Tuesday, 2022-12-06

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MoeIcenowysomlo: you never need to get this if you have a VC70703:47
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cr1901I wonder how I can get "gigantic FPGA board that has more resources than I can use in a lifetime" for not too much money. Even the largest FPGA board I own- lx45 or 35t- is a medium-small/medium size FPGA06:15
sensillea Kintex 7 XC7K325T looks like a good step in that direction06:37
sensillefrom the above mentioned store06:37
sensille_florent_: i misread the code, the uart does synchronize to the edge of the start bit and samples in the middle of the bittime, so only filtering could be added08:42
MoeIcenowysensille: QMTECH has some more cheap 7k325t, but I choose Sitlinv one because it has some useful peripherals08:58
MoeIcenowyand STLV7325 has GTPs wired out08:59
MoeIcenowyQM 325t board just wasted them08:59
MoeIcenowyfor Sitlinv one you can use LitePCIe, LiteSATA, LiteETH with SFP with GTPs08:59
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MoeIcenowy(well to be honest I used none now09:00
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wildon the topic of adding support for multiple BARs in litepcie, wouldnt the place to target be the address decoder fed into LitePCIeSlaveInternalPort?12:10
wildi know now since testing that other BAR hits will be detected and be translated, I had BAR1 read into a space that BAR0 was mapped to.12:11
wildthe issue is decoding the incoming address for different regions.12:11
wildsupport for multiple base addresses12:12
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