao20:26
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jevinskie[m]There is a toggle in the Verilog generator that might fix that

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