Tuesday, 2022-11-08

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amstanbentomo: i would totally read a blog post of what you're doing right now05:52
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Melkhiorhello, looking at the decklink mini 4K for HDMI, I understand it's using a SN65DP159 (or 75DP159) to produce the HDMI output signal from the GPT pins. Presumably the DP159 is coupled by inline capacitor as in the datasheet. Should it be possible to use a TDP0604 (https://www.ti.com/product/TDP0604 ) instead ? It seems easier to handle as it only use one power rail and most configuration can be left floating when putting it in I2C 09:24
Melkhiormode it seems... but I'm not sure it will accept whatever signals the GTPs TX of an Artix-7 will output when using Litex'  VideoS7GTPHDMIPHY...09:24
tpbTitle: TDP0604 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com (at www.ti.com)09:24
Melkhiors/configuration/configuration pins/09:24
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_florent_Melkhior: I would need to have a closer look, for info; on BlackMagic Atem Mini a TDP158 is used for similar purpose (this also seems to be a chip used (it also seems to be used on some consoles).13:25
_florent_somlo: nice for the fix, that's probably the issue in https://github.com/litex-hub/linux-on-litex-vexriscv/issues/18713:27
_florent_and https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/issues/149213:27
Melkhior_florent_: the TDP158 seems quite similar to the 65DP159 - and it also requires the 1.1V VDD in addition to the 3.3V VCC :-(13:37
Melkhiorthere's a document to migrate between the 65DP159 and TDP158, but it seems the TDP0604 is different...13:40
Melkhiorany known-to-work-with-Litex schematic for the GTP-based HDMI out there ? The few boards I see are 'production' board with no schematics13:43
somlo_florent_: I commented on #187, thanks for pointing it out. In retrospect, I should probably have cc-ed geertu on the irq stuff when I sent it to lkml anyway... :)13:59
geertusomlo: _florent_: thx, will give it a try next Tuesday14:01
geertusomlo: I did notice the IRQ stuff in litex-rebase earlier today ;-)14:01
somlo_florent_: 1492 is probably unrelated, since they're complaining about loading a kernel into LiteX over the uart, that's before there's Linux running on the system14:02
somlogeertu: it's what finally allowed me to boot Fedora on LiteX + Rocket14:03
geertusomlo: Do I need a recent gateware? I haven't updated mine since Jul  2 202114:04
somlowhen fbcon and/or agetty or whatever kicked in, the kernel started to panic in polling-only mode. Band-aid was to ensure the polling timer cycle was at least 70 jiffies (at 50 MHz), but the "right way" was to use irq :)14:04
somlogeertu: I don't know for sure re gateware, but I don't expect that to be a problem14:05
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somlo_florent_: on second thought, they're trying to load applications into an already running linux system over the UART, so that may be applicable (gotta work on my reading comprehension :) 14:12
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MoeIcenowy_florent_: BTW why is there litedram f6d6611a81bf9bc3015fefd280dad34fe455f2ed ("software/liblitedram: Introduce SDRAM_PHY_DELAY_JUMP and set to 4 on 7-Series instead of 1 to improve calibration robustness on some boards.") ?15:22
MoeIcenowy(I am feeling my STLV7325's memory not so stable too, even with current litedram15:25
MoeIcenowysorry, this is not litedram commit, but litex commit (for software related to litedram)15:25
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MoeIcenowywell I do see something like 00001011111111110100000000000000 when doing read leveling15:29
MoeIcenowyBTW as the external clock of STLV7325 is 200M, I am thinking whether it's possible to directly feed to to IDELAYCTRL15:31
MoeIcenowyis there any phase requirement for IDELAYCTRL?15:32
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MoeIcenowywell I somewhat understood f6d6611a81bf9bc3015fefd280dad34fe455f2ed, but now I think it could be not so optimal15:51
MoeIcenowyshould we just count continous 1's?15:51
MoeIcenowyconsider the 1's seperated by 0's some error15:51
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Melkhiorsomlo: have you tried NaxRiscv as an alternative to Rocket for RV64?17:55
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jersey99Hi All, I know there has been a little bit work with integrating ghdl. But has anyone had good luck simulating vhdl code via a ghdl converter embedded in litex?19:21
jersey99To be a bit more specific, I have a few vhdl modules embedded in litex, and would like to run a top-level simulation. This would require some sort of conversion of vhdl to verilog. Wondering if any of this work is automated19:23
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_florent_MoeIcenowy: That's indeed the pattern I saw with the STLV7325 and the reason of this commit. This was a quick solution for my board but could indeed probably be improved using what you suggest or some kind of low-pass filtering20:12
_florent_Melkhior: I've also tried to convince somlo to test NaxRiscv, now we are two :)20:13
_florent_jersey99: That was one of trabucayre's motivation for this work yes20:15
jersey99_florent_ .. Ok, that's cool. Let me give it a try!20:16
_florent_jersey99: if you do things similarly to what is done in NeoRV32 or Microwatt, LiteX should to the conversion by itself and allow you to simulate for example with Verilator20:17
jersey99Yep. I am instantiating that vhd2vconverter thing20:17
jersey99and hoping that Verilator is going to even give a speedup compared to the snail ghdl is :p20:18
_florent_this should be faster yes :)20:21
somlo_florent_ is there some writeup "for dummies" on how to build a NaxRiscv based LiteX? I would like to compare the ability to run things like e.g. Fedora (or at least the busybox/initrd based linux) vs. Rocket20:34
somloguess I could just look at litex/soc/cores/cpu/naxriscv/core.py and pick something that looks promising :)20:35
somloOTOH the core.py for naxriscv looks a bit scary and intimidating, with lots of args instead of stupid-simple variants like I'm used to from Rocket :)20:37
somloso after all, a "for dummies" writeup might still come in handy...20:37
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jersey99_florent_Is the dependency just out of the box ghdl for this? ghdl-mcode --out=verilog errors out with unknown command option.21:07
_florent_jersey99: now that you say this, I have to admit I haven't tested myself the latest change: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/pull/147521:17
_florent_jersey99: I could do tomorrow21:17
jersey99Ok, thanks. Let me look around21:18
jersey99Let me build ghdl21:20
_florent_somlo: You can find some info here: https://spinalhdl.github.io/NaxRiscv-Rtd/main/NaxRiscv/hardware/index.html21:20
tpbTitle: Hardware — NaxRiscv documentation (at spinalhdl.github.io)21:20
_florent_python3 -m litex_boards.targets.digilent_nexys_video --cpu-type=naxriscv  --bus-standard axi-lite --with-video-framebuffer --with-spi-sdcard --with-ethernet --xlen=64 --scala-args='rvc=true,rvf=true,rvd=true' --build --load21:21
_florent_But NaxRiscv still does not have a DMA interface, so you'll have to use SDCard in SPI mode for now21:22
_florent_Other than that, this should work since that's the configuration that has been used to boot Debian21:22
somlo_florent_: interesting, thanks! I'll give that a shot over the next week or so21:25
zypDMA interface in what sense?22:05
jersey99FYI, _florent_ I am able to get it going with ghdl built from master22:19
_florent_zyp: At least for cache coherency (ie do the LiteSDCard DMA access through this interface)22:21
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somlowhere the core(s)+L1cache "assembly" is a DMA slave that keeps both the internal cache and external DRAM updated when a master device (e.g., litesdcard, litesata, etc) transfers data through it22:45
somlorocket has one, not sure if vexriscv does22:45
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