Wednesday, 2022-12-14

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jevinskie[m]<jevinskie[m]> "It looks like dynamic timing (e..." <- Ok after a bit of a fright about verilator errors and some more model patching the model runs under both verilator and Icarus verilog. :) here is the patch if anyone is interested
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jevinskie[m]Does anybody have examples of software that intelligently/prettily prints in decimal or hex? Obviously 1000 should be decimal and 0xFFFFF should be hex but what’s a good algorithm or set of heuristics to use? This is in reference to
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MoeIcenowysomlo: I think the code that generates DTS in rocket-chip seems to be out-of-date03:16
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somloin that case we should consider submitting a PR with an update or fix to
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