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slagernate | sadly I dont' have access to pins that use i2c on my board -.- will have to somehow jumper or something | 00:17 |
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slagernate | is there a command line option / argument for LiteXArgumentParser to disable the jtag port (post program) for a nexus device in LiteX? | 04:12 |
slagernate | without having to modify the fpga pnr script (e.g. lattice_crosslink_nx_evn.tcl)? | 04:15 |
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slagernate | okay, I'm dumb. I needed to use LVCMOS18H for pins W5 / Y5 on the crosslinknx (bank 5 is high performance) instead of LVCMOS33. FPGA error messages have a long way to go... | 08:49 |
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somlo | ordered a stlv7325 on jan 18; got a notification saying "seller failed to ship on time, order cancelled, automatic refund in 3-to-20 business days" :( | 11:33 |
somlo | does this happen often with aliexpress? (it's the first time I tried ordering anything from there) | 11:34 |
tnt | somlo: with hard to find chips, yes. | 11:36 |
tnt | You might have a message in you inbox from the seller saying they can find one for a higher price too .. | 11:37 |
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somlo | tnt: interesting and good to know, thanks | 12:17 |
somlo | oh, and no private email from the seller (yet) :) | 12:18 |
somlo | I guess I'll just wait for the refund, and maybe at some point I might try again, unless something shiny happens and I get distracted :D | 12:18 |
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slagernate | re: a command for litex to disable jtag post program (via a line in .pdc). Found it: e.g.: `platform.add_platform_command("ldc_set_sysconfig {{MASTER_SPI_PORT=SERIAL}}")` | 23:19 |
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